Statement on Intellectual Property


Jorts Connoisseur
Honoured Citizen
he / him / his
It has come to my attention that the Senate has requested an administrative policy statement on the matter of Intellectual Property.

I am hesitant to draw any hard lines in the sand, because situations often dictate different responses. I would, however, like to provide an outline of the philosophy I hold as board owner:

The administrative team at http://z6.zetaboards/Europeia recognizes the right of content creators to have their ownership over content respected. Content created for Europeia in the game of still remains the property of the content creator unless they relinquish such authority, or are unable to be reasonably contacted. The administrative team will investigate and enforce any infringement of content ownership rights, and if violations are found, will enforce property ownership in a manner consistent with our Terms of Service, Maryland law, and common sense.

I hope this gives everyone some clarity on this issue. Please feel free to ask questions if you have them.
The Terms of Service also stipulate that MD law applies.