The Rise of an Empress: Exploring the History of Xoriet

The Rise of an Empress:
Exploring the History of Xoriet

Written by Istillian
Edited by Vor

On August 1, 2024, the New Pacific Order, the government of The Pacific, released a statement concerning their leadership. East Durthang, also known as Lord of Darkness, would be stepping down as Emperor and appointing Xoriet as the first Empress of The New Pacific Order. Xoriet, a familiar face in the game, has recently returned to activity, and noting this, it seemed a prudent time to explore the rise of the new Empress and their experience in NationStates.

The nation of Xoriet was first created on June 8, 2012, and while the nation had been founded in The East Pacific, it wasn't until early 2013 that Xoriet applied for citizenship there. Soon thereafter, Xoriet quickly took to military gameplay and by spring 2014, Xoriet was elected to the post of General (Overseeing Officer) of the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army (EPSA). There were countless operations in the following year that solidified Xoriet as a distinguished commander and leader. Xoriet successfully completed 315 individual operations between March 2014 and April 2015, growing the EPSA membership to a high (at that time period) of 20 military members, and led the EPSA into what is considered its golden age of military gameplay. On March 3, 2024, Xoriet was granted The East Pacific’s highest honour, The Order of the Golden Ocelot, “For outstanding service as Erelim General of The Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army.” In October 2014, Xoriet began service as Delegate of the East Pacific, serving for 110 days. Of note was Xoriet's ongoing contribution to the guidance and encouragement of safe spaces for NationStates players. Xoriet discussed many of these issues during their attendance at the Women & NationStates Symposium, run in 2016, where Xoriet continued to recognise the need for effective guidelines and moderation in NationStates communities.

In April 2018 Xoriet departed The East Pacific to join the New Pacific Order (NPO). Initially, Xoriet's role within the NPO was largely internal, focusing on both domestic affairs, military work, and the enforcement of the Civil Code. Xoriet's work led to a rapid rise within the NPO ranks. Within months she was also invited to join the Praetorian Guard, a department of the New Pacific Order that monitors the Regional Message Board, new nations in the Pacific, applications for Pacifican citizenship, and any violations of the NPO's Civil Code. Xoriet quickly advanced to a full Praetorian position. Despite a relatively quiet start to her NPO career, a major scandal broke out of the New Pacific Order, leading to widespread instability, broken treaties, a reorganisation of the Senate, and war. Recognising her experience from both recent service, and leadership in The East Pacific, the NPO then appointed Xoriet as their Senator of Foreign Affairs, or Legatus.

On November, 2018 a Declaration of War against the New Pacific Order was called by then President Sopo, for which President Kuramia then announced a Declaration of Victory against the NPO on March 11, 2019, which the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation also reported on. However, it was Xoriet’s diplomatic efforts that helped the NPO regain its footing. Her contributions were vital to restoring trust in the region, and maintaining alliances, particularly with The East Pacific, which had remained the NPO's steadfast ally throughout the crisis.

Xoriet's work during this period laid the foundation for the region's eventual recovery and reestablishment of its influence. Xoriet was promoted to Praetor, where she embarked on an ambitious project to reform and strengthen the NPO's military, Legio Pacifica. Xoriet then restructured the training and organisational requirements for the Legio Pacifica, for which her reforms led to a more capable military. One of her notable achievements as Praetor was the appointment of Marina to the position of Praefectus. Under Marina's leadership, and Xoriet’s mentorship, military activity in the NPO soared. NationStates Today’s Power20 article described Xoriet as performing “critical leadership for the NPO in foreign affairs and for the game’s broader anti-fascist forces. A key force behind the raids on the territories of the Confederacy of Layem…”

After more than a year as Praetor, Xoriet returned to her previous role as Legatus in March 2020. In this role, Xoriet focused on rebuilding relations with regions that had distanced themselves from the NPO during the 2018 scandal. Her efforts, alongside fellow Senator Elegarth, led to significant diplomatic successes, including treaties with The West Pacific and Balder.

Xoriet's diplomatic career culminated in the negotiation of the Pax Polaris Occidens, a landmark treaty between The West Pacific, The North Pacific, and The Pacific. After this negotiation, Xoriet sought a deserved retirement at what may be seen as the pinnacle of her career, though only time will tell what Xoriet’s career has in store for her next.

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Love this write-up!