Admin Task Thread

Can I get this forum made?

Name of organization/place of worship: The Euro Zone
Leader (moderator) of forum: LeaderWinna
Subforum description: The Euro Zone is a constantly shifting place of worship as the religion it follows is decide by the religion head of the region. It`s box like shape and large doors allow it to easily move in and out items of Worship.
A new political party has been registered. Can it be formed with the follow specifications:

Founding Members: @Rotasu @Bowzin @ForilianSupervisor

Name of Organization: Europeian Monarchist Party

Organization Subforum Title and subtitle: Europeian Monarchist Party
A party for the promotion of the Chancellery, and a more direct democracy for legislation.

Titles and Subtitles of any further subforums within the Primary subforum as well as their location and their privacy status:
EMP High Command (Members Only, under main forum)

Names of Subforum Moderators: Bowzin, Rotasu
I am applying for a newspaper

Name of Paper: Faux News Network
Description: The best place to get the worst news!
Editor/Moderator: SkyGreen24
Please remove my senator masking.
We don't delete threads, Peeps. Whats the harm in locking them instead and leaving them be? There's really nowhere to put them in the archives that makes sense anyway.
Hey I'm applying for a newspaper

Name of Paper: Rot's Thoughts
Description: Rotasu's thoughts on the the goings-on of the Republic
Editor/Moderator: @Rotasu
Could I get a subforum in Arnhem titled, "Political Parties"?