Senate Ratifies CAIN 2.0

Senate Ratifies CAIN 2.0
By Deepest House

(Europeia – April 29, 2017) – The Senate ratified a new revision of the Coalition Against the Ideology of Nazism (CAIN) treaty on April 27. President Calvin Coolidge sent the treaty to the Senate for consideration on April 19.

“This new version of the CAIN treaty has been in the works for months, and just passed a vote of the signatories,” the president said. “Now, we present it to the Senate for its approval.” This revision builds on the original CAIN treaty, ratified in October 2016.

The Senate ratified the treaty unanimously, with several senators making comments prior to the vote. “Time will tell what this does for CAIN, but I hope that this new draft will see a better version of CAIN emerge,” Senator JayDee said, to open the conversation. Speaker Malashaan, as one of the primary authors, offered to answer any questions his colleagues may have.

“There are some specific provisions I personally have minor misgivings on … but at this point, it’s best for Europeia that CAIN have this updated document,” added Senator Cerian Quilor. “I'm not going to second guess the Administration or the people in CAIN on those provisions right now.”

The Coalition Against the Ideology of Nazism is a partnership of signatory nations conceptualized by former Europeian foreign minister Brunhilde. The coalition is dedicated to standing against Nazism and all that for which it stands. “Nazism is a scourge that has no place in society, let alone NationStates,” Brunhilde said in her opening speech at the international CAIN conference last year. Brunhilde was the driving force behind the creation of the original treaty.

After the second reading, Malashaan called the vote. Upon ratification, he traveled to Goldenblock to inform President Calvin Coolidge of the result. The president acknowledged the ratification and thanked Malashaan for delivering the news.

The West Pacific, The Universal Allegiance, Equilism, the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Land of Kings and Emperors, and Balder join Europeia in ratification. The Red Fleet withdrew from CAIN on April 16.
I am elated this has finally happened. Everyone involved, especially Isaris and Malashaan, have worked incredibly hard from last term into this term. I am so glad Calvin has been able to sign this.
Is there any word on other signatories of the original document that have yet to ratify the new treaty but not resigned from CAIN? IIRC, Taijitu was a signatory of CAIN, and I don't remember hearing mention of their departure. Have they (or other regions) just not gotten to ratifying it yet?