Poll: Exec. Dissatisfaction Drives Senate Race

Poll: Executive Branch Dissatisfaction Drives Senate Race
Deepest House's Proposed "Executive Branch Modernization" is Key Issue

Written by McEntire

The Europeian Broadcasting Corporation's flash poll ahead of the Senate elections set to open in 5 days reveals a population feeling largely neutral on the previous Senate term, positive about the current Senate field, and negative about the current state of the Executive Branch. Given the low view of both political activity in the region -- only 14 percent approve -- and the high level of interest in reform -- 81 percent want to see it discussed next term -- the next term may be an opportune time to push for changes in the Executive.

Last Senate Term

While relatively few respondents were dissatisfied with the previous Senate term, a plurality were neutral. In the comments on the question, multiple respondents described the term as "quiet" and cited activity concerns. Several respondents pointed out the disparity in activity between different Senators, saying that "only lloen, drecq, and mal seemed active," or that "sporadic activity from about half the member was disappointing."

Thankfully for Speaker Lloenflys, the respondents of this poll don't seem to lay the blame with leadership. Lloenflys is widely popular, with a majority of poll respondents saying they were very satisfied with the Speaker's performance in the last term. This poll result bodes well for the Speaker's pursuit of another term in the post.

A lot of people were so quiet!

Took steps in the right direction, however execution was somewhat skewed

It's hard to say because I feel like some Senators were very strong, and others were pretty weak. I definitely think there was a failure in oversight, but I also think the more active Senators were probably also stretched thin with legislative work.

only lloen, drecq, and mal seemed active

Only three of the senators were particularly active and engaged, with Drecq and Lloen lifting most of the weight. Bowzin and Rand deserved more scrutiny for their inactivity.

Sporadic activity from about half the members was disappointing.

Mostly quiet but the EO stuff took up way too much time and energy over a process that doesn't need to be revamped.

Current Senate Race


Thankfully for this field of candidates, the vast majority (85.7 percent in total) are satisfied with the current field. Respondents felt that the field was particularly diverse, with multiple voters noting the variety of old and new members in this field. This may point to an optimism for the upcoming term.

When respondents were asked who they would like to see run who currently isn't, the name with the most mentions was HEM, who received three. Kuramia and Drecq each received two mentions, and Astrellan, Izzy, Vlaska, Aexnidaral, Pichtonia, and Malashaan each received one.

Where voters are largely dissatisfied is in the overall political activity of the region. 57.1 percent reported being either somewhat or very dissatisfied with the current level of activity, with only 14.3 percent approving of the current state of affairs.

A good variety of new and old members of the Senate

A healthy mix of old and new members running

Very diverse - lots of experienced hands, some new comers, and crazy old vets. Good blend.

Definitely more satisfied than I expected? A good combination of Senate vets, old members who aren't usually legislatively involved, and new faces.

DH is the biggest surprise

looks like a good field

I like the mix of old and new but would like to see a few more candidates.

Very surprised by some of the faces, but optimistic

I would like to see more moderate hands run. Especially people who are more keen to strike deals and compromise on issues. I am concerned that the field right now is a little too ideologically unmalleable.

"Executive Branch Modernization" Proposal

Deepest House opened up the Grand Hall thread "Executive Branch Modernization Discussion" nearly two weeks ago, and the idea has framed much of the discussion in the Senate race. In this Senate race, 7 out of 9 Senators have said that we should re-examine the current structure of the Executive -- Olde Delaware and The Council of Aviontech have yet to take positions in their platform threads. This poll result shows little satisfaction with the current structure of the Executive. 19 percent approve of the Executive split currently, with 47.6 percent unsatisfied with it and the rest neutral on the matter.

Only one poll respondent felt that the "Executive Branch Modernization" proposal should not be on the Senate's agenda next term. 81 percent want the Senate to visit this topic in the upcoming term. Voters are not satisfied with the current structure of the Executive (and one respondent brought up GraVandius' inactivity as a Minister in the comments).

While it is far from certain what changes may happen in the upcoming term, or what will come out of Senate discussion, given the current crop of candidates and the public hunger for change it is likely that we will see serious discussion of Executive branch reforms in the next Senate term. Whether or not reform happens in the next term, hopefully a robust discussion of proposals will drive the political activity that Europeians are looking for.

I hope the Senate ultimately decides to persist with the executive split, but with a few changes to the structure of the ministries. I guess we'll wait and see what conversation happens, and how/if they decide to make changes.

Limiting Executive Order Scope to only emergencies

OK this has to do with the executive branch in general, but It's been a week since ENN published their summary of GraVandius' inactivity and the executive has done nothing to address it. Why is GraVandius still a Minister?

I had many concerns with the Exec split from onset, so I think it's a worthwhile discussion to reconsider and reevaluate its effects and any necessary changes to create a more effective Executive

I'm really, really excited for what this coming Senate term is going to bring! I feel like there's just the right amount of blend between candidates like Deepest House and Sopo stepping up with a platform, Prim and Lloenflys bringing in their solid experience, and others like TheNationofthePeople and Rotasu that I really want to see more from. Overall, this was a fascinating poll outcome!
Thanks for putting this together McEntire! This is a lovely, informative article and I can't wait to see what comes of the next Senate term!