President Calvin Coolidge Announces Discord Rules

President Calvin Coolidge Announces Discord Rules
By Deepest House

(Europeia – April 25, 2017) – President Calvin Coolidge announced the publication of rules governing behavior on Europeia’s Discord server in an announcement today from the Goldenblock. The Discord moderation team collaborated to develop the rules, which includes punishments for specific rules violations, as well as a guide to standard punishment escalation for repeat offenders.

“Discord offers our community a fantastic and easy platform to interact with each other,” President Calvin Coolidge said. “These rules provide a framework to guide our citizens’ behavior in using Discord, and protect both Discord users and the region from inappropriate behavior.”

Some of the rules include bans on uploading malicious files, publishing personally identifiable information, and acting in a disrespectful or offensive manner. The Discord rules are effective immediately.

The official announcement, with the complete list of rules and punishments, can be found online: