Admin Task Thread

Done. I have now learned how to set up the autotools. If any of the others need tweaking, let me know. They probably haven't been updates since r3n was super-active.
I think we had a policy discussion on the auto-tools a long time back; you'd have to search through the admin offices though.
New paper for the LethoMonarchy please!

Name of Paper: The Pinata Papers
Description: News and Commentary From Everyone's Favorite Tentacle Pinata
Administrator: AgentShades
Kuramia said:
New paper for the LethoMonarchy please!

Name of Paper: The Pinata Papers
Description: News and Commentary From Everyone's Favorite Tentacle Pinata
Administrator: AgentShades
Is it possible to get a subforum inside The Pinata Papers entitled "The Daily Thwack" with the description "Let's see what falls out, shall we?"
Pope Lexus X has joined the CA. I am not sure if CA masking matches up with what he has now, but I figure I'll leave that for you to decide. :3
Do you really need it. We try and avoid nested subforums where we can. If you think it will really make a difference, I can make it though.
I suggest you start without it and if it starts to get messy, let me know and I'll create a subforum and move all the appropriate threads into it.
It would be great if I could have the following made in the Culture Conference Area for the halloween event:

Main forum: Brain Bash(ing)

The Punch Bowl- Where all the most serious discussions take place.
The Dance Floor- Games and other fun activities.

I will need to add the Z-Day aspect later on as the week as that actual event gets closer
We lost Asianatic's flag in the Great Avatar URL Purge. Is it possible for admins to restore it, or is that even needed?
Unless you can find it, there's probably not much we can do. I'm not sure why is gone because when Asianatic was last active you couldn't link to avatars.
Check the Pine-Euro Regional Library, specifically anything that has lists of Presidents, etc. I know HEM made a topic about regional leaders and there's a pic he used for Asianatic of CJ from the West Wing that she used as an avatar for a while.

Can the Brain Bash(ing) event be moved to the public, and have this description be added to the main forum: Bring Your Own Boos

I would also like to have me be added as the mod.

Thank you! :D