Senate Removes Grizzli for Inactivity

Senate Removes Grizzli for Inactivity
By Deepest House

(Europeia – April 20, 2017) – The Senate voted unanimously on April 19 to remove Senator Grizzli from office for inactivity. Speaker of the Senate Malashaan opened debate on the potential removal on April 18.

“Despite my hope that Grizzli is all right, I must agree with the consensus that he is currently unable to perform his duties as a Senator,” Senator Isaris said on April 19, in calling for the vote to remove Grizzli from office. “Having not given any notification of his absence, it was likely unexpected and could continue for an unknown period of time.”

Speaker Malashaan recorded the vote today, and pledged to notify the Supreme Chancellors of Europeia.

The Senate Protocol Act allows the Senate to remove a member by majority vote if the member has been inactive for five or more days. Grizzli had not been active since voting in the confirmation hearings for cabinet members of the new administration on April 13. This marks the second consecutive term in which the Senate has had a member removed for inactivity.
PT was removed by referenda, Noto and XIV resigned.
Right - but PT was still removed for inactivity. That's consecutive terms a senator has been removed for inactivity (one by referendum, the other by senate vote)
All these puns are giving me quite the stomach ursa.