Admin Task Thread

Changes in Admin status for the EAAC party:
-Remove Carrot's Mod masking
-Give Grav & Aex Mod masking
-Leave mine be, please

Can I please have a subforum made in Roleplay Central?

Name: Call of Cthulhu
Description: Supernatural Horror in the 1920s
Leader: AgentShades
Got another newspaper subforum for ya!

Name of Paper: Out of the Bag
Description: An editorial for cool cats who don't like to pussyfoot around.
Editor/Moderator: Me
I need the following Subforums in LethoMonarchy Archived:

The Stag
E-News Network
-_- They keep putting "Me" in the moderator portion of that application. I've added a note to have them put their actual forum name so this stops.

The Moderator/Editor of Out of the Bag subforum is Ninja Kittens
Hello, I would like to request the forum for the A Dose of Reality Festival to be put into the Culture Conference Area.

Main Forum: A Dose of Reality ("Festival inspired by reality television... hint: everybody dies") Mod: Me
with the following Subforums:
-Survivor ("An interactive survivor game") Mod: Writinglegend, and Me
-Special Events ("Long-term games and events") Mod: Me
-Game Hall ("All of the short-term games and contests") Mod: Me

Thank you!

Netz said:
Hello, I would like to request the forum for the A Dose of Reality Festival to be put into the Culture Conference Area.

Main Forum: A Dose of Reality ("Festival inspired by reality television... hint: everybody dies") Mod: Me
with the following Subforums:
-Survivor ("An interactive survivor game") Mod: Writinglegend, and Me
-Special Events ("Long-term games and events") Mod: Me
-Game Hall ("All of the short-term games and contests") Mod: Me

Thank you!