EBC Mid-Term Survey

Mid-Term Survey!

Here we are, a month into the term, and it's time for everyone's favorite government media to give you a voice! Take the Mid-Term Survey (click) and give us your opinion!

The survey will stay open for approximately 72 hours, at which time the results will be analyzed by myself, and maybe a crack panel of mystery experts, if you're lucky.

Click the link above and get your voice heard! Go EBC!​

however, few seem to respect how much the success of the navy is out of the GA's hands.
This is totally and completely false. All of the success of the Navy is in the GA's hands.

As most of you probably guessed already, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Apollo busted his ass last term, working as hard as anyone in my administration. It's both wrong and insulting to suggest that wasn't a big part of the Navy's success last term.

Also, Apollo was an eager mentor to new recruits, and he swallowed his pride on several occasions for the Navy's sake. As someone who is prideful, impatient, and prone to wrathful outbursts myself, I understand how difficult this was for Apollo. His ability to be personable and his ability to squelch his personal opinions and feelings at times for the greater good was a big part of his success. I love CSP, and he certainly has his own strengths, but putting on his happy face isn't one of them. It probably goes without saying that these aren't Noto's strengths, either.

All that said, a rising tide lifts all boats, and the overall strength of the region last term lifted the Navy higher than it would have gone otherwise. If Apollo had remained for a second term as Grand Admiral, and if he had put the same amount of effort into the job, he would not have achieved the same results as last term -- but the Navy would be stronger than it is now.