The Tell-Tale Masking: Europeia Celebrates Halloween for 2023

The Tell-Tale Masking:
Europeia Celebrates Halloween for 2023

Interviews conducted by Istillian

(Europeia - October 31, 2023) It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night. Object there was none. Passion there was plenty. I loved the old Admiral. He had always wronged me. He had always given me insult. For his station I had no desire. I think it was his masking! yes, it was this! His masking resembled that of a... sandshrew — a pale yellow hex, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees — very gradually — I made up my mind to take the life of the old Admiral, and thus rid myself of his masking forever. - Text inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart.

Welcome, Europeia, to The Tell-Tale Masking, presented by the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC). This Halloween we summoned six citizens, asking them some sinister questions, before placing them with a perilous decision they were forced to answer. Come and guess our guests, read their stories, and celebrate Halloween alongside us, if you dare…

What is your Europeian Halloween Nickname? I'd probably stick with Saltrio. I couldn't really find something that'd fit with my name, so meh, salt it is.

Halloween costume you’ll be wearing? I'd probably wear the clothes they put on the deceased. There's rarely any costumes that folks were that doesn't look a bit childish, or a bit too common nowadays. Ghosts, vampires, movie characters, all that stuff. You'll look formal, and when they ask you why you're wearing that, you just say "oh I was meant to be buried today but it got delayed" or something.... you could also wear the thing when you go to parties without worrying about what you're wearing would look…

Favourite thing about Halloween? Definitely the food. Not those treats covered in sugar, actual food. Pies, baked bread, the matcha tea, oh I love it... Like, instead of going through hectic (but kinda fun) trick or treat runs, you just let your mind rest with pumpkin pie and matcha tea…

If you could create an annual tradition for Europeia at Halloween, what would you create? Ban Roulette. Hehehehe.The fun and suspense of trying to guess who's that one about to get ban - [I don’t know], maybe a pumpkin carving competition would be nice. You get to see people create cool looking stuff from things. Sort of a arts-and-crafts project but you can make pumpkin pie out of after it.

What is your Europeian Halloween Nickname? Vorehallow.

Halloween costume you’ll be wearing? I'll be dressed as.... an Osirian!!

Favourite thing about Halloween? Being creepy is suddenly a useful personality trait.

Can you give us your best spooky story?
There was once a man who posted a funny cat meme in the Europeian Discord. But then, he saw:

Drecq is typing...

And he was never heard from again

You've just successfully been accepted as Europeia's Attorney General. How would you further corrupt the region? I would sue people for not meeting the posting requirement and have us deal with 10 court cases a term, and then I would sue senators for negligent conduct in confirming me.

What is your Europeian Halloween Nickname? maowndatory recruitment.

Halloween costume you’ll be wearing? deep fried bee.

Favourite thing about Halloween? the SPOOKY look.

You find yourself in the perfect position to prank Lethen - how would you best do this? I need to think about how to prank lethen :eek: clearly I am not creative enough as it stands.

What is your Europeian Halloween Nickname? Freakilian (I feel like this may be taken out of context though😛)

Halloween costume you’ll be wearing? Legend says that at the stroke of midnight, if you're lucky, the Canadaball turns into a jack-o-lantern...

Favourite thing about Halloween? Roasted pumpkin seeds from all the jack-o-lanterns

You can change one piece of law without anyone else noticing, what would you change and how would you spookify it for Halloween? For one random day every year the president is replaced with a vampire. No citizens will be informed of this happening. If the citizens find out within 24 hours then they restore the rightful president, but otherwise one random citizen will be sacrificed to the vampire...

What is your Europeian Halloween Nickname? Maybe Spooky Sanju? Or Chicken Wing. That's pretty spooky.

Halloween costume you’ll be wearing? This Halloween I dressed up as a referee. But if I were in Euro I'd dress up as the scariest thing I can think of (JayDee).

Favourite thing about Halloween? Halloween is seeing all the fun costumes!

You can design a Halloween candy for all our trick or treaters, what is it (e.g. name, flavour and wrapper design)? The wrapper looks like a normal snickers bar, but when you open it it's just a rod of ground beef (uncooked) (warm). We can call it Pork.

What is your Europeian Halloween Nickname? DrDrecula.

Halloween costume you’ll be wearing? Abraham Lincoln.

Favourite thing about Halloween? giving full sized candy bars to kids.

You have the ability to Condemn one Europeian, who do you choose, and why do you choose them? hm this one is tricky. I'll say Gleg because he deserves SC recognition but I don't think it would be a condemnation unless the flavor was right.

“Villains!” I shrieked, “dissemble no more! I admit the deed! — tell the admins! — here, here! — it is the evidence of his hideous masking!”

Thank you for joining us for this year's EBC spooky Halloween interviews, and if you are brave enough, perhaps you can share some of your own answers?

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