Newbie laws overview?


Being a relative newbie here I feel that specifically the form for requesting forum citizenship should have an overview of the laws of Europeia.

Any ideas or people who are willing to do it?
How do you mean? An overview of our laws would be nothing short of long and uninteresting to the majority newcomers right at the start.
A link to all of the laws is also included in the forum header. However, it might be good to have a summary of the ones that are important to newcomers. I'm thinking specifically that the law against proxies and the requirements for citizenship could be explicitly stated. There are probably a few other things that newcomers are at particular risk of doing without knowing they are illegal. I think it would be a tricky task to determine what should be included though - and it might do more harm than good if it discourages people from reading the laws themselves.
Malashaan said:
A link to all of the laws is also included in the forum header. However, it might be good to have a summary of the ones that are important to newcomers.

That's what I meant.

Malashaan said:
I think it would be a tricky task to determine what should be included though - and it might do more harm than good if it discourages people from reading the laws themselves.

Point taken, but I'd have to question whether everyone reads all the laws before pledging. It's like reading the terms of a site before registering - everyone knows they should do it but hardly anyone does.
I think it might be a good idea, along with an idea of the judicial system (i.e. what happens when you break the rules, in plain language). I would however think that it's something that we'd want to consult the Attorney-General on, and certainly seek his legal opinion before publishing.

Edited to add: See Malashaan's new plans here - this might be preempted in some form.
It would be interesting to hear from newcomers as to any laws they feel were not intuitive and they might have broken accidentally. My feeling is that "don't be a jackass" pretty much covers the laws that are likely to be broken by newcomers. Most of our laws relate to government operation.
The main law I can see that goes beyond the "Don't Be A Jackass" law is the Europeian Speech Protection Act - though I doubt a newbie can break that because of masking. I also point out that one has to be a member of the Citizen's Assembly before posting, though Full/Associate Membership is readily given for the asking. The only other possibility is the Proxy Waiver Act.

I have to note however that there's been about one case per year this year and last year. It seems that crime hasn't been an issue.

My gut feel though is that the new Civil Law Act might generate some easier to break laws (especially with regard to plagiarism).
Environmental Warrior said:
The main law I can see that goes beyond the "Don't Be A Jackass" law is the Europeian Speech Protection Act - though I doubt a newbie can break that because of masking. I also point out that one has to be a member of the Citizen's Assembly before posting, though Full/Associate Membership is readily given for the asking. The only other possibility is the Proxy Waiver Act.

I have to note however that there's been about one case per year this year and last year. It seems that crime hasn't been an issue.

My gut feel though is that the new Civil Law Act might generate some easier to break laws (especially with regard to plagiarism).
^ Agreed.

I do think that it might be useful to list a clear set of rules for newcomers.. Though I don't think it should be a law overview. A short list of do's and don'ts should do it though, and I'd be happy to include it in my reworking of the newcomer handbook.