Who do you want to be President?

modernsin said:
This poll is unfair to Abstain. He's got a fighting chance this time. :ph43r:
Yeah, an undecided or other candidate option would have been more telling.
Zenny Anumia said:
But ohh no, no clear frontrunner x)
Outside of this poll (and, as always, I remain skeptical of any and all pre-election polls), is there strong evidence for one candidate being more heavily favored than another? There hasn't been much discussion about the election aside from the two platform threads, which have been more or less equally active. Really, the only interesting discussion about the upcoming election is happening in CSP's panel thread. The last couple posts in particular are the most relevant to this question.
These polls look like a popularity contest but for this time all seems fair because Anumia is not included in the poll , he looks like a rock star or a footbal player (real football).