Seva Wins Senate Run-Off Election

Seva Wins Senate Run-Off Election
Sloths Everywhere Vehemently Applaud

Written by Eldorin, Edited by Pland Adanna​

Arnhelm, Europeia - Vice Chancellor Maowi opened standing for a Senate By-Election on the first of April after former Senator Rand vacated his seat following victory in the Presidential election. Four campaigns swung into action as Seva, Kazaman, Turbiatop, and Prov declared their candidacy for the position. Despite three days of campaigning, no candidate won a majority of the vote in the first round, which sparked a run-off election between vote leaders Seva and Kazaman while Turbiatop and Prov failed to secure enough support to make it further. After a day of voting and further campaigning, Seva claimed victory in the by-election with 29 (55.8%) votes to Kazaman's 23 (44.2%).

In the old and reliable style of democracy, legislative acts and their impact on the politics and future of Europeia were the focus of debate, especially with the Frontiers and Strongholds update imminent. Other acts such as the Interior Powers Act, Bar Association Omnibus Act, and Foreign Affairs Act were also sources of questioning for each of the candidates, as well as the handling of the UPC's nomination to the Regional Security Council.

Kazaman was quick to emphasize the importance of "flexibility and patience" for the success of "a region's foreign policy" in relation to the Foreign Affairs Act. He elaborated that "the law could make it clearer when the President is able to grant, deny or withdraw diplomatic status and immunity from foreign officials," but did not make specific remarks about whether the Embassy and Diplomatic Immunity Acts should be combined. Turbiatop was in support of combining the acts, however Seva asserted that combining the acts to establish the Foreign Affairs Act was not needed as they were "perfect and have never caused any problems." No comment from Prov was made on the matter.
Seva agreed with Kazaman on the Interior Powers Act, saying that it "is a good idea in principle", but that it is "too specific in defining which powers and permissions ROs have." Kazaman stated that the "law is heavyhanded and bloated", and "should be at its simplest and most flexible." Turbiatop held the opposing view and was in support of further defining the role and powers of Regional Officer, while Prov stated that they believe "the President should not have to do anything with what the RMB Moderators do."

All candidates agreed that the Bar Association Omnibus act should be revived and adjusted before it is voted on by the Senate again, citing flaws in the original bill. Seva and Kazaman also agreed that the Frontier/Stronghold Act, as Kazaman stated, still contained "quirks and flaws in its provisions" that need to be ironed out before it is passed.

"To be honest I was not planning on running for Senate anytime soon, but my time as a substitute was so fun that it convinced me to run! It's a very interesting time right now with so many innovative acts being discussed and the Frontier transition happening soon, and I wanted to be at the heart of the discussion! I also had a lot of fun asking questions during confirmations and am looking forward to doing some oversight. I must confess though, when Kazaman declared his candidacy, I thought I could never win because he was just such a good candidate! He definitely would have deserved a seat too. I think I mostly got elected because I reached out to some people, and also because people might have wanted someone who has never been a Senator to take the seat, because otherwise our campaigns were very evenly matched. Definitely props to both other candidates for throwing their hat in!" - Seva, on the election.​

At a time when the security of the region has never been more important, the Europeian Citizenry will be eagerly-awaiting the contributions of newly-elected Senator Seva to discussions on the legislative acts that will shape Europeia and protect its future.​
Very good article, thank you! I love how you managed to summarize and analyze the positions of our candidates.
All candidates agreed that the Bar Association Omnibus act should be revived and adjusted before it is voted on by the Senate again, citing flaws in the original bill
Does anyone think this is going to be a priority for the rest of the Senate term? I just dont see this getting the people going!
I could be totally wrong, but the veto seems to have let the air out of the tires, so to speak. There hasnt even been a comment for a week there!
All candidates agreed that the Bar Association Omnibus act should be revived and adjusted before it is voted on by the Senate again, citing flaws in the original bill
Does anyone think this is going to be a priority for the rest of the Senate term? I just dont see this getting the people going!
I could be totally wrong, but the veto seems to have let the air out of the tires, so to speak. There hasnt even been a comment for a week there!
I think prioritizing F/S preparation makes sense for now but I do hope this bill gets another look. Part of the issue may be that it is such a huge proposal, which makes it a lot of work. If the alternative is nothing happening, the Senate could choose to split up the bill and work on one piece at a time, though I understand Rand’s arguments that it all goes together. For example, I feel that some parts (the bar association) are stronger proposals than other parts (the circuit court).

Also, I know we’ve chatted a lot privately about this, but great work, Eldorin!
All candidates agreed that the Bar Association Omnibus act should be revived and adjusted before it is voted on by the Senate again, citing flaws in the original bill
Does anyone think this is going to be a priority for the rest of the Senate term? I just dont see this getting the people going!
I could be totally wrong, but the veto seems to have let the air out of the tires, so to speak. There hasnt even been a comment for a week there!
I mean, wasn't Rand kind of driving the bus on that one? He don't work there no more.
All candidates agreed that the Bar Association Omnibus act should be revived and adjusted before it is voted on by the Senate again, citing flaws in the original bill
Does anyone think this is going to be a priority for the rest of the Senate term? I just dont see this getting the people going!
I could be totally wrong, but the veto seems to have let the air out of the tires, so to speak. There hasnt even been a comment for a week there!
I mean, wasn't Rand kind of driving the bus on that one? He don't work there no more.
I catch him staring longingly across Republic Square to the Senatia building during Cabinet meetings.
All candidates agreed that the Bar Association Omnibus act should be revived and adjusted before it is voted on by the Senate again, citing flaws in the original bill
Does anyone think this is going to be a priority for the rest of the Senate term? I just dont see this getting the people going!
I could be totally wrong, but the veto seems to have let the air out of the tires, so to speak. There hasnt even been a comment for a week there!
I mean, wasn't Rand kind of driving the bus on that one? He don't work there no more.
I catch him staring longingly across Republic Square to the Senatia building during Cabinet meetings.
No, I was not texting the Senate while the DEIA was giving a briefing to our last Cabinet meet- oh, staring longingly. Right. No, I was looking at a bird.