Senator Mr. Verteger Proposes Elimination of Chancellery

Senator Mr. Verteger Proposes Elimination of Chancellery
By Deepest House

(Europeia – May 29, 2017) – Senator Mr. Verteger proposed The Removal of the Supreme Chancellery Amendment on Sunday, May 28. The proposed bill would remove the Office of the Supreme Chancellor from the constitution and existence in Europeia. Lethen and Mousebumples currently serve as supreme chancellors, while Drecq serves as the region’s lone vice chancellor.

“I have a problem with political active folks running our election cycle,” Mr. Verteger said in introducing the legislation. “Consistent self-improvement and an entire body of citizens makes our region special. This is part of that process.” The introduction of this legislation follows the passage of the Honored Citizen Restriction Amendment by referendum. The back-to-back bills have elicited calls of a populist swing in the legislature from some in the public.

The Citizens’ Assembly quickly took up the debate, with the news spreading rapidly among the population. Both supporters and opponents of the amendment made their voices heard. Arguments centered on the duties of the supreme chancellors, with views ranging from them effectively doubling as redundant administrators, to being simple election stewards, to an important part of the republic with essential duties related to citizenship and the electoral system.

“The region has outgrown HEM and Lethen, and it is so much more than those two,” Constie said. “Considering that the two players this Position was made for are essentially no longer relevant, I see no reason for the [Office of the Supreme Chancellor] to continue to exist.”

Seven Deaths questioned if a problem exists, which provoked a response from former president Aexnidaral Seymour. “What we have right now is an unnecessary institution that we cling to from tradition with little democratic oversight that casts a very long shadow and has an oversized influence in our regional politics," he said. Aexnidaral Seymour added that the powers vested in the office could easily be better executed by other responsible parties.

Notolecta joined Aexnidaral Seymour and Constie in support. “I am in wholehearted agreement with the removal of the position of [Supreme Chancellor],” he said. “It serves only to give unelected individuals power (much of it through immense influence the position holds) and is simply going to be continually passed between friends and used for the power of a small group of friends as it already has been."

Vice Chancellor Drecq quickly pushed back against the notion of the chancellors being subject to political influence, or use of political influence in its duties. “I challenge anyone to find even a single instance of the Chancellery letting itself be influenced by personal feelings or politics,” he said. “The [supreme chancellors’] administration of elections has been and will continue to be entirely unbiased.”

Senator Cerian Quilor unequivocally declared his disagreement to the amendment. “I am categorically opposed to any elimination of the office of Supreme Chancellor,” he said on the Senate floor. Others publicly joined the senator in opposition.

“The Office of the Supreme Chancellor has been executing and safeguarding our electoral process in this region for years,” Sopo said. “There is no easy replacement for these people who do pretty thankless work in exchange for the limited respect and prestige of their office.”

A significant portion of the initial discussion focused on Mousebumples related to her role as supreme chancellor and her forays into the region’s political arena, including serving as chair of a political party. “Her continued personal vendetta against Kraken, WL, Calvin and others is inappropriate in her current position,” Minister of World Assembly Rach said. “It's one thing to pursue politics like that ... and it's acceptable to do so just not from a chancellor.” Notolecta also questioned her credentials for the office, and compared her stature to Aexnidaral Seymour, Rach, and Kraken, among others. “She’s greatly elevated by the position of [supreme chancellor],” he said.

Common-Sense Politics, the region’s grand admiral, did not dismiss the anti-Mousebumples notion, but defended the institution. “I think the Chancellery has an important role to play in our community and would like to see it survive this debate. If one of its members doesn't, well, I can live with that,” he said. “Let's just be clear about what we're upset about because I don't really buy that it's the office and I think destroying the office as collateral damage would be the height of irresponsibility.”

Supreme Chancellor Lethen, one of three citizens whom this amendment could directly impact, quickly ventured to the Grand Hall and made a statement. “I'm not surprised considering some of the players advocating for this law, but this is very much a pointed attack against certain members of the Office of the [Supreme Chancellor] that does not care who else is dragged down with them,” he said. “That is reckless behavior, plain and simple.” Lethen also argued against the accusation of supreme chancellors being overly political, killed the notion of his asking for Mousebumples resignation, and generally derided the amendment.

The first debate in the Senate since the revocation of speaking rights for honored citizens will surely be one of the most important the region has seen recently. The elimination of the Office of the Supreme Chancellor would represent a dramatic shift in Europeia away from its history and political roots. With much of the recent discussion focused on the potential divide between new and old members, this is a topic that will surely add to that debate.

There is currently no vote scheduled in the Senate, as the legislature continues to discuss the amendment. Given the current political climate, if the legislation passes the Senate, we may see yet another bill brought before the people for referendum.
After the days and days of debate about HC speaking rights, I was looking forward to quiet. Shame that didn't happen.
I would say quiet is boring, but honestly, a little quiet down would have been nice, yeah, gotta agree with you SD.

An excellent piece.
I would have loved quiet. Instead we have this going right into HEM's Ovation, and then there are two elections that need to have to be opened and organized (plus one is Presidential so extra work for me yay...)
Oh I love that irony.

"HEM is no longer relevant."
"Go HEM. You're the best. You've done so much for us."

He deserves better, Europeia.
Seven Deaths said:
Oh I love that irony.

"HEM is no longer relevant."
"Go HEM. You're the best. You've done so much for us."

He deserves better, Europeia.
I'm not the one actually under attack here. A few foolish quotes that make their way into the EBC don't trigger me.

But I appreciate it.
I just took Memorial Day off, really, that was it. Did we have to try and kill the Chancellery while I was gone?
Thatll teach you to honour the contributions of patriots who gave the last full measure of devotion to the country you love. Next time you better just cut it out already.
HEM said:
Seven Deaths said:
Oh I love that irony.

"HEM is no longer relevant."
"Go HEM. You're the best. You've done so much for us."

He deserves better, Europeia.
I'm not the one actually under attack here. A few foolish quotes that make their way into the EBC don't trigger me.

But I appreciate it.
Yeah, I'm not a hundred percent sure what I meant when I wrote that half asleep, or even why I was replying at all, but I'm sure I meant it specifically in reference to your Ovation. Sorry to imply you were the one being attacked.
Seven Deaths said:
Oh I love that irony.

"HEM is no longer relevant."
"Go HEM. You're the best. You've done so much for us."

He deserves better, Europeia.
I mean, HEM said something about this already, but there is irony in the fact that we are being called no longer relevant (as is the OSC) yet not irrelevant enough since we still have plenty of "soft" power and apparently the office itself lends to greater levels of influence over players simply due to the name. :emb:

Which is it, relevant or not relevant? :p