Presidential Debate ENN Liveblog

HEM @ 10:53pm EST: It's getting hot over the EBC!

"If you have failed to revive the EBC twice, why should we have any confidence in your ability to effect positive change as president?" - Common-Sense Politics

#EBC #Gettingfiesty
HEM said:
HEM @ 10:52pm EST: Elias is asking some questions now, preliminary reports have Swakistek bagged and gagged in some shack in east Africa.
Swak @ 1:59 AEST: Don'
HEM @ 11:01pm EST: CSP said, "So we'll just concede the point then. Europeia will never have a vibrant media sector, got it."

These are two slightly competing visions here. Mac is presenting something resembling a..."realist" approach where he is basically saying, "Hey, we'll give it a good go, but this has never been our strongest point."

CSP is seeming to want to change that. Traditionally, a more optimistic stance is preferred by the voter, but McEntire does have a point. It's why our elections are about recruiting and FoPo and not the University.
HEM @ 11:02pm EST: We _finally_ get away from culture and to our third question on the Recruitment Revolution.
Rach @ 11:04pm EST: I don't like the attacks by CSP on Mcs performance on the EBC or Mcs on the EBCs performance during his terms. Particularly CSP using it as a barometre of Mcs ability to be President. We've all had our downsides and to judge a Presidents abilities by their ability to have success with the EBC is a bit over the top.
HEM @ 11:04pm EST: Europeia: The Land of where sometimes the IRC chatroom discussing the debate is more heated than the debate itself.

#ApolloAnumia #CSP #Huh?
Rach @ 11:05pm EST: I wonder if anyone will bring up the fact that HEM has a lot of control over Europeias PARANS.....
HEM @ 11:07pm EST: The vaguest answers of the night on immigration...

McEntire: "Rule it in, rule it out, take me out tonight baby? Who knows what's going on, but I'll be ready on day one!"

Elias: "We can ask for donations toward Europeia, but I don't want to. But you can donate at the following paypal account while continuing to use PARANS!"

CSP: "It will be a mixed back with no particulars. I promise."

(this is satire)
HEM @ 11:11pm EST: After an interesting conversation on underwear telegram preferences we are moving to question four. It's all about integrating 'dem citizens.

PS: 11:11 make a wish.
HEM @ 11:15pm EST: Some more specific answers here, many of them relating to the previous conversation on the Recruitment Revolution.

McEntire sees CI as a Ministry made to get and keep citizens on the forum. Traditionally the "keep" portion was more of a cultural duty -- though the mentor program etc has shifted that. It would have been interesting to hear if he had any plans for CI engaging in more culture-esq duties...
HEM @ 11:19pm EST: Elias plans to merge CI and Interior...

...that's literally all I got from that.
HEM @ 11:20pm EST: CSP here is noting that Europeia does not have a magic formula for citizen retention. What's interesting is that he find that more palatable in CI rather than culture, which he attacked McEntire for not having a full plan on Uni/EBC.

CSP does bring heft to the discussion though. His simplification* strategy is truly unique point that may steal this question for him overall.

*When he spoke about guides and the forum main page etc.
HEM @ 11:23pm EST: We've reached the military captain. Let's see how the candidates tackle the Navy issue. This should be CSP's strongest question.

Also Elias is ready to bolt from the debate apparently. :creepy:
HEM @ 11:25pm EST: McEntire's point about the navy being an integration tool was probably his shining moment so far. Most people really focus on the efficiency of our navy as a FoPo tool and a military tool -- which duh, it is -- but McEntire is bringing the navy to a different light here. Very interesting.
HEM @ 11:26pm EST: Elias comes out and says he wants differing types of military missions. CSP on the other hand adds his experience to the question and shows his understanding of the terrain. He has shown a consistency of this debate toward promoting a brazenly independent Europeia. That has made his performance stand out, and it is tied together in this naval question.
HEM @ 11:31pm EST: There was this moment when President Lethen (Feb. 2008) was publicly berating one of his Cabinet Ministers -- Bradshaw the Skeptic -- about being inactive where he says, "My god Bradshaw, thank God I didn't run on a platform strong on culture."

Elias was the only candidate who didn't shine on this military question, so it's good that FoPo and not the Navy is the centerpiece of his campaign.
HEM @ 11:32pm EST: Fuck, it just got intense.

CSP is throwing trivia questions about the world toward McEntire. It has been a common assertion from both CSP's and Elias' campaigns that...maybe Mac is a little too out of touch to live in the Goldenblock.

McEntire shows class by admitting when he doesn't know something. While CSP may be seeking to make a specific point on military policy, it is a solemn promise that _every_ President, no matter who they are, will find lots of stuff they aren't aware of.

HEM said:
HEM @ 10:20pm EST: Swakistek asks the first question about mega alliances. I can just see Anumia feebly yelling profanities from his decrepit body. Let's see what the candidates will have to say.
[me]@ now: Bloody superalliances don't you kids dare try that nonsense again! *shakes fist*
HEM @ 11:36pm EST: I thinks this moment of the debate will be closely looked at during the "scoring" phase by Europeian experts. It is my inkling that CSP will come off as more of an aggressor than an expert in his...interrogation(?) of McEntire's Foreign Policy information.