The EBC needs YOU!

Dive Right In

The Europeian Broadcasting Corporation is looking for columnists, journalists and satirists! Whether you're new or old, funny or grumpy, on team Jacob or Edward we'll hire you. No experience required and we're encouraging newer members who would like to one day open their own paper to sign up. But even if you're more experienced and would like to be part of a paper without the pressure of owning one yourself, this is the place for you. If you don't have the time to write much but still want to write your opinions, satire or news, this is the place for you. Help continue to make the EBC great! Let your voice and words be heard!

We're not limiting it to just Europeia, if you would like to write NS-Wide news or write opinions on what's happening in RL that's cool too. So fill out the form and either pm Gustavus or post it below.

Position: (columnist, journalist, satirist and radio broadcaster)
Type: (Weekly, Every two weeks, daily... etc etc but please not more than 2 weeks)
What you would like to write/talk about:
Why we should hire you:

Name: Swakistek Alexander Hartwell
Position: Many, many things.
Type: Daily
What you would like to write/talk about: Politics. Government.
Why we should hire you: Because I have experience in the media industry, am active and also involved in many parts of Europeian politics. :)
Name: Bob Dusseldorf
Position: Satirist!
Type: Weekly?
What you would like to write/talk about: Your mum
Why we should hire you: Ask her
Name: McEntire
Position: Columnist
Type: Weekly
What you would like to write/talk about: Government/Politics, particularly legislature
Why we should hire you: I'm smart, I don't BS, I can pump out a column a week, I've been here for a while, I've got experience in government, I like to write.
Don't be afraid to start, just start a new topic and away you go! If you need any help or would like me to look at your article first, just give me a shout.
Don't be afraid to start, just start a new topic and away you go! If you need any help or would like me to look at your article first, just give me a shout.
Oh really? Mea culpa, I thought it was more of a top-down structure. I'll get right on something.
Just keep in mind the content of the EBC reflects on the government, my friend.
Name: Kazaman Anumia-Ross
Position: Journalist
Type: Biweekly
What you would like to write/talk about: General news, with opinions to spark discussion.
Why we should hire you: Kazaman Anumia-Ross. :p