Admin Task Thread

Can you create a password restricted subforum (I guess I'll provide you with the password?) in The Cool Times call The HQ?
Cool Spring said:
Can you create a password restricted subforum (I guess I'll provide you with the password?) in The Cool Times call The HQ?
I've PMed you about this.
Sure HEM didn't accidentally delete it? :p
Can I please get the Winter Ball added to the Culture Conference area?


Main forum: 2nd Annual Winter Ball
Wintery Welcomes
-Description: Introduce yourself to fellow ball attendees.
The Snowflake Ballroom
-Description: Put on your mask, and enjoy some dancing.
The Hot Cocoa Zone
-Description: Stay, grab a drink, and chat for a while with fellow NSers.
Winter Wonderland
-Description: Spam, Compete, and Play. All sorts of games and activities can be found here.
Winter Radio
-Description: Mixlr schedule and related announcements.

I would be mod over it.
Netz said:
Can I please get the Winter Ball added to the Culture Conference area?


Main forum: 2nd Annual Winter Ball
Wintery Welcomes
-Description: Introduce yourself to fellow ball attendees.
The Snowflake Ballroom
-Description: Put on your mask, and enjoy some dancing.
The Hot Cocoa Zone
-Description: Stay, grab a drink, and chat for a while with fellow NSers.
Winter Wonderland
-Description: Spam, Compete, and Play. All sorts of games and activities can be found here.
Winter Radio
-Description: Mixlr schedule and related announcements.

I would be mod over it.
Name of Paper: Sanctarian National Times
Description: Sanctaria's paper-of-record, chronicling important events happening within the Divine Republic (IC/RP)
Editor/Moderator: Sanctaria
Calvin Coolidge said:
Name of Paper: Sanctarian National Times
Description: Sanctaria's paper-of-record, chronicling important events happening within the Divine Republic (IC/RP)
Editor/Moderator: Sanctaria
Please create a new subforum within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Title: World Affairs Hub
Description: The central nervous system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for monitoring and discussing all international events. Access restricted to Diplomats.

This would need to be set up as a joinable group. The subforum would be overseen by the President and MoFA, as is standard.