Panda’s Big Break

Panda’s Big Break
Calvin Coolidge’s Ovation
Written by Vlaska

Work in the Ministry of Culture is intensifying as last preparations for Calvin’s ovation ceremony are being handled. This begs the question who is Calvin Coolidge? To answer this question we asked prominent Europeians for a short description of him. So here they are:

Drecq: “Calvin is precisely the type of person that Europeia needs and that has made Europeia a force in NS. He takes whatever job he is given and performs exemplarily. And as if that weren't enough, he also happens to be a great guy, even if he does have a creepy obsession with Taylor Swift.”

Aexnidaral: “Calvin is one of our hardest workers. He's one of the people we have who embodies what it means to be a Europeian. When he's knocked down, or when he makes mistakes, he doesn't just wallow; he learns from his experience and comes back and works harder. It's something that many of us should find inspiration from.”

Writinglegend:Calvin Coolidge is a hard-working Europeian whose energy and vigor often goes unremarked. His work is not flashy, but it is to be respected and remembered. From 1200 EBC Wire updates to 4,000 manual recruitment telegrams, Calvin has shown an unmatched willingness to roll up his sleeves and get his hands dirty.

Rach: Calvin has been a tremendous asset to the region and there is no one who deserves it more!

Calvin Coolidge is an all-around member of Europeian Government, he has been a Citizens’ Assembly Chair, Minister, Justice, Senator, Vice-President, and President. At one point he was in all three branches of government at the same time as CA Chair, Culture Minister, and Justice. He is also well known for his love of Pandas and Taylor Swift. His career in government started with him becoming a Minister of Communications, after that he went through many positions and ended up elected President in April 2016. Calvin is hard working and respected member of our community and the President decided to formalize this with bestowing him the Ovation.
He is very involved and rose fairly quickly from newcomer to veteran.

As the announcement states, his work may not be flashy but it is substantial and consistent. That is why he deserves the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a citizen: the Ovation.

From quotes and information we collected, we see that this ovation is well deserved. All that is left to say is Congratulations to Calvin Coolidge and have a blast. The festival will take place from Friday, February the 9th and end on Sunday, February the 11th. It will be packed with speeches from the most prominent Europeians and will have loads of fun games with Calvin as a theme. Don’t miss the chance to pop in and have loads of fun.
