Wanted Ad

Remsol wrote the initial draft and I changed some wording around. Let us know what you think. Also, centered or not centered? I'm unsure. MinComm out.

Ministry of Communication Seeks Thinkers

From the Office of Minister Seven Deaths:

The Ministry of Communication is seeking thinkers! Whether you are new to writing or are a long time journalist, we need you. The only requirement is that you be open minded and hard working. There are several ways you can get involved with the Ministry of Communication. First, you can become an Assistant Minister! As an Assistant Minister, you get to help run the day to day operations of the ministry, and help formulate updates. Second, you can become a journalist for the EBC! As a journalist, you will have the chance to report on NS or RL news, conduct interviews with high ranking government officials or brand new citizens, and review books, movies, TV shows and games! Or, best of all, you can do both: become an Assistant Minister and a journalist.

Either way, we'd love to have you! So, come join us!

Seven Deaths
Minister of Communication
I'm going to look at an integrated logo-scheme for all MinComm and EBC stuff - how would that be?

DISCLAIMER: I may steal Elias' and others' ideas as I see fit and pass them off as my own. Such is the nature of teamwork. :p