Pre-Standing Presidential Panel

Earlier tonight, the EBC hosted a panel on the upcoming Presidential race, and discussed possibilities and things to look forward to.
Panel said:
[15:03] <Kraketopia> So, SD as Sterling Archer is the obvious ticket to win, right? Discussion over?
[15:03] <Sopo> ugh, EuroChat only works for me like half the time
[15:03] <CalvinCoolidge> Ah, but he still needs a VP.
[15:03] <Sopo> my messages are not sending
[15:03] <SevenDeaths> I got a maybe from the wonderful Rach.
[15:03] <Sopo> also, why is Henn both in here and the OP?
[15:03] <Kraketopia> I'm sure SD can find a VP somewhere.
[15:04] <CalvinCoolidge> A maybe from Rach? :O
[15:04] <CalvinCoolidge> This election is definitely already over.
[15:04] <Sopo> SD/Rach
[15:04] <SevenDeaths> It's got potential as the best ticket ever.
[15:05] <Writinglegend> Are we beginning soon?
[15:05] <CalvinCoolidge> We have already begun. :D
[15:05] <Writinglegend> ....
[15:05] <Notolecta> How about we talk about candidates with recent political careers.
[15:05] <Notolecta> You know people that might run
[15:06] <Notolecta> Mouse, Calvin, and WL are at the top of my list for potentials.
[15:06] <Writinglegend> Drecq?
[15:06] <Notolecta> After that it falls way off.
[15:06] <Notolecta> I doubt it
[15:06] <Kraketopia> I doubt Calvin or WL will run this term, they're superstars, but not ready yet.
[15:07] <Notolecta> I think he's comfortable where he is.
[15:07] <Kraketopia> Unless Mouse doesn't stand and it's just them, then maybe.
[15:07] <Notolecta> They might be the only ones out there
[15:07] <SevenDeaths> I'd definitely like to see a Mouse ticket.
[15:07] <CalvinCoolidge> If I can, I'm just going to end the speculation and say I'm not running.
[15:07] <Notolecta> I really don't want another one ticket.
[15:07] <Kraketopia> It would be nice to have a real election.
[15:07] <Notolecta> That's disappointing
[15:07] <Sopo> I predict Mouse will run and win. I don't see an obvious opponent.
[15:07] <Notolecta> I'm afraid we may not get any candidates at this point.
[15:08] <Writinglegend> I couldn't possibly comment.
[15:08]Hy has joined #EBC
[15:08] <Notolecta> Most of the viable people aren't likely to run
[15:08] <Notolecta> Mouse/WL confirmed
[15:08] <Kraketopia> I think it's a fairly clear one ticket election and victory, provided Mouse wins, which is looking more and more likely.
[15:08] <Notolecta> Run it in all the papers
[15:08] <Sopo> even a weak opposition would be better than none, and I highly encourage anyone here or reading this later to run
[15:08] <CalvinCoolidge> I agree with Sopo. The real discussion is whether there is anyone that wants to run against Mouse.
[15:08] <Kraketopia> going to run Sopo?
[15:09] <CalvinCoolidge> Sopo/Kristen Bell!
[15:09] <Notolecta> I hope it's not and I'm kinda leaning towards there being a second ticket.
[15:09] <Notolecta> But we won't know until people run
[15:09] <Kraketopia> Well, do you seriously think will make up the second ticket?
[15:09] <Sopo> I know I've said that I would if no one else stands. I'm not completely committed to that. If it seems like that's the right thing to do, I'll consider it, but I'd rather work with someone else to get them to a place where they feel comfortable running.
[15:09] <Notolecta> r3n or anumia could probably make a bit of a showing, but I couldn't see either of them doing it.
[15:10] <SevenDeaths> Maybe Noto will run again?
[15:10] <Kraketopia> #GetNotty
[15:10] <CalvinCoolidge> If r3n runs, this region will explode with joy.
[15:10] <Notolecta> That's definitely some speculation there.
[15:10] <Sopo> there aren't a lot of alternatives
[15:10] <Kraketopia> If r3n runs this will be a real election. That would be beautiful to watch.
[15:10] <Writinglegend> ^
[15:11] <Sopo> Kraken round 3?
[15:11] <Kraketopia> r3n would be fantastic president.
[15:11] <Notolecta> I think there are alternatives just not a lot of them want to be president right now
[15:11] <Sopo> or perhaps a President Hy?
[15:11] <Kraketopia> T3: The re-re-tentacling.
[15:11] <Kraketopia> We have a lot of talent, it's just a bad time for a lot of them.
[15:11] <Notolecta> Calvin or WL could make solid runs, even if they don't win
[15:11] <Kraketopia> I'm interested in being President again, but I was *just* President
[15:12] <Kraketopia> Yeah but neither seems to have the courage
[15:12] <Sopo> I really hope next term's Cabinet makes a greater effort to include Assistant Ministers at a higher level to prepare the next generation of leaders
[15:12] <Sopo> and I hope the next Cabinet is significantly different than this one
[15:12] <Notolecta> Really any minister, justice, or senator right now except angleus and carrot could probably make a decent run at it.
[15:12] <Hy> no president hy
[15:12] <Kraketopia> Why's that? I feel that this has been a very strong Cabinet.
[15:12] <CalvinCoolidge> That's true, there has been a lull in new, active members.
[15:12] <Sopo> because it's been essentially the same Cabinet for 2+ terms
[15:13] <CalvinCoolidge> Sopo just wants in.
[15:13] <Kraketopia> Well, WL and CC are still quite new. What do you propose we do? Turf all the older members?
[15:13] <Sopo> Cal and WL would benefit from learning different skills
[15:13] <Notolecta> I don't think many of the young members are trying to get involved, from my expeirnce in a variety of departments
[15:13] <Sopo> so... move them around
[15:13] <Kraketopia> I imagine they will be getting different positions this time around.
[15:13] <Notolecta> WL and Calvin are working in every ministry
[15:13] <Writinglegend> Yea
[15:13] <Notolecta> and hard in every ministry too
[15:13] <Writinglegend> It's true
[15:14] <Notolecta> They have some balanced plates.
[15:14] <Writinglegend> I am working in every ministry
[15:14] <Kraketopia> I think they opportunities have been there for newcomer involvement, quite frankly. I've been very supportive of newcomers in the Navy.
[15:14] <Writinglegend> Same with Cal
[15:14] <CalvinCoolidge> I agree, I am a good person who does good things.
[15:14] <Kraketopia> xD
[15:14] <Writinglegend> I am a good person, who does rather evil things :D
[15:14] <Notolecta> I think the newcomers have opprotunities, but not many are getting engaged for some reason.
[15:14] <Sopo> sure, you guys have done great jobs
[15:14] <Sopo> but you can't keep doing them forever
[15:15] <Writinglegend> ^
[15:15] <Notolecta> Really the whole region is kinda pulling back and becoming aloof.
[15:15] <CalvinCoolidge> *blames Sopo*
[15:15] <Sopo> we've had a lot of activity lately, but not political activity
[15:15] <CalvinCoolidge> I wouldn't say that, though.
[15:15] <Kraketopia> Perhaps that's something the committee could look into Sopo.
[15:15] <Notolecta> Yes but the only people who are even working in their ministries are mostly other ministers.
[15:15] <Kraketopia> I agree Noto.
[15:15] <Notolecta> and a few old folk.
[15:15] MS has joined #EBC
[15:16] <Kraketopia> Hide the good silverware.
[15:16] <Notolecta> We can't give newcomers epeirnce they aren't trying to get.
[15:16] <CalvinCoolidge> All of this lack of activity also makes it tough for private media to stay afloat.
[15:16] <Sopo> we've had a lot of luck bringing people in, but not a lot of luck with integrating them and getting them involved
[15:16] <Notolecta> I think that's because we've focused too much on getting them here.
[15:17] <Notolecta> There is an attidude in interior that once they are here that is enough.
[15:17] <Sopo> I'm not sure Carrot has been doing much

[15:17] <Kraketopia> Perhaps a stronger gaming and writing community would help keep them. That's what's worked for Albion.
[15:17] <Notolecta> He hasn't from where I'm sitting
[15:17] <Sopo> we need more work on the integration side
[15:17] <Notolecta> r3n and mouse are likely still in charge there.
[15:17] <Kraketopia> He's been doing his basic duties, but I'm not sure he's done much beyond that.
[15:18] <Notolecta> I'm really surpirsed mala kept him through the whole term.
[15:18] <CalvinCoolidge> I think that is mostly a result of Mouse and r3n's work, he got appointed in the first place, honestly.
[15:18] <CalvinCoolidge> So, I don't know if Mal expected a lot from Carrot.
[15:18] <Notolecta> I'll be even more surprised if he comes back next term.
[15:19] <Sopo> Carrot?
[15:19] <Kraketopia> I don't think he's done a bad enough job to warrant being fired.
[15:19] <Kraketopia> But he probably won't come back next term.
[15:19] <Notolecta> He did nothing that I can see
[15:20] <Kraketopia> Noto, when is your second report card coming out? I've been waiting a while xD
[15:20] <Writinglegend> xD
[15:20] <Kraketopia> Maybe I'll have to make a report card about your report cards
[15:20] <CalvinCoolidge> Ooh.
[15:20] <Notolecta> Soon I got distracted by real life and planning for a few things.
[15:20] <Kraketopia> RL is a myth.
[15:20] <CalvinCoolidge> Like a presidential run? :D
[15:20] <Notolecta> I only have to finish the overall part and hope to get it out today.
[15:20] <Kraketopia> #GetNotty2014
[15:21] <Kraketopia> Noto/Rach
[15:21] <Notolecta> Ha
[15:21] <CalvinCoolidge> XD
[15:21] <Notolecta> I still regret never getting a notty/cerian
[15:21] <Kraketopia> Noto's got the work ethic...she's got the bikini pics, perfect combination.
[15:21]Mousebumples has joined #EBC
[15:21] <CalvinCoolidge> The Mouse of the hour.
[15:21] <Mousebumples> talking about a noto/rach ticket?
[15:21] <Kraketopia> Are we sure Mouse should be allowed to be here?
[15:22] <Mousebumples> i can leave
[15:22] <Mousebumples>
[15:22] <Mousebumples> i'm just nosy
[15:22] <Kraketopia> I'm just bugging you
[15:22] <Mousebumples> and i haven't seen any posts of logs in EBC
[15:22] <Notolecta> She can be here
[15:22] <Kraketopia> Yes, we're talking about how a Noto/Rach ticket would be unstoppable.
[15:22] <CalvinCoolidge> ^
[15:22] <Mousebumples> i've got about 800 things to do yet tonight, so i'm not sure how active i'll be in here, but i can always read the logs later
[15:22] <Writinglegend>
[15:22] <Mousebumples> they'd argue us into oblivion
[15:23] <CalvinCoolidge> But the campaign would be glorious.
[15:23] <Kraketopia> The campaign would be amazing.
[15:23] <Mousebumples> i was gone longer than expected this morning/afternoon (yaaaay for major accident shutting down the freeway and making me take back roads for about 30 minutes), so ... yeah
[15:23] <Kraketopia> Between Noto's criticisms and Rach's trolling....
[15:23] <Notolecta> anyway any other candidate thoughts?
[15:23] <Mousebumples> and rach's criticisms - can't forget those
[15:23] <Notolecta> Or is our only realistic one mouse.
[15:23] <Mousebumples> and sometimes i wonder if noto is trolling/playing devil's advocate
[15:23] <Mousebumples> ;)
[15:23] <Kraketopia> I think it's Mouse as our real candidate and SD's troll campaign
[15:23] <Mousebumples> MS for president?
[15:24] <Notolecta> Sometimes I do playdevil's advocate, but I'm always being serious.
[15:24] <Kraketopia> If we can trick him into it.
[15:24] <Mousebumples> no one will run if MS doesn't run D:
[15:24] <MS> wait what
[15:24] <Notolecta> I'm a dick because I don't have a censor, not because I just like to piss people off.
[15:25] <Kraketopia> You heard her MS. If you don't run, we won't have a President.
[15:25] <MS> GOOD
[15:25] <Sopo> I really think we need a second serious presidential candidate
[15:25] <MS> maybe I will run...
[15:25] <CalvinCoolidge> Well, yes, but we can't seem to think who it would be.
[15:25] <Notolecta> We'll porbably get one sopo
[15:25] <Kraketopia> Well, if you all promise to vote for me, I guess I could go Kraken T3
[15:25] <Kraketopia> JK
[15:25] <Mousebumples> MS/Sopo or Sopo/MS
[15:25] <Notolecta> I think two uncontested in a row is unlikely.
[15:26] <Notolecta> Also we don't even know we have the first one
[15:26] <Kraketopia> I'd like to see r3n or drecq step up. Perhaps together.
[15:26] <Mousebumples> r3n is still WAD for TNP for another month
[15:26] <Notolecta> If mouse doesn't run that would be weird.
[15:26] <Mousebumples> i don't see him trying to do both at once
[15:26] <Notolecta> I don't see drecq running either
[15:26] <Kraketopia> So.....Noto/Sopo?
[15:26] <Mousebumples> i think drecq ran in may because he'd have the summer off from university to focus on euro - he hasn't said that, that's pure speculation on my part
[15:27] <Mousebumples> SD/Shin - the Archer-Squared ticket?
[15:27] <Kraketopia> Yeah. I feel kind of like a dick for taking that way from him, but that's also why I ran then xD
[15:27] <CalvinCoolidge> That makes sense, though.
[15:27] <Notolecta> So if mouse doesn't run what happens?
[15:27] <Notolecta> Do we have a candidateless election?
[15:27] <Kraketopia> That would be an epic ticket.
[15:27] <Mousebumples> if mouse doesn't run maybe someone else decides to stand who hadn't planned on it anyhow
[15:27] <CalvinCoolidge> Without Mouse running, I may have to run.
[15:28] <Kraketopia> Yeah. I could see Calvin or WL running if there wasn't a serious candidate.
[15:28] <Mousebumples> ooooh
[15:28] <Mousebumples> Calvin/WL
[15:28] <Writinglegend> ....
[15:28] <Writinglegend> xD
[15:28] <CalvinCoolidge> WL/Calvin ;)
[15:28] <Notolecta> Without mouse running I'll just declare myself dictator.
[15:28] <Kraketopia> Move out of the way, let the newcomers get some experience
[15:28] <Mousebumples> is that even a ticket? or is that just a mirror pres/VP ticket?
[15:28] <Notolecta> No one will mind right?
[15:28]*Mousebumples fights for a Mousetatorship
[15:28] <Writinglegend> ;)
[15:28] <CalvinCoolidge> *Mousetatership
[15:29] <Mousebumples> haha, also true
[15:29] <Mousebumples> i had a Mousetatorship in Monkey Island and it would probably be more of a Mouse-tater-ship in Euro, if given the opportunity to expand my reach ;)
[15:29] <Sopo> the problem is, no one is really opposed enough to Mouse or ambitious enough themselves to challenge her
[15:29] <MS> Mousetaters for everyone!
[15:29] <Notolecta> Sicne we don't have much on potential candidates want to talk about the cabinet, since it did come up that it hasn't changed in a few terms.
[15:30] <Notolecta> Do we see culture, comm, the navy, or FA with different ministers if none of those people run?
[15:30] <Writinglegend> Sure
[15:30] <Notolecta> I don't think we do
[15:30] <CalvinCoolidge> Why is that?
[15:30] <Sopo> I certainly do
[15:30] <Mousebumples> i'd like to see a change in most of those, personally
[15:30] <Mousebumples> which is not meant to be a statement _against_ the current ministers in their current position
[15:31] <MS> there seems to be a general aversion to sea changes, or wanting to shake up the formula in the executive. shit's getting stale though
[15:31] <Mousebumples> but more a statement that i think the cabinet is getting stagnant and that we should be mixing things up a bit
[15:31] <Sopo> stale as hell
[15:31] <Notolecta> Right now most of those in charge are some of the better options, I wonder if we really have good alternatives.
[15:31] <Sopo> sure we do
[15:31] <Mousebumples> even if it's the same people in different slots, i think that's a valid alternative
[15:31] <Notolecta> Do we, and I'm not counting having those same people move around
[15:31] <Sopo> and people can be moved around without being taken out of Cabinet entirely
[15:31] <Kraketopia> Well, the Navy has changed recently
[15:31] <Writinglegend>
[15:32] <Mousebumples> Shin is GA now?! D:
[15:32] <Sopo> there's a handful of people in this chat now not in Cabinet
[15:32] <Kraketopia> From last term to this term
[15:32] <MS> I don't know what I could do D':
[15:32] <CalvinCoolidge> I knew it. Sopo does want in.
[15:32] <Notolecta> Do you think any of us will be net term
[15:32] <Notolecta> SD hasn't been all that involved in the government since his return.
[15:32] <Notolecta> I'm me.

[15:32] <Mousebumples> i wish there were more newcomers setting themselves apart and making a push to be added to cabinet
[15:32] <Writinglegend> ^
[15:33] <Notolecta> I do too
[15:33] <CalvinCoolidge> I think we all do.
[15:33] <Notolecta> But unfortunately there isn't
[15:33] <Notolecta> Interesting question is interior
[15:33] <MS> Culture, Comm, and Interior usually benefit from new perspectives, as we've seen with WL and Calvin especially
[15:33] <Kraketopia> To be realistic, we only get one or two really good active newcomers each generation.
[15:33] <Kraketopia> I was the one from mine, CC and WL are the ones from theirs.
[15:33] <Notolecta> Do we see someone coming in from the outside or one of the cabinet members being moved over.
[15:34] <Writinglegend> To where
[15:34] <Writinglegend> *?
[15:34] <Notolecta> To interior
[15:34] <MS> The most obvious future change would be Interior, sure
[15:34] <Notolecta> Meaning is the next MoI going to come from one of the current cabinet ministers.
[15:34] <Kraketopia> Yeah.
[15:34] <Mousebumples> not necessarily
[15:34] <Mousebumples> i could see a few outsiders being good in that role, should they want it
[15:34] <Kraketopia> My yeah was to MS, not Noto.
[15:35] <MS> I'm kinda unclear as to what the MoI itenerary even is, since Mouse and r3n do a lot of the recruiting/integration legwork
[15:35] <Notolecta> I wonder who else is out there right now
[15:35] <Notolecta> Drecq, but I'm not sure he wants it
[15:35] <Mousebumples> i think MS or Sopo could do the job well, if they wanted it
[15:35] <Kraketopia> I doubt it.
[15:35] <MS> I'm interior-ing in another region now, but I'm not sure whether I could stand out as MoI in Euro
[15:36] <Notolecta> I don't see MS wanting it, but I might be wrong.
[15:36] <CalvinCoolidge> I sense Kraken was a little late to type his response, or things are about to get interesting.
[15:36] <Notolecta> Sopo could work.
[15:36] <Notolecta> I actually think the best candidate might be a current cabinet member though.
[15:36] <Notolecta> Calvin
[15:37] <Kraketopia> My response was to Noto
[15:37] <Mousebumples> i think both WL and calvin would do well as interior, from current cabinet members
[15:37] <Mousebumples> and, honestly, kraken and phdre would also be good there, too
[15:37] <CalvinCoolidge> And it looks like PhDre will likely be looking for a new job next term, anyway.
[15:37] <Notolecta> I think that might be the list of candidates for the position to be honest.
[15:38] <MS> Malashaan hasn't put as much of a focus on AM training/infrastructure as Kraken did in his second term, so finding replacements in Culture or Comm would be a little difficult
[15:38] <Notolecta> Does noto get a ministry? How fast can you answer the question
[15:38] <Sopo> so, MinInn is definitely out next term, we think?
[15:38] <Kraketopia> xD
[15:38] <Sopo> where does EON go?
[15:38] <Mousebumples> hrm, maybe
[15:39] <SevenDeaths> SD for MinComm 20...Next term.
[15:39] <Kraketopia> My guess is yes.
[15:39] <Kraketopia> I'd like to see SD involved in Euro again.
[15:39] <Notolecta> So many questions can't tell who is answeing what
[15:39] <SevenDeaths> I'm not joking. I'd seriously take the job if offered.
[15:39] <Kraketopia> Maybe we should all start using @
[15:39] <Kraketopia>
[15:39] <Kraketopia> Next President, give SD Comms. Seriously.
[15:40] <MS> the real innovation would be for the President to finally acknowledge that baby steps are more effective than faux-revolutionary changes in the status quo. down with MoInnovation
[15:40] <CalvinCoolidge> That would be a nice transition.
[15:40] <Kraketopia> Most of my rhetoric was about baby steps, and the DAF kept denouncing me for not making revolutionary changes
[15:40] <Notolecta> Is it time to move on maybe?
[15:41] <Kraketopia> And if I recall Mal was criticized for having slow moving plans to, instead of revolutionary inspiring ones.
[15:41] <Writinglegend> *too
[15:41] <Writinglegend>
[15:41] <Kraketopia> It seems like it.
[15:41] <Kraketopia> This is why I keep you around WL
[15:41] <Writinglegend> Because I have to correct your grammatical errors? xD
[15:42] <Kraketopia> Because you're my secretary
[15:42] <Writinglegend>
[15:42] <Mousebumples> the GA has a secretary?
[15:42] <MS> slow moving plans with the backdrop of Innovation-esque rhetoric, which is like a double layer of transparent bs right there anyway
[15:42] <Mousebumples> breaking news from #EBC?
[15:42] <Kraketopia> Yes.
[15:42] <CalvinCoolidge> All right, so do we want to predict what the major campaign issue(s) will be?
[15:42] <Writinglegend> FA
[15:42] <Notolecta> Transparency and FA
[15:42] <Kraketopia> I'm not sure there will be that many. There haven't been any serious flaws this term.
[15:43] <Mousebumples> do we think sopo's newest newspaper article will affect the FA discussion?
[15:43] <SevenDeaths> It's always FA.
[15:43] <Kraketopia> I think transparency and FA will make for a particularly boring election.
[15:43] <Notolecta> FA has been lacking, and the a lot of non-government members will be out of the loop
[15:43] <CalvinCoolidge> I agree on FA, but transparency in regards to what?
[15:43] <MS> GAP will be half-heartedly murmured about, as it has been in the last 14 months
[15:43] <Mousebumples> last election, there were calls for "changes in FA"
[15:43] <Mousebumples> what sort of changes do people want to see?
[15:43] <Mousebumples> should we be doing a treaty with TRR? [/sarcasm]
[15:43] <Sopo> I encourage anyone who hasn't already to go read the article I just posted, either during or after this
[15:43] <Mousebumples> ^
[15:43] <Kraketopia> *mouse's shot at the presidency dies*
[15:43] <Sopo> Mouse, that was a possibility a few years ago
[15:43] <Notolecta> Transparency in refrence to more information being released on what ministries are doing.
[15:44] <Kraketopia> I haven't read it yet, I'll have to take a look.
[15:44] <MS> I did like the status updates during the Kraken administration
[15:44] <Mousebumples> Comm and Culture have been releasing weekly updates
[15:44] <CalvinCoolidge> I put out updates every week, so I know I'm not in trouble.
[15:44] <Notolecta> Especially ones like interior, where there is no sign of life to the outside world
[15:44] <Mousebumples> Kraken has been publishing raid info in the Octagon
[15:44] <Writinglegend> Me too
[15:44] <MS> Comm and Culture are actually doing weekly things though
[15:44] <Notolecta> Comm and culture aren't the only ministries though
[15:44] <Mousebumples> Innovation doesn't really have a "place" but i think the mixlr stuff is under that, is it not?
[15:45] <Sopo> I think we should be reaching out more beyond our traditional independent sphere
[15:45] <Kraketopia> Well, it's hard for me to publish weekly updates when I publish updates on all of our successful raids. I've also published two reports on training and general Naval affairs.
[15:45] <Notolecta> I agree sopo
[15:45] <Mousebumples> Sopo - do you have any particular targets in mind? or is that just a general query?
[15:45] <Kraketopia> To more hard raiders and defenders?
[15:45] <Notolecta> I wonder if the GAP will come back up
[15:45] <Sopo> more general than anything
[15:45] <Sopo> but I don't think we should limit our friends to people who always agree with us
[15:46] <Sopo> that's TNI's racket
[15:46] <Sopo> not ours
[15:46] <MS> ^
[15:46] <Notolecta> There are also regions that avoid gameplay altogether but still have FA
[15:46] <Kraketopia> Well, we need to be smart about how we do it. Expanding to gain more friends while maintaining good relationships with our proven friends.
[15:46] <Notolecta> Such as cultural regions unless they are all dead.
[15:46] <Sopo> of course, we don't want to sacrifice TNI for another region.... but there are middle ground regions
[15:47] <Mousebumples> i'd hope that our proven friends aren't insecure enough to feel threatened because we're talking to a region that doesn't always agree with them
[15:47] <Sopo> TSP is a good example of the kind of region I like
[15:47] <Notolecta> I think cultural relationships would be wise given our strong showing in culture recently.
[15:47] <Sopo> room for cooperation, room for differences
[15:47] <Notolecta> TSP is an ally
[15:47] <Sopo> yes, that's what I mean
[15:47] <Notolecta> And I think we are drifting from them
[15:48] <Sopo> I have more to say about that, but it's not really related to the election
[15:48] <Mousebumples> i'd hope that with tsu as WA Delegate, we can perhaps rectify that, but i have no idea if that's really attainable as i don't have any close contacts there
[15:48] <Notolecta> But I'm not rally sure because they have a pretty diverse group of players
[15:48] <CalvinCoolidge> I think we have stopped drifting away, actually.
[15:48] <Sopo> ^
[15:48] <Kraketopia> I hope that Tsu will be more amenable to working together than the past administration was.
[15:49] <Writinglegend> ^^^
[15:49] <Mousebumples> having GR _not_ in power helps
[15:49] <Sopo> indeed
[15:49] <Kraketopia> ^
[15:49] <Writinglegend> xD
[15:49] <Kraketopia> GR was very actively working against friendship with Europeia.
[15:49] <Mousebumples> now, if only we could find some way to strand unibot somewhere without internet for an extended period of time ....
[15:49] <Notolecta> I'm not sure their current FA minister is going to be too much better
[15:49] <Sopo> Raven is better than GR
[15:49] <Mousebumples> who is their new FA minister?
[15:49] <Mousebumples> raven likes euro
[15:49] <Sopo> Raven
[15:49] <Writinglegend> Raven
[15:49] <Sopo> anyway, again, getting off track
[15:49] <Notolecta> his focus is GCR's from what I've read though
[15:50] <Notolecta> which could leave us on the back burner.
[15:50] <Mousebumples> but he's worked well with us in other regions, if memory serves
[15:50] <Kraketopia> Better than active opposition though.
[15:50] <Kraketopia> And yeah, he has a history of working Euro.
[15:50] <Mousebumples> i'll take indifference over that every day, yeah
[15:50] <Mousebumples> also, we may be a UCR, but we're hardly a 100 nation region
[15:50] <Sopo> any changes in the Navy any time soon?
[15:50] <Mousebumples> we're a regional force in many ways, even though we are "only" a UCR
[15:51] <Kraketopia> ^
[15:51] <Mousebumples> shouldn't you know the answer there, kraken?
[15:51] <Notolecta> What changes can we mae in the navy?
[15:51] <Kraketopia> Are you asking me as GA? Or someone as a potential presidential candidate?
[15:51] <Notolecta> Major one's I mean
[15:51] <Sopo> generally for the panel, but you would obviously be able to answer that
[15:51] <Notolecta> The navy reall just needs continue growth in it's current direction for now.
[15:51] <Mousebumples> what changes would you _like_ to see in the navy, kraken? or what do you have planned if you're brought back as GA?
[15:51] <Kraketopia> If you're asking me, the major changes have been implemented.
[15:51] <CalvinCoolidge> Maybe some promotions, or something, but Kraken should not be replaced.
[15:52] <Notolecta> If kraken is replaced I see 4 options
[15:52] <Kraketopia> More advanced training for newcomers, more aggressive recruitment, more active operations. Now we just need to keep moving forward.
[15:52] <MS> should not or could not?
[15:52] <Notolecta> None of which would happen
[15:52] <Sopo> how do we make headway in recruitment now?
[15:52] <Sopo> Gameside?
[15:52] <Mousebumples> do you think that the navy would be able to survive and continue on if you disappeared, similar to how CSP disappeared back in august?
[15:52] <Writinglegend> ^
[15:52] <CalvinCoolidge> Should. He could be, but I would hope not.
[15:52] <Notolecta> The four options are drecq, calvin, wl, and myself
[15:53] <Kraketopia> I think the Navy would suffer poorly for the following term, honestly.
[15:53] <Mousebumples> i just remember what seemed like a lot of "flailing" back then - in part because we perhaps got to be too dependent on one player to be GA
[15:53] <Kraketopia> Drecq doesn't want the job, calvin and WL aren't ready, I'm not sure how Noto would do, he might be okay.
[15:53] <CalvinCoolidge> I don't think two terms of one GA would be all that bad.
[15:53] <MS> that's how the Navy has been for a long time. not enough people available to take over the job
[15:53] <Kraketopia> I would very much like to serve as GA for a second term. I think it would allow me to rebuild the Navy appropriately.
[15:53] <Mousebumples> i don't plan on kraken going anywhere (and hopefully, he doesn't plan on that either) .... but i think it would be good for the health of euro to have viable backup plans for each cabinet position rather than only having one person who can do the job well - another reason why i'd like to see a shakeup in most ministries next term
[15:54] <Kraketopia> And that's why I'm working on more comprehensive training, so we have a dynamic command staff to choose from.
[15:54] <MS> WL and Calvin at least should get another term of training before being considered for GA
[15:54] <Notolecta> I think if kraken disappeared one the 4 would pick up in some form at this point
[15:54] <CalvinCoolidge> ^
[15:54] <Notolecta> even if not fully
[15:54] <MS> plus maybe some more general FA experience
[15:54] <Notolecta> Not really
[15:54] <Notolecta> I think GA is a good in to FA epeirnce
[15:54] <MS> wat
[15:54] <Notolecta> the navy forces you to deal with other regions.
[15:55] <Mousebumples> are there any ERN partners that we should be approaching that we haven't yet? (or that haven't wanted to work with us, that we should work on)
[15:55] <Kraketopia> The thing about GA is you need good foreign connections to plan operations.
[15:55] <MS> as far as networking, yeah
[15:55] <MS> without FA connections, our GA would only be able to do bs tag raids on nothing regions, which is basically just wheel spinning
[15:55] <Kraketopia> Well, I have increased our relations with TBH and SPSF, and strengthened long standing bonds with UIAF and TNP. I would like to see us work with some other organizations though
[15:56] <Kraketopia> Perhaps TBR for one, and to get some defending experience, BT's Spear Danes organization could be good. I have talked with him.
[15:56] <Notolecta> I'm still ckeptical of the TBH and TBR angles
[15:56] <Mousebumples> i trust TBH more than TBR
[15:56] <Mousebumples> but that's just because i'm tight with mallorea and riva of TBH
[15:56] <Notolecta> Because they aren't orgs that behave in ways he typically find appropraite
[15:56] <Mousebumples> but i also know that they don't have the same ethical standards that we do
[15:56] <MS> TCB is always available -nudges Kraken-
[15:57] <Kraketopia> TBH is more reliable, and that's why I approached them. Jakker has been great to work with.
[15:57] <Mousebumples> i'd hope that if we worked together, we could come to some pre-raid agreement
[15:57] <Mousebumples> i've heard good things about jakker
[15:57] <Notolecta> Jakker is easy to work with
[15:57] <Notolecta> I did some work with him bakc in the day
[15:57] <Mousebumples> mall invited me to join them on a lib of Nazi Europe, but my WA tends to be somewhat tied down ... would have been fun though
[15:57] <Kraketopia> Jakker's quite reasonable. Him and I have talked extensively in the past, they know our ethical standards, they respect them, and he always consults me on whether something's okay.
[15:58] <Kraketopia> I would be interested in working with TCB, MS.
[15:58] <Mousebumples> do you think we should - as a region - discuss our ethical standards? not that they need to change, but more inform the region about what we feel and why we act the way we do?
[15:58] <CalvinCoolidge> We've strayed off the election, but I won't say this isn't interesting.
[15:58] <MS> well reach out to Zenny then :eek: They do tags every day
[15:58] <Mousebumples> @CalvinCoolidge, like we usually stay on topic?
[15:58] <Writinglegend>
[15:59] <CalvinCoolidge> Never. :D
[15:59] <Mousebumples> ^
[15:59] <SevenDeaths> I'm surprised TCB isn't defender. Denny has been very outspoken in the past on the topic of raiding.
[15:59] <Kraketopia> Well, I think the Independent Manifesto makes it clear we don't have to be as ethically tied to one position as we have been in the past. It would be worthwhile considering branching out into more types of operations.
[15:59] <CalvinCoolidge> Ha. Denny.
[15:59] <Kraketopia> Yes, Zenny tends to take defender positions, yet raids. It's strange.

[16:00] <Notolecta> I don't think our ethical standards should change
[16:00] <Mousebumples> should they expand?
[16:00] <Mousebumples> are there new standards that we don't currently follow but should?

[16:00] <Kraketopia> I'm not talking about running our ethical standards through a shredder
[16:00] <Notolecta> not randomly banjecting and not forcebly refounding regions is common sense.
[16:01] <Kraketopia> Of course Noto.
[16:01] <Mousebumples> agreed
[16:01] <Notolecta> I wouldn't mind us helping a region that wants to refound or something along that lines
[16:01] <Kraketopia> That would be interesting.
[16:01] <Mousebumples> but should we expand our anti-nazi policy to work on detagging nazi raided regions?
[16:02] <Notolecta> No
[16:02] <Notolecta> We need to stop caring about nzis
[16:02] <Notolecta> Ignore them
[16:02] <Mousebumples> why?
[16:02] <Notolecta> They aren't worth our time
[16:02] <Sopo> they want attention
[16:02] <Kraketopia> But....killing Nazi's is fun.
[16:02] <Mousebumples> yeah, they want attention
[16:02] <Kraketopia>
[16:02] <Mousebumples> and i wouldn't go "we are anti nazi" when we detag
[16:02] <Notolecta> why give them what they want
[16:02] <SevenDeaths> Just you leave Nazi Utah alone!
[16:02] <Mousebumples> but removing nazi graffiti seems like it's not giving them attention
[16:02] <Sopo> is it a good use of our time?
[16:03] <Mousebumples> if anything, it's minimizing their attention
[16:03] <Kraketopia> Depends on the operations we have available that week.
[16:03] <Mousebumples> seems like a low-impact, low-pressure opportunity for newer sailors that need practice with their command skills
[16:03] <Kraketopia> I honestly wasn't expecting that one of the biggest challenges as GA would be deciding which allies to work with which days. I always have multiple operations to choose from at any given time.
[16:03] <Mousebumples> even if we _retag_ versus _detag_
[16:03] <Notolecta> I wouldn't mind dettagging people we aren't partners(anyone we work with regulaurly) with in general but don't want to target a certain group
[16:03] <Mousebumples> i'd rather see the ERN flag flying than nazi crap
[16:04] <Mousebumples> and, brb - time to change out my laundry
[16:04] <Kraketopia> Three Eyes: Mousey airs dirty laundry.
[16:04] <CalvinCoolidge> XD
[16:05] <Kraketopia> So....anything else?
[16:05] <Sopo> would it be possible to plan for one of our allies to raid a region and for us to defend it, the side with the most WAs winning?
[16:05] <Sopo> or vice versa
[16:06] <Notolecta> I'd like to see some war game like things like that happen.
[16:06]*CalvinCoolidge likes games.
[16:06] <Notolecta> Mainly because defenders aren't much of a challange.
[16:06] <Kraketopia> Variations on that have been considered, and I believe such scenarios will be played around with next term.
[16:06] <Sopo> cool
[16:06]*SevenDeaths wants to play a game.
[16:06] <Sopo> that's all I have for Navy then
[16:06] <Kraketopia> Yes, defenders are quickly falling behind the Independent/Imperialist sphere in military play.
[16:07] <Notolecta> Or even recently I think we could pick a day and a region and have multiple groups all try to take the same region and see who comes out on top
[16:07] <Sopo> "The Raider Games"
[16:07] <Sopo> or whatever
[16:07] <Notolecta> We already talked about interior earlier and FA
[16:07] <Notolecta> Any comm or culture comments
[16:08] <Notolecta> I think mine are summed up by my report card article
[16:08] <Sopo> private media is sad
[16:08] <CalvinCoolidge> International Paper comments?
[16:08] <Sopo> it didn't happen?
[16:08] <Sopo> I think the strategy to focus on EON makes more sense
[16:08] <CalvinCoolidge> Agreed.
[16:08] <Kraketopia> It's funny, a few terms ago private media was thriving and the EBC was dead, now the EBC is thriving and private media is dead.
[16:09] <Kraketopia> It seems like we only have room for public or private media.
[16:09] <CalvinCoolidge> Can't we all get along? D:
[16:10] <Sopo> it's hard to do both
[16:10] <Notolecta> Should we allow both?
[16:10] <CalvinCoolidge> Especially since most of our writers are in the EBC when it is active.
[16:10] <Notolecta> Should we get rid of one or the other?
[16:10] <Sopo> if you're writing for the EBC it's difficult to justify spending your time on one paper
[16:10] <Sopo> on your own paper*
[16:10] <Notolecta> It's not for me
[16:11] <Writinglegend> What did I miss? :O
[16:11] <Sopo> what have you written for the EBC recently?
[16:11] <Notolecta> I write stuff for my paper I wouldn't feel comfortable putting in the EBC
[16:11] <CalvinCoolidge> Oh snap.
[16:11] <Sopo> that wasn't supposed to be a call-out
[16:11] <Writinglegend> Wut
[16:11] <Kraketopia> I think we should have both options, just not make a big deal about it when one suffers.
[16:11] <Sopo> I just mean people tend to do one or the other

[16:12] <Writinglegend> I come from a place where we are talking about ethical standards for the ERN, and I come back to- writing?
[16:12] <Sopo> but yeah, the article I just posted about FA wouldn't really be suitable for the EBC
[16:12] <Notolecta> The last thing I was the majority writer of was the issues polling, but I usually do some level of work on everything
[16:12] <CalvinCoolidge> The only things I put in my paper are things that I can't print the EBC.
[16:13] <Notolecta> My mininn article and report card are the only things I printed in my paper
[16:13] <CalvinCoolidge> So, I feel you.
[16:13] <Notolecta> Couldn't put them in the EBC
[16:13] <CalvinCoolidge> *print in
[16:14] <Notolecta> Most of my article ideas are a bit to politically charged for the EBC
[16:14] <Sopo> what's the purpose of the EBC?
[16:14] <Notolecta> Propoganda?
[16:14] <CalvinCoolidge> To provide a steady stream of articles for the region, to keep media alive, I thought.
[16:15] <CalvinCoolidge> Also, propaganda. :D
[16:15] <Sopo> maybe that should be clarified
[16:15] <Notolecta> More facutal based reporting/interveiwing/polling as opposed to political commentrary
[16:15] <Notolecta> Political commentary is more private media
[16:15] <CalvinCoolidge> Well, I'm MinComm, so I'm right.
[16:16] <Sopo> recently there's been Who's Who, and that's about it
[16:16] <Sopo> dispatches, but those aren't EBC
[16:16] <Sopo> the current polling
[16:16] <CalvinCoolidge> Election stuff comes from the EBC very consistently.
[16:16] <Writinglegend> Did no one see my EBC article? :O
[16:16] <Writinglegend> xD
[16:16] <Mousebumples> presuming innovation doesn't come back next term (probably a safe assumption), should mixlr be moved to comm? or to culture, since it's games and such sometimes?
[16:16] <Notolecta> The LKE-euro fest article, faux news, elections.
[16:17] <Notolecta> We are always doing something elections.
[16:17] <CalvinCoolidge> I think mixlr is a tool to be used by all.
[16:17] <Notolecta> It should be split
[16:17] <Notolecta> I think having such clear cut dichotomies on what projects are under who is bad
[16:18] <Notolecta> Most of our projects fill multiple purposes and can benefit from involvement of multiple ministries.
[16:18] <Notolecta> Trying to fit all our projects neatly into ministries is just unhelpful
[16:18] <CalvinCoolidge> Yes, that is often the case.
[16:18] <Mousebumples> so you don't think there should be someone "in charge" of mixlr?
[16:19] <Notolecta> we've been at this for an hour is there anything we haen't covered that we should?
[16:19] <Notolecta> No not really
[16:19] <Mousebumples> not to say that multiple ministries can't and shouldn't use that
[16:20] <Notolecta> Some projects benefit from having a lead, but I'm not sure milr does.
[16:20] <CalvinCoolidge> Especially since mixlr can be used so diversely.
[16:20] <Mousebumples> what if you have two people who try to broadcast at the same time due to a lack of coordination or overseeing? who decides which project goes on the air?
[16:21] <Mousebumples> hopefully, an agreement could be made, but if culture decides to run a mixlr game at the same time that comm coordinates an international interview ... i can see problems and frustration from the lack of organization
[16:21] <Notolecta> Well I would expect a thread in tomslim
[16:21] <Mousebumples> from the people who show up to play the game and hear the interview instead ... or from the interviewee who gets bumped for a game
[16:21] <Notolecta> so that timeslots could be arranged a head of time
[16:21] <CalvinCoolidge> mixlr is not just the EON, though. So, they could broadcast at the same time, if they want.
[16:21] <Notolecta> and once one is claimed that's it
[16:21] <Mousebumples> so the president, more or less, oversees mixlr?
[16:22] <Notolecta> The president would oversee major conflicts, as he would any conflicts between his cabinet members, but I think the cabinet members should largely be able to work it out within reason.
[16:23] <Notolecta> I don't think multiple mixlr broadcasts at the same time are a good idea.
[16:23] <CalvinCoolidge> No, not a good idea, but possible.
[16:23] <Mousebumples> meanwhile, i think that's a coordination that can be easily delegated
[16:23] <Notolecta> It would distract from one another.
[16:23] <Notolecta> I don't think it needs to be
[16:24] <Mousebumples> i don't see why one minister couldn't "coordinate mixlr" and have, say, the culture minister or the EON director or whatever come to him and say "hey, i wanted to do XYZ on tuesday. would 8est work?"
[16:24] <Mousebumples> i think both are viable options
[16:24] <Notolecta> They could.
[16:24] <Notolecta> I think it would be simpler to have a timeslot claiming system
[16:24] <CalvinCoolidge> Does it have to be a Minister?
[16:24] <Mousebumples> doesn't have to be
[16:25] <Mousebumples> could very well be a Deputy of X Ministry, too
[16:25] <Notolecta> as long as the claims are in a place that can be seen there wouldn't be a problem
[16:25] <Writinglegend> Back.
[16:25] <Notolecta> One last topic we haven't covered
[16:25] <Notolecta> CoS does it stay?
[16:26] <Notolecta> It's the least discussed position in the executivein my mind.
[16:26] <CalvinCoolidge> I don't see the problem in having another capable person in the Cabinet.
[16:26] <Mousebumples> i think r3n does enough work in the background that he deserves to be officially "on the cabinet" in some way
[16:26] <Notolecta> I agree
[16:26] <Mousebumples> plus, that allows him to contribute in tomlinson, when appropriate
[16:27] <Mousebumples> i suppose he could also be MwP or something, but whether he's CoS or MwP, i think he should be a part of cabinet
[16:27] <Notolecta> I still don't like that we call it CoS
[16:27] <Mousebumples> he could be an interior option, too, if he wants the job
[16:27] <Notolecta> it's a misnomer
[16:27] <Notolecta> Mwp fits his actual job better
[16:27] <Notolecta> not that it matters in the end
[16:28]*Mousebumples shrugs
[16:28] <Notolecta> anything else?
[16:28]*Mousebumples looks to calvin and his list
[16:28] <Notolecta> or have we covered everything?
[16:28] <CalvinCoolidge> I think that was it.
[16:28] <Notolecta> Any last words?
[16:28] <Writinglegend> PREDICT THE NEXT CABINET GAME
[16:28] <Writinglegend> xD
[16:29] <Notolecta> Mouse/WL for pres/vp
[16:29] <Notolecta> I'm speading this rumour.
[16:29] <Notolecta> I've decided for you two you are running on a ticket together
[16:29] <Sopo> I don't want to predict
[16:29] <CalvinCoolidge> Sopo wants in, that's all I know.

[16:30] <Notolecta> I came up with a bad ticket joke just now
[16:30] <Notolecta> Noto/sopo= nopo
[16:30]*Mousebumples approves
[16:30] <Mousebumples> bring back nopo!

[16:31]*CalvinCoolidge riots.
[16:31] <Notolecta> I want to clarify that ticket is not happening
[16:31] <Mousebumples> that's what you think

[16:32] <Notolecta> I can ensure you I have not asked sopo to run with me
[16:32] <Mousebumples> ... yet
Thank goodness we have an entire ministry complete with a minister and staff to post massive unedited, unformatted transcripts. I'd love to read and respond to this but there's no way.
I for one found this very interesting to read, I'm quite curious to see who takes the top job next term. (Although I should have left about 10 minutes ago, whoops!)
Common-Sense Politics said:
Thank goodness we have an entire ministry complete with a minister and staff to post massive unedited, unformatted transcripts. I'd love to read and respond to this but there's no way.
Sorry guys, I share this view.

Took the tl:dr attitude which is, honestly, terrible of me. I like my cars fast, my women cheap and my text short
I don't understand what about a panel discussion is meant to be abbreviated. If they wanted to do a sum-up article they could have, but the point was, it was a panel.
The formatting issue is serious though especially because it's very easy to fix.
Anumia said:
I don't understand what about a panel discussion is meant to be abbreviated. If they wanted to do a sum-up article they could have, but the point was, it was a panel.
Because when I watch a panel show on TV, or anything political where several are making points, I don't read the entire transcript. Instead I watch the highlights to get the general gist without the guff