Remsol Tonight

Ladies and gentlemen,

My name is Remsol Greyjoy, and welcome to the very first edition of Remsol Tonight.

A new edition of Remsol Tonight will be published weekly.

Tonight, we start off with an interview. My friend, and the Speaker of the Senate, McEntire, agreed to sit down with me for us to discuss his career, and his thoughts on Vinage's term so far.


McEntire, thank you for being here, I can't think of any better person to be my first interviewee.

Now, onto the first question.

Remsol: How do you think Vinage has performed this far into his term?

McEntire: I think Vinage has performed really well. Half of Presidential success is picking the right team, and I think he certainly did so. It's a well-oiled machine. Every Minister is performing at peak efficiency, with very few exceptions.

R: What do you think his administration could've done better, or improved upon?

M: I do think he could do more to cultivate a more pervasive public image, but the fact is he's used to being a behind the scenes worker. It's not even a policy critique, but I'd like to see something that's signature Vinage out there. Oliver had the 'Goodnight, Europeia' segments, Earth22 had FireSkype chats, I'd like to see that type of thing done with Vinage just because he is so fantastic.

Another area where I see work that needs to be done is Integration and Retention. To be fair, work is being done in these areas and Elias has been making strides, but I believe that we need to have a more streamlined system of getting nations from the feeders and sinkers to the region to the forum all within a few minutes. I'd like to see something more innovative with that.

R: I am sure being Speaker of the Senate is a challenging job. Could you outline for us the most difficult duties that come along with the title?

M: It's really not all that difficult. It's mainly an administrative position, so keeping track of what all is going on on the floor is difficult sometimes. The hardest part, I'd have to say, is developing an agenda. You have to talk to your fellow Senators and assure that something is always on the burners. It's also tough to make sure that you're striking the right tone between "administrator" and "opinionated legislator". It's just a balance, like everything else.

We had an ambitious agenda this term, and while we've been working at a slow pace, I prefer the term "measured". I really think we're doing what a legislative body should do, really think before we speak and give plenty of opportunity to review these bills. I mean, the reason legislation has so many limitations in terms of time spans and Presidential veto and all of that is because it's supposed to be very contemplative. So that's not to go on the defensive, but just to sort of say to anyone who might have a problem with it "Yes, I understand, but it's mainly a stylistic choice and it leads to a very functional Senate". I really am happy with the way things are going this term.

R: Do you have any comments on the resignations of Pope Lexus X and HEM? Do you believe Senatorial resignations have a serious impact on the work of the Senate as a whole?

M: Those Senators had to do what was best for them. There's not much more to say. I don't think they particularly impacted the Senate. HEM was sort of expected to come in and focus on electoral reforms, and as a result of his departure the progress on that has slowed. But that's really the only impact resignations have had. But that reform will get done. Before the end of the term, it will be done.

And, although we had resignations, we've gained two awesome new Senators who are among the hardest workers we've got, so it may have even been a net positive!

R: How do you think Europeia is doing in general? Are we headed in the right direction as a region?

M: I really think we are. I mean, we were running the risk of stagnation with a few mediocre terms there, but I think we're headed in a good direction. I'd like to see more "big idea" thinking to take us to the next level, but as of right now things are all running very smoothly. Impressively, even.

R: You have been widely rumored to be considering a bid for the Presidency next election. Could you play into any of those rumors for us?

M: Well! That's news to me. Look, it's always nice to be mentioned and speculated about. It really is an honor. And I have always told anyone who has asked that I've got two things that need to fall in to place for me to run. First, I've got to think I can win. I'm not going to waste my time to run in an election I don't even believe I've got a shot in. Second, I've got to fully understand the policy I'd have to know. And I don't have that 100% yet. I'm taking steps to learn, but there are just some policy areas that I could speak intelligently on, but probably couldn't be in charge of. So the answer is maybe, but probably not the next election. Definitely not the next election if Vinage seeks re-election because I think he's doing a great job.

R: Any final comments you would like to make?

M: I guess I'd just say that I feel really positive about Europeia, I've learned more in the last two terms than I have in a long time, and it was an honor to be interviewed! Interesting questions, thank you Remsol and thanks to the EBC.


What a fascinating figure here in Europeia. Once again, I would like to thank McEntire for doing this, and I will see you all right here, next week.

I wish you all the best in this week ahead.

Signing off, Remsol.
Good interview, I like casual laid back ones like this!

Also some great suggestions from the Speaker
There are times I think that McEntire would look astoundingly good in teal.