Foreign Update - Jan 14 - Drafting

Since the last foreign update got ridiculously behind schedule(mostly due to the clusterfuck of FU protocol not being established between MinComm and MoFA) we're going to start working on the next one now. Obviously not much has happened since the last one, but any time an internal or external event happens that we feel should be included in the update comm members will post about it, and what they feel is the relevant information. This way when it comes time to actually piece the thing together it will be much easier and faster. I will also be posting a proper schedule for making Foreign Updates for both MinComm and MoFA to follow.
New Cabinet
Mock Trials
GAP update - consult with Foreign Cultivation/Anumia?
Citizen's Assembly - consult with Mouse
Europeia in the NS World Fair - consult perhaps with Culture
I'm pretty sure she works for nude pics, so I'll let you take care of that however you like Anumia.
Anumia's Skype chat should probably come into this.

Also, I suggest adding to the mock trials a more general description of renewed activity in the judiciary.
Yes; I don't want a repeat of the last update which took far too long (which was partially my fault). Next time, we shall have the update out within a week of elections.
I'm not sure that the election details need to be discussed in the foreign update, but the results certainly will be.
The only election details that seem to be important is that they seemed to come and go before there was a chance for debate, concerning issues. Sure, there were platforms presented by Vinage and Greyjoy but... I don't know, the elections seemed lackluster (probably due to Anumia having it in the bag because of the administration's policies) not important I guess. Especially not in a foreign update, I suppose.
Toasty, you show a keen intelligence and interest in the goings-on of the Republic...why so few posts since you joined?
My thoughts exactly. But hey, if Toasty wants to spend most of his Europeia time hanging around doing work in MinComm, I won't stand in his way :p