The Christian Controversy

The Christian Controversy
Reaction Article to Christian Democrats Comments
Written by locustofcharon

In the midst of Europride!, the LGBTQ+ festival held in Europeia May 11 to 14, another nation gathers in controversy. By now many have heard of the comments made by Christian Democrats, the GA Secretariat from the region of Catholic. The topic being referenced starts on the Game Play forums of Nation States from this post onward.

To a comment made by Ambrella, our own Vice President Sopo, concerning the extent of invitation to the festival, Christian Democrats replied, "I'm curious. How many players who believe homosexuality is immoral have taken part in this festival, and has the Europeian government made any serious efforts to invite and encourage such players to participate?" (Quote) This comment was met with a number of responses, a few supporting Christian Democrats, but with the overall consensus that Christian Democrats was being bigoted and pushing his anti-LGBTQ+ agenda.

Guy from the Rejected Realms shot back with, "What sort of reaction exactly are you expecting by making these posts? Did you honestly think that they was going to be 'Yup, we're happy for you to come to this event held in light of the actions taken against the LGBT+ community, and tell us how immoral it is?'" (Quote) Others joined in the condemnation of Christian Democrats' bigoted attitude.

Christian Democracy quoted statistics from a 2013 study on the Global Views on Morality to support his views, stating, "Three-fifths of the world population - and presumably most internet users - believe homosexuality is immoral. If any event is truly intended to be inclusive, diverse, and open to people 'regardless of political ideology or beliefs,' such people should be represented." He included a link to the study before continuing, "On the other hand, it's also perfectly acceptable to hold exclusive events and to open exclusive regions intended only for a single group of people; but the organizers of such events and the founders of such regions should be clear that they're excluding outsiders." (Quote)

Pointing out that this was outdated data and, therefore, didn't support his claims, Drop Your Pants, Prime Minister of Ireland, responded, "That's hardly three-fifths of the worlds [sic] population as you claim. [...]A brief search of the website you linked shows the steady increase of public acceptance of homosexuality." (Quote)

Ambrella reiterated the purpose of the festival, explaining, it "[...]is to support LGBTQ+ players regardless of their backgrounds, ideologies, etc. [...]It is not a platform for anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric and attitudes. This event was prompted by a resurgence of such bigotry in this game, so it would absolutely not be a welcome part of the festival." (Quote) Then President HEM showed his disdain for Christian Democrats' attitude by reiterating, "People who think homosexuality is immoral are absolutely not welcome to the event[...]. Pride is a celebration of the LGBTQ+ community's endurance through state-sanctioned [...]entrapment, harassment, arrest, and general abuse. We aren't going to welcome people who would gleefully support the return of that abuse. [...]What you're looking for is a debate or a dialogue. That's not what pride is.[...]" (Quote)

I asked citizens of Europeia their views on the matter, and Senator Kari passionately exclaimed:
He/They are entitled to say what they want, just as they are obliged to deal with the consequences. If they wished to come to the Europride festival they would have been more than welcome, but if they were disruptive and caused concerns for the safety or well being of members of the region then they would have to deal with the consequences of their actions. While I believe that they should be allowed to say what they will or even oppose the Europride event, I also believe they have no right to deny other people the opportunity to have their voice heard and express their own views. The events and comments in the NSGP thread were very troubling, as it is shocking to see in this day and age that people believe that their own personal or religious beliefs give them the right to deny others their basic rights to freedom and equality. While I know nothing about the person behind the "Christian Democrats" screen name and had never heard of them before this incident. This opposition to the Europride event by Christian Democrats seems to be fuelled by nothing more than their own Real Life religious views that homosexuality, transgenderism and everything else that falls on the LGBT+ spectrums is amoral. Their arguments that "it would have been a more acceptable event if run by Gay, and not as a tool for Europeia to further themselves." is flawed beyond belief. The idea that the hosting of this event is a political move to further the region is asinine at best and a blatant attempt to smear the region at worst.

Europeia is a cosmopolitan and diverse region, with a very large LGBT+ population, I myself am a Senator in Europeia as well as being both Pansexual & Trans. The event was held to celebrate the diversity and inclusiveness of Europeia and it's allies, as well as the LGBT+ community in NS as a whole. In a world where the Alt. right and other groups based on a doctrine of hate are on the rise, the actions and views of these groups needs to be combated, and they need to be shown for what they are. If people choose to combat them through celebration of their own communities, i can think of no better way to spend an enjoyable weekend in May.

Drexlore, our esteemed Grand Admiral, also offered his take on the matter, lamenting that:
The messages are really discouraging. As someone who should be accepting of people, as I know many Catholics are, he is putting a bad name on his religion. Thankfully, nobody in Europeia shares these thoughts and many friends and even those not friendly to Euro, have taken a stand against him. It is also discouraging to see that a member of such importance, a WA Secretariat, has these views. As we have seen, many GA resolutions support those members of the LGBTQ+ community, yet CD does not accept them. I hope something can be done about this.

What others think about the remarks made is clear in the thread. Christian Democrats' remarks critiqued our region, but were they fair or based on their own prejudices? How we present our ideas affects others, and the way in which we think can be demeaning to people. Requesting a soundboard for that hatred and then gaslighting for not allowing the open display of that bigotry is not accepted in Europeia. Always remember, it is the citizens of Europeia that make the region, and the world, a better place.
It should probably be noted that Ambrella=Sopo.

I was privy to that entire discussion much like you and I was just mostly confused half the time. CD’s claims were so baseless and out of left field that I had trouble comprehending what he was thinking.
Jay Dee said:
It should probably be noted that Ambrella=Sopo.

I was privy to that entire discussion much like you and I was just mostly confused half the time. CD’s claims were so baseless and out of left field that I had trouble comprehending what he was thinking.
It makes me feel like maybe he was trolling?
It was indeed noted that Ambrella is Sopo in the article. :D
Vac said:
Jay Dee said:
It should probably be noted that Ambrella=Sopo.

I was privy to that entire discussion much like you and I was just mostly confused half the time. CD’s claims were so baseless and out of left field that I had trouble comprehending what he was thinking.
It makes me feel like maybe he was trolling?
From what I've seen of him in the past - particularly CD's thinly-IC attacks against abortion, he actually believes what he writes for the most part.
Kaboom said:
Vac said:
Jay Dee said:
It should probably be noted that Ambrella=Sopo.

I was privy to that entire discussion much like you and I was just mostly confused half the time. CD’s claims were so baseless and out of left field that I had trouble comprehending what he was thinking.
It makes me feel like maybe he was trolling?
From what I've seen of him in the past - particularly CD's thinly-IC attacks against abortion, he actually believes what he writes for the most part.