UDL Annoyed At TNI Rhetoric

UDL annoyed at TNI rhetoric

The UDL has become increasingly annoyed with the rhetoric employed by TNI. “I realize that we sometimes go over the top” said one UDL source “but when they employ rhetoric that hurts us almost as much as raiding hurts people like puppies in real life when they are hit by a car, which has a boat attached to it and then the car stops, rolls over the puppy again by going in reverse and then goes forward again to run it over for a third time, it’s getting a little much”.

“It’s not quite at the letting kids starve in Africa, and then flying with aid just the taunt them before throwing a puppy that was hit by a car, which had a boat attached to it and then the car stops, rolls over the puppy again by going in reverse and then goes forward again to run it over before handing it over to Stalin so that he could throw the puppy at them level yet but it’s getting there”
I'll stop laughing once they pass the stage where a thrice Tire tenderized puppy gets thrown at starving children in Africa while being taunted a second time by Frenchmen in a British Castle :lol:
Bahaha that's great!

Though I don't condone violence to puppies.