Polling on Ovations

Calvin Coolidge

Forum Administrator
Honoured Citizen
This article is part of a series on Honoured Citizens. Check out part one here

As the Senate debate rages on with regard to nomination of Darcness for an Ovation, I took to the field to gather responses for a poll on both this Ovation specifically, as well as the awarding of Ovations more generally. In just under 24 hours, there were 27 responses, which is a number I am quite happy with. Now, let's see what was said.


Beginning with the most topical question, we find that while more respondents than not would vote for Darcness to be given an Ovation, that numbers still falls short of a majority. Of course, given that Abstain votes would not factor into the majority calculation, if these were actual Senate votes the Ovation would be awarded.


The options for this question got a bit cut off in the image, so here they are in the order they appear above:
  • Work done in government (executive, legislative, or judicial)
  • Work done outside of government (private media, cultural [not related to the ministry], RMB, etc.)
  • Work done as an administrator/moderator
(The following responses were left in the "Other" option)
  • Honestly, it should just be after a great achievement, it is vague, which is why I keep flip flopping on the ovation.
  • Anything that is exceptional
  • Work done to create and manage tools for the government to use(recruitment manager, *forums*)
  • The language of the award says service to the republic, so it should be work done as a member of government.
What we see here is that nearly everyone agrees that work done while in government should count towards an Ovation, while only 2/3 believe that work done outside of government (such as private media) should. The central question for Darcness' Ovation, whether admin work should count, however, yields only about 1/3 support in this poll. Looking back to the previous question, we see that there are a sizable number of people who believe that Darcness qualifies for his Ovation even without his admin work taken into account, which should help his case, even if these overall numbers may look bad for him.
  • Game doesn't work without admins - and it's a volunteer position that requires as much, if not more, work and effort than other things. It's a tough job. Ovations are a kuddos - no need for them to be so RP focused that we lose the ability to honor those who do good work.
  • The issue with ovations currently is that it seems every new First Minister or Chief of State feels the need to ovate someone. Spacing them out would be more ideal.
  • The admin/IC split should be maintained and I think it’s dangerous to muddle that split as some of the senators have suggested. Arguments for Darc should be based around his political career, which is highly respectable by itself, rather than his work as an Admin.
  • Any service, in whatever capacity, that goes well above and beyond ordinary performance should be eligible.
  • I really don't think there needs to be a poll about this, it seems superfluous and mostly just a cowardly way for Senators who don't want to take a stand on this to have something convenient to hide behind.
  • While I do think governmental work should be a key qualifier in determining if an ovation is awarded, work in administrative areas should also be a component that is allowable for consideration, as per Senate Speaker Lloenflys' comments.
  • Government work only, but I do think that highly critical private media should factor in as well, such as GraV's ERI analyses, HEM's regular ENN articles, or UV's Chasing Goldenblock tracking polls. These are very solid contributions to the region, despite not being government work.
  • I agree that IC content should be the basis for an Ovation
  • The status of admins is certainly not as simple as them being totally outside of the government structure we have in place. There are gray areas between what is IC and OOC behavior that the admins have to wrestle with constantly. But it is important to keep IC and OOC as separate as possible to prevent the admin team becoming politicized.
  • Does the Awards and Honours Act distinguish between IC and OOC admin work? If not, I don't see why Darc shouldn't be awarded for his hard work as an admin.
Then, as a point of comparison, I figured it would be worthwhile to see who people think is deserving of an Ovation, if Darcness isn't. And then, if there is anyone who currently has one that doesn't deserve it.
  • Pichtonia
  • Prim
  • Genuinely no one. We’ve been tossing these out a lot recently.
  • Yes, Lloenflys and Pichtonia in my opinion, however I'm a new citizen so that may not be accurate.
  • Pichtinia probably. Mouse, though she's not a citizen anymore.
  • No, nobody else is ready yet
  • Olde Delaware
  • Asperta definitely wouldn’t receive one by today’s standards. Additionally, Kuramia might also have been awarded too early.
  • None.
  • I don't think it's fair to judge awards given 8 years ago to today's standards. But....... probably Asperta lol
  • The majority of honored citizens retired years ago, perhaps it would be good if HEM or Sopo created an article on HCs from the past and a blurb about their contributions and why they were Ovated.
  • Asperta, Skizzy Grey, Asianatic, Common-Sense Politics, Kuramia
  • Asperta, Kuramia
  • Some of the batch given Ovations and Triumphs between 2013 and 2015 don't necessarily deserve them (this was when we were "giving them out like candy"), but none of them are really active anymore so it seems like a moot point
  • n/a
Lots of interesting data here, and while I didn't do a deep dive into any of it in this article, I intend on reaching back to some of this stuff in future installments in this series, so keep an eye for more on this topic. For now, however, I hope this data helps those with a say in the matter come to a decision before the upcoming decision in what many are calling a "precedent setting vote". Until next time, this is Calvin Coolidge, hoping that people read the previous installment in this series to learn more about all our Honoured Citizens.

Raw Data
Great poll Calvin. Would have been interesting to compare the join date of members who this admin work should be included since I assume it would vastly skew new people.

Also with what would probably skew new people, no one in the should have one comments should be nominated for an ovation this term.
Can someone explain who Asperta was again?
Essentially, Asperta won an Ovation based on their recruiting, which is why the Manual Recruitment Headquarters are named after them. They were awarded an Ovation after only one year in the region, based pretty much on that alone. They have sent just over 20,000 telegrams, which is impressive, although in current day Europeia only earns them the 9th best total overall.
Can someone explain who Asperta was again?
He was involved in our politics, and he definitely made contributions in the Executive, but he was primarily awarded his Ovation for being an insanely prolific recruiter. If I recall correctly, it was pre-automated recruitment/scripts so it was very impressive. At the time.

EDIT: yes, sniped by Calvin as well.
The issue with ovations currently is that it seems every new First Minister or Chief of State feels the need to ovate someone. Spacing them out would be more ideal.
Genuinely no one. We’ve been tossing these out a lot recently.
Some of the batch given Ovations and Triumphs between 2013 and 2015 don't necessarily deserve them (this was when we were "giving them out like candy"), but none of them are really active anymore so it seems like a moot point
Interesting that we're seeing the same sentiments now that were being echoed back then, too.

Doesn't have but should (Prim, Lloen, Pichto, OD, Mouse): with the exception of Mouse, I'd argue that every suggested name (1) suffers from recency bias and (2) hasn't yet hit their political peak/apex. At least not enough of an apex to earn an Ovation.

Has one but shouldn't: I already elaborated on Asperta above, and I could see the sentiment behind Kuramia arguably getting her Ovation "too early," but I would love to hear the logic around Skizzy, Asianatic, and CSP not deserving their awards.

The majority of honored citizens retired years ago, perhaps it would be good if HEM or Sopo created an article on HCs from the past and a blurb about their contributions and why they were Ovated.
I feel like this may already exist?
Ouch, I didn't realize Asperta had done basically nothing else in the region. :-/
The majority of honored citizens retired years ago, perhaps it would be good if HEM or Sopo created an article on HCs from the past and a blurb about their contributions and why they were Ovated.
I feel like this may already exist?
Yes, that was my comment in the survey, and yeah, I had forgotten that Calvin posted a private article summarizing former HCs and their contributions.
Quick question, why was r3n given an Ovation? Just curious.
Quick question, why was r3n given an Ovation? Just curious.
In relation to r3naissanc3r's Ovation, it is important to underline that the view that his ovation "was largely based around his work as an admin" is incorrect. Kraketopia's request for an Ovation does reference his position as an administrator, but that was just one of several contributions noted. The request additionally cited his work as a presidential adviser, his contributions to interior and foreign affairs, and the technical programmes that he developed and continues to maintain for the benefit of the region. In relation to the latter, a distinction can be drawn between a citizen providing technical services for core regional functions (which r3n continues to do as a non-admin) and membership of the OOC administrative team. The Administrative Bureau is appropriately named after r3naissanc3r, but that should not be the only context in which he is remembered.

Even without considering his role as an a as an administrator in any way, r3naissanc3r is not merely well-qualified for an Ovation, but outstandingly well-qualified even by the standards of the others honoured after serving as President. If we had to select a single individual to be credited alone for both our internal and external successes as a region from 2011 to 2017, he would be the only remotely plausible choice. His advice in the areas of foreign affairs, interior policy and WA affairs, alongside his technical contributions to our recruitment, statistical, on-site, WA and military programmes, shaped our approach immeasurably in all these areas. He is the premier architect of the strategic and practical means through which we grew internally and advanced our interests abroad. As his WASC commendation states, he was the principal author of the Independent Manifesto - which codified the principles behind our post-2011 foreign policy - and was "the primary diplomatic advisor to successive Presidents in Europeia for three years", in our most successful period externally. His political and governmental contributions to our region were of the highest order.

For clarity, I am commenting purely on the merits of r3naissanc3r's Ovation and I am not making any comment on Darcness's proposed Ovation.
Doesn't have but should (Prim, Lloen, Pichto, OD, Mouse): with the exception of Mouse, I'd argue that every suggested name (1) suffers from recency bias and (2) hasn't yet hit their political peak/apex. At least not enough of an apex to earn an Ovation.

I 100% agree with you on me. I would probably choke if someone ovated me right now - but the person did say they were new and they just see how magnificent I look in my Judicial Robes and with my ceremonial Senate Crown of Roses and ... well, I look amazing it what I am saying.

I am going to put a marker in for Pichto, however. The last year has, frankly, been pretty darn solid work. And it's not as if he is a completely unknown force prior to that year. He may not quite have reached his apex yet, or be quite "fully baked," but if you ask me he has put in a year of work that has to at least be getting him solidly in the realm of consideration. In my opinion, any executive leader that doesn't scan his name and at least devote some time to considering him at their of their terms isn't doing their job.
I didn't take this survey (sorry, Calvin!!!!!) and wasn't cheering on it too much, for the sole reason that I didn't want our Senators to be swayed by polls. But there is legitimate journalistic interest in it and, as isn't unusual for you, you presented it perfectly. Thanks for your work on it, Calvin!

On the results themselves, I find myself more agreeing with the confirmative side, of course. But I find it interesting that there are some who feel we give out ovations too quickly. I'm fully on board ( content-wise) with the Darc ovation, but I can't deny that this is also a concern I have. I'm galactically happy that HEM ovated Kuramia, but if Onder hadn't been so close, I would have ovated her myself. Alas, I restricted myself because I thought it was too close. I'm confident our Senate and citizens will not allow a new ovation every new term, however. I'm not sure what a good metric is, but as long as there are nominees who would be deserving, I think 3 terms wouldn't be too bad a metric. Just my two words on it though!!!

Furthermore, I hope nobody seriously considers me for an ovation yet. I am charmed and my heart is beating in rainbow colours for you, but I also don't think I'm there *yet*. Or at least I'd like a chance to try to top my previous terms, because it's still so early.

If I fail and you still like me in a year or two, I'm sure I'll be more than happy if you ovate me. xp