Admin Task Thread

test. drecq here. Just want to see if I can post here as a guest.
We could've told you that :p
Lethen said:
Until we find a better place for it, I've placed the Hall of Fame (and Hy's ceremony) in the Grand Hall. Don't anticipate any objections there.

R3n expressed concerns that our main index page is again getting too long. Would anyone object if I moved the Constitutional Convention into the Grand Hall as a subforum?
The constitutional convention is a region-wide discussion on our future. I think it is more appropriate on the front page. Let's shutter some political parties, and consider putting the "Wellbeing Hub" as a subforum to the Cultural Hub.
Political parties, sure. But so what if it's region-wide? It's citizens-only is what matters. And citizens know to go to the Grand Hall.
Even though you've removed my masking moi name is still in the legislature thingy at the top.
zapperzx said:
Even though you've removed my masking moi name is still in the legislature thingy at the top.
I'll probably just swap it out once a new Senator is elected ^_^
Subforms in the Wellbeing Hub:

Name of organization/place of worship: The Caged Temple
Moderator of forum: Writinglegend.
Subforum description: Nicolas Cage, praise be unto him.

Name of organization/place of worship: The Society of Putting Things on top of Other Things
Moderator of forum: Fortunado
Subforum description: Why just the other day I noticed so many things that were not on top of other things...
test. drecq here. Just want to see if I can post here as a guest.
For the record, the Admin Office has universal posting permissions. Anyone who is not IP banned from the entire site should be able to post here. This is intentional, so that people who lose access by accident (e.g., wrong masking) have somewhere to post.

It's also the only forum area where guests can post.
HEM said:
Lethen said:
Until we find a better place for it, I've placed the Hall of Fame (and Hy's ceremony) in the Grand Hall. Don't anticipate any objections there.

R3n expressed concerns that our main index page is again getting too long. Would anyone object if I moved the Constitutional Convention into the Grand Hall as a subforum?
The constitutional convention is a region-wide discussion on our future. I think it is more appropriate on the front page. Let's shutter some political parties, and consider putting the "Wellbeing Hub" as a subforum to the Cultural Hub.
For the record, as I mentioned to Lethen, I have no issue with the Convention and Hy's ceremony being top-level forums. In fact, I think the index page is the best location for both forums, and I'd suggest moving Hy's ceremony back there. These two are temporary forums, so their being on the index is not an issue.

Instead, we should be looking to prune the index by collapsing other, permanent forums. The party category is an obvious candidates. Other possibilities are the Debate Hall, Wellbeing Hub (I never understood why this is separate from the generic Culture forum), and Thinker's Row.
Can the NS Summer Carnival forum be moved out from under Culture and placed under the Europeian Station? Also, can non-cits be allowed to post there? Thanks.
Cassy Styles Anumia said:
Subforms in the Wellbeing Hub:

Name of organization/place of worship: The Caged Temple
Moderator of forum: Writinglegend.
Subforum description: Nicolas Cage, praise be unto him.

Name of organization/place of worship: The Society of Putting Things on top of Other Things
Moderator of forum: Fortunado
Subforum description: Why just the other day I noticed so many things that were not on top of other things...
Writinglegend said:
Can the NS Summer Carnival forum be moved out from under Culture and placed under the Europeian Station? Also, can non-cits be allowed to post there? Thanks.