Presidential Debate ENN Liveblog

HEM said:
HEM @ 11:32pm EST: Fuck, it just got intense.

CSP is throwing trivia questions about the world toward McEntire. It has been a common assertion from both CSP's and Elias' campaigns that...maybe Mac is a little too out of touch to live in the Goldenblock.

McEntire shows class by admitting when he doesn't know something. While CSP may be seeking to make a specific point on military policy, it is a solemn promise that _every_ President, no matter who they are, will find lots of stuff they aren't aware of.

This by far wasn't a shining moment for CSP. I bet his attacks hurt him.
Was it really an attack? Was I being malicious? Is my responsibility not to distinguish the candidates in a debate? I think they were fair questions to ask.
HEM @ 11:45pm EST: After a nap for the last few minutes of the debate, Elias directs a question toward Mac as well.

The dialogue of this question (some paraphrased)

Elias: "Your admitted military ideologies are differing from the vast majority of the current commander structure of the ERN."

McEntire: "Nu uh"

Elias: "lol kk, but who should be the navys leader?"

CSP: "Hahahaha lollerskates we rock @EGreygoy @CerQuil"

Swakistek: "I like eating human flesh"

McEntire: "I'm not going to answer that question, cuz I don't think it is our national interest."

Elias: "Hold on I'm still talking"

Swakistek: "Child please."
HEM @ 11:50pm EST: Now that Swak revealed that that was my question I have to reveal that he is secretly is Unibot.
HEM said:
HEM @ 11:50pm EST: Now that Swak revealed that that was my question I have to reveal that he is secretly is Unibot.
PASD @ 11:51pm EST: I thought that was known already. :ph43r:
HEM @ 11:52pm EST: "Who would you vote for who isn't you?"

Elias: George.
McEntire: CSP
CSP: I'm god.
HEM @ 12:07am EST: Closing statements, thank CSP...erm...God...

Looking toward the post-debate I think some things really stood out:

McEntire was on defense the entire debate. Both candidates were hitting at him, because he had several high profile gaffes early in the campaign. Despite this, he comes out looking fairly...well..Presidential. I think he didn't panic, he didn't get too aggressive, he was just honest and open.

Elias, like Mac, came into this debate with something to prove. He really had to show off his technical knowledge and show-up the three time former President. I don't think he did that. Too many answers were too brief, too superficial, too...short (especially toward the end).

Now, he did put on some serious stones by bucking the crowd on the super alliance question. But that as really his shining moment -- at the very start -- and it wasn't *that* great.

CSP was probably the winner of the debate, though it was close. He showed off the breadth of his experience and knowledge in a tough gruff way that can be very appealing for a Presidential figure. Did he get too aggressive? Hard to say.

On the whole though, this was a face paced but still fairly high quality debate. Good show. :clap:

Moving from the Debates

- McEntire needs to smooth over some of his technical issues, he has to avoid any major gaffes in the last day of the campaign. He needs to keep underlining his experience and his good sense of "direction" over the technocrats. He has to speak more about his experience in previous government positions and the roles he has held that makes him more ready to be President than someone who knows the military chiefs of the world in alphabetical order.

- Elias needs to sell his vision of Foreign Policy. If people are convinced by McEntire and CSP's position, he probably isn't going to win. He needs to deal with some nitty gritty details -- releasing some "position papers" on certain ministries might not be a bad idea.

- CSP needs to avoid any major gaffes and continue to sell his version of the Independent Europeia. It is his version vs. Elias' in many ways. The major gaffes part is important too, because for CSP voters their second choice will probably be Mac (or Verteger :p )

ENN is still considering this race a toss up, though CSP may have a slight edge at present. Only time will tell.

Signing off from ENN.
Common-Sense Politics said:
Was it really an attack? Was I being malicious? Is my responsibility not to distinguish the candidates in a debate? I think they were fair questions to ask.
Not even there. Why am I getting mentioned?
Elias Greyjoy said:
> those who don't vote for CSP will vote Mac
> the race is a toss up
> /logic

Because of how the runoff works, and the low quality of the polling so far, it so is.

And I said probably. I honestly have no idea. I'm a fly by night media outlet at the moment :p
Cerian Quilor said:
Common-Sense Politics said:
Was it really an attack? Was I being malicious? Is my responsibility not to distinguish the candidates in a debate? I think they were fair questions to ask.
Not even there. Why am I getting mentioned?
Goddamn ZB!

Hit quote on the wrong post.

What was the point in mentioning that Bradshaw thing? Link?