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Military Times Editorial: CSP receives unanimous endorsement, No Consensus on GA
February 2nd 2022
By Olde Delaware
This is our third Presidential Election and we've grown a little bit on the board. From the original five Grand Admirals we now boast seven. As a part of this term's review package I asked our board should we consider adding outside voices or expanding the board to include Flag and Line Officers of the ERN. Six said yes, one said they had no opinion. So it looks like we will be expanding our board to nine (wow!).
When I first started this idea I thought I would find no takers or at least it would die off but it seems as if earning the endorsement of the Military Times has come to be a welcome event in our Presidential Election cycle. I've thoroughly enjoyed sitting down and talking for a few minutes with the members of our board and understanding what Military gameplay has become in the time since I left and was supremely active in it. The consensus that I seem to always reach with them is how important creativity, leadership and organization has become. Creativity in the sense of working with folks in both spheres of gameplay to achieve our aims and of course in determining targets in which to do so.
Leadership and Organization were the bylines of the Darcness platform in November 2021 when it came to the ERN. Under Grand Admiral Darcness, the then Presidential Candidate put together a strong platform that one board member told me was "Onderkelkia like" in its scope and its vision. Those are strong words and a comparison to look up to. The Venerable Darcness has always been a strong and capable leader and contributor to the Europeian Republican Navy so it was disappointing to see their next platform which would have built on the successes of the term and addressed the failures come in so under par.
The lack of any substance in the platform not withstanding, the primary concerns of the board come down to two major factors; Quality of Naval Operations and a clearer plan for overall Naval Affairs.
Quotes from Board Members:
-"Other than a vague "F/S is going to mean some changes" statement in the Darc[ness] platfrom, the ERN seems to be absent altogether. In contrast CSP and Gleg seem to have specific actionable plans in this department, like instituting a quantifiable success metric that isn't hits made or operations done."
-"I think the CSP/Gleg platform wins my vote for the depth and coverage of naval strategy. Darcness seems to be relying on a relatively successful past term, but I think Gleg carries the victory there as being the one to actually accomplish that."
-"There seems to be a consensus between the candidates that inroads have to be made with defender powers, and that the ERN must be more flexible than it has been in most of its past. CSP's platform goes beyond that to discuss a few administrative improvements to the ERN that he would seek to implement, and each of these ideas seems sound."
With that said, the Military Times Editorial Board has unanimously reached the decision to endorse The Venerable Common Sense Politics in his campaign to be the next President of Europeia.
In what is also a first for the Editorial Board, we are unable to announce a prediction for the position of Grand Admiral. This omission is entirely my fault as I completely forgot to ask our board members.
The Times regrets this error.