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  1. F

    Bantering With Bryan

    Hello everyone! As promised I will be trying to restart the once popular "Bantering With Bryan" talk show and I was curious if anyone wanted to participate as well as wanting to get some topics to discuss. If you have either of the two then please post here with suggestions, comments, questions...
  2. F

    Bantering With Bryan #2: By-Elections: Ideas

    This shall be coming soon! If there is anything you'd like to be talked about, post it here!
  3. F

    Bantering With Bryan Ideas!

    Hello, if you have something that you would like discussed on BwB, please post it here and I will try to factor it in! Also, please pin this Gus!
  4. F

    Bantering With Bryan: Nominations

    First off, I'd like to thank Gus and Shadow for their work on this, without them this wouldn't have been completed. I couldn't do the interview this time, and as such Shadow took over temporarily. Anyway, here is Cerian and Apollo on Elias: Bantering With Bryan Special
  5. F

    Bantering With Bryan #1

    Hello and welcome, in this episode I had McEnitre and Gustavus Aldophus Rex as my quests for a very good talk show segment. I'd like to apologize for the lag beforehand and I hope everyone enjoys! Bantering With Bryan
  6. F

    Talk Show Help

    Hello everyone. Recently I have decided to do a talk show about the current going-ons of Euriopeia and as a place for conversation. I need someone to talk with, it can be more then one actually. We'll discuss a wide range of topics. I also need a name for it. Please post those below and if...