Admin Task Thread

Can the header be updated to reflect the President and Vice President; as well as McEntire's resignation from the Senate?
All done.

It's long been custom that people have been masked as soon as elections are called, mainly because if we don't, people get upset that they aren't masked with the proper permissions as soon as is humanly possible (imagine that). Generally, officials want to jumpstart their terms, including Cabinet/masking. If both waiting or masking provide ambiguity and concern for the admins, in-game laws or clarification needs to happen.
I've lost access to the Citizenship Reports subforum. I need that to do the reports, so if my masking could be changed to include that, twould be excellent.
Could the following please be given the citizen mask?

Lord Chuck Anumia
Elindra Kshrlmnt
South Boston Irishmen
As I have resigned as AJ after being confirmed as Minister of Foreign Affairs, I would like to be removed from the AJ masking and have the Minister Mask on please.
The President's Cabinet has been approved;

Karthikking as Grand Admiral
Bootskitten as Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ogastein as Minister of Interior
JGlenn as Minister of Culture
Switzlanzia as Minister of Citizen Integration
(I don't know if the Attorney General has a mask, but CSP was confirmed as the Attorney General)
The following need citizenship masks:

New Indie