Survival of the Fittest

Survival of the Fittest
Written by Snowball

Take 16 Europeians, put them on a deserted island for 39 days, make them fend for themselves and their tribe, and also have them vote people off the island equals a recipe for somewhere in between disaster and extreme fun. Applications just opened for the new season of EuroSurvivior, and here are three reasons you should apply.

1) Alliances and Partnerships are Vital

Tribe or no tribe, Survivor always has secret or not so secret alliance’s. These groups will seek to keep the members on the island. Of course, alliances do not always go as planned. One bad move and voila, you are doomed to be voted off the island.
You may be paired with another person in your adventure, such as in last seasons Blood Versus Water. But be careful, as that person may manipulate you to their own advantage,

2) Tribals Are… Interesting
Arguably the most important part of Survivor, tribals are where the losers of the challenges decide who is voted off the island. Tensions can run high here, and alliances can crumble with a single vote. The stakes are never higher. Tribals have the power to change the course of entire games. Everything and anything is at stake. If you lose.. just hope you have a ride home.

3) Challenges Are Awesome
When you give a group of people gunning for the win a chance to be immune from being kicked out, you know it will be a full out stampede to the finish line. If only it was that simple. The line to the finish line is barred with random challenges ranging from spam games to flash games to account hunts, the challenges are fun-filled and tense. The outcome of a challenge can and will change the game.

4) It’s a Social Thing
Survivor is one of the most fun things you can do in Europeia. It is also an incredibly social experience, and will get you to know and interact with people you might have not. You can form relationships that you will grow to love. If you are newer, this is a great way to be introduced to the region and start to settle into it.

I will strongly recommend everyone to join here.
This season will be incredibly interesting, and it would be great for you to join in the fun.