Admin Task Thread

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I was just confirmed as Minister of Culture. I'd need the appropriate masking and group rights in order to add people to Culture. Thanks in advance.
Also, and I almost feel bad for bugging you that much, but could PT be made Culture DM? :p Thaaanks.
Can't PT be added to a joinable group for that or am I missing something?
I've only just figured out how to add people to Culture. So even if there was a way for me to mask Deputies, I haven't figured it out yet.
A few WA related house-keeping things:

1) Remove Marnip's mod powers over the WA stuff as he's no longer a citizen, and also no longer the Vice Delegate.

2) A few subforum descriptors could use some editing -
Vinage World Assembly Drafting Headquarters
A place to share your proposal drafts and help others revise their own efforts to influence World Assembly law.

World Assembly Affairs Planning
A hidden subforum, only visible to the Delegate, Vice Delegate, Deputies, and assigned CSO Interns, where plans can be made about future endeavors in World Assembly Affairs.

3) Can we move the WA 101 subforum inside the Vinage WA Drafting HQ (as a nested subforum)? It's more meant as an archived reference at this point. Not that I won't respond to questions there, but I'm not really "re-offering" the course, so it's more of a self-study.

4) Can we reorder the subforums, as well? Optimally, move the Planning HQ to third, so the active subforums are listed first and the archives/endotarting/voting records are at the bottom.

Done. Re 3, We'd rather not go another level deep. I'm thinking about how we can rationalize further and will get back to you.
Malashaan said:
Done. Re 3, We'd rather not go another level deep. I'm thinking about how we can rationalize further and will get back to you.
Fair enough. I wasn't sure on that - and it's not a big deal - but I figured cleaning up some of the main subforum clutter might be useful.
Name of the Paper: The Think Tank
Description: Periodic reflexions on Europeia's politics and policy
Editor: Klatonia
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