March Pre-Standing Senate Poll Results

Calvin Coolidge

Forum Administrator
Honoured Citizen
In addition to the poll that I conducted from March 7-9th, I will be posting the relevant results from the NewsGrumps poll conducted February 8-10th, which Seymour graciously made available to me for comparison. Both results will be analyzed by me, as I try to make this data relevant to you, the reader. Seymour’s poll received eighteen responses, mine received twenty, they were both open for 48 hours.

Did you vote in the last Senate Election?

Panda’s Pen
With a wide majority having voted in the last election, we can assume that many of this poll’s voters were somewhat engaged this term, and will likely vote in the upcoming election, making these results somewhat meaningful.

Overall Senate Rating

Mean: 7.28
Mode: 9 and 7

Panda’s Pen
Mean: 4.9
Mode: 4

  • Disappointing so far. Everything either stagnant or vetoed because of the poor decisions from the people in Office.
  • This has been a weird Senate. Aex's random and surprising rise to the Speakership should've shown us what a volatile Senate this would wind up being.
  • Those Sopo position offerings are great and it'd be good for those to be more widespread.
  • Need to step up their game and stop producing terrible legislation.
  • Poor
  • Senate's getting a lot done. I think we had 2 things voted through by this time last Senate. Would like to see Elections Act review addressed though.

  • Absolutely abysmal. This has been the worst Senate I have ever seen in my years here in Europeia, and that is saying something considering I've seen Committees In Action. It's almost like the Senate as a hole were merely acting as a yes-man to whatever the hell the Speaker said, and several Senators were either lost, confused, or not even there to do their jobs. Poor performances all around and poor leadership from the Speaker.
  • Slow
  • A world of meh.
  • The whole thing really fell apart once the gender issue got brought up. The way the Speaker handled it leaked into other bills, and the whole Senate got stopped up by incompetence.
  • Term started off active... and then it got muddled. Calvin's ascension left a vacancy, and Drecq and Aexnidaral were the only active members. Drecq had a seemingly strange obsession with trying to make the term as hard as possible for the new Speaker. This Senate was awful, though I don't place that blame on Aexnidaral alone. The fact that there were only 2 Senators active can't be held responsible to anyone but those other 4. I hope no one re-elects anyone but Drecq and Aexnidaral. A lot got done in the beginning but everything went silent here at the end. Sopo, JGlenn, and GraVandius should be ashamed. Kaboom wasn't awful, but his two week term won't go down in much infamy. Kaboom's win was mostly a mental victory for ACE.
  • Very weak.
  • This Senate bombed out. No one did any work, bills were rushed through, and mistakes went completely overlooked.
  • good early on, sort of fizzled out a bit after the EO drama
  • There was action that occurred. Even if I didn't feel the entire Senate was involved in the on-going discussions, I was pleased to see some things, like the Election and Judicature Acts, being worked on. I believe the Gender Neutral Act was dragged on too long...and led to unnecessary drama.
  • Minimal discussion outside of 1-2 Senators, and lackluster participation. The most recent legislation on the floor failed to pass its vote due to not enough Senators showing up *to* vote.
  • Blah

A loss of about two points from the mean approval score of this Senate does not bode well, and we can see the difference in the comments, with more concern over the ACE party’s grip on the Senate, the general inactivity, and the gender neutral language issue leading to the decrease in approval for the Senate. In fact, this score is one of the lowest that I can recall in my time as a pollster for a Senate.

Speaker Aexnidaral Seymour’s Rating

Mean: 8.17 (Highest for NewsGrumps)
Mode: 10

Panda’s Pen
Mean: 6.6 (Highest for Panda's Pen)
Mode: 8

  • Could be better, could be worse. Would definitely like stronger leadership to close off of this term, so he needs to step up.
  • I think Aex has done the best job he can. He's made a few minor mistakes, but anytime anything has cropped up he's moved swiftly to deal it them. He manages to keep things moving swiftly in the Senate. I do think he's done a good job as Speaker. And he's one of the few Senators who actually pipes up in debate besides Drecq.
  • Great guy who appears to be doing his job right.
  • Doing a great job of trying to keep the other Senators in-line. It seems like an impossible task.
  • Not bad. Not great. You can tell he's trying.
  • The Senate Aides love him
  • Aex has excelled as Speaker. Clearly less seasoned than a Mal or a Drecq, but a bit more forward-looking than them as well, and I appreciate that.

  • I guess there's a reason we continue to have Mal and Drecq as Speaker, performances like this. His performance this term has been awful, and he has shown absolutely 0 leadership capabilities. I might also note that the Speaker himself tabulated a poll and didn't even mind to release the results of it. That same action, or lack of, was representative in the Senate. For every single issue Ax sought to politicize it and whine until his ACE majority agreed with him. He pushed everthing through as fast as possible before the tide could turn on him, and did so with no outlook towards discussion. Whenever something was against him, however, it sat in stagnation. I expected true leadership from a true speaker but all we got this term was a shell of what could have been.
  • Great work in the Senate, as well as collaboration with the CA.
  • The Senate overall has been lackluster, and that in some ways reflects upon the Speaker. Whether he can or should have done something differently as a leader to spur more activity or discussion is up for debate, the overall rating of the Senate should reflect upon the leader.
  • A really poor example for the other Senators in terms of discussion and protocol. Bills were consistently rushed and discussion was minimal, even considering the number of inactive Senators. The number of vetoes his Senate racked up for small reasons really shows a lot. He could've done a lot more.
  • Had the Speaker had a total active roster of Senators I think he would excelled well. While he missed the mark on a lot of his goals, he was extremely effective at pushing bills through and getting things done. I hope to see him re-elected, perhaps not as Speaker again next term, but maybe as Deputy Speaker to let him get a little more dry behind the ears. We do have to give him some credit for learning, however. It seems he was almost directly mentored by Malashaan on the do's and don't's, and he pretty assuredly was attempting to emulate Malashaan's style. I think he succeeded in that. I don't agree with the GMA, but I support the intent of it. Trinnien was right to veto it but I was glad to see Aexnidaral try to push it. There again, having a full roster of active Senators to debate and refine the bill would've made it better. Overall, I think as a Senator Aexnidaral excelled, as a Speaker he did the best that he could.
  • Aex rushed a lot of legislation when he wanted, stalled legislation when he wanted, and seemed to game the system, much to the disadvantage of the legislative process. I wouldn't want to see him as Speaker again.
  • The leader of a failed Senate, who facilitated rushing bills through unfinished and often ignored outside attempts to contribute or improve bills on the floor.
  • Better than expected.
  • definitely used the Speakership in a very political way, not sure if that's good or bad
  • He was definitely an action oriented Speaker. He made sure things kept on task and worked to accommodate everyone, even bringing in the CA Representative Act. I think he did well in this role, though there were some hiccups.
  • I think Seymour had a number of really big ideas and goals at start of term, but has found them harder to implement than he believed. It's more than just posting that a new reading is announced, it has to be combined with posting in Senate Office threads, via PM, calling them out in EuroChat, wherever so that everyone stays on task.
The comments and scores paint a pretty polarized picture. For every comment about Aex being an awful Speaker, there is another saying he did the best in the Senate and should be commended. In both polls, he scored higher than any of his fellow Senators, a phenomenon we often see in Senate Speakers, and his score shifted down about as much as the Senate overall, so he didn’t come out of the backlash the Senate unscathed, but he’s also kept most of his support.

Deputy Speaker Sopo Rating

NewsGrumps (Sopo was not Deputy Speaker when this poll was conducted)
Mean: 5.94
Mode: 8 and 7

Panda’s Pen
Mean: 5.2
Mode: 6

  • Sopo's time and involvement in the TSP crisis obviously limited activity, pushing his Senate role to the side and making it feel like a Senate down a player. I just hope now that it's over he picks it up again.
  • I wish Sopo was more active. He could be a good Senator. He needs to come back to finish this out strongly.
  • The "job" positions for newcomers willing to learn are great.
  • Not around much.
  • Where'd you go Sopo?
  • Sloths are love. Sloths are life
  • A bit inactive

  • Where has Sopo even been this term? He was elected with everyone absolutely knowing he was in and out and busy with RL and didn't even sought to put in a replacement on his two week LoA.
  • He did almost nothing this term, and when he got promoted for some reason, he did even less.
  • A really bad term from him.
  • Sopo had a strong start but an awful finish. I give him high rankings only because he is amazing when he actually tries. There is an immense amount of irony that totally and completely represents the failure of this Senate that almost as soon as Sopo was appointed Deputy Speaker he goes on a week long LOA.
  • Nothing really stands out. Sopo wasn't that present.
  • Inactive and uninvolved.
  • A bit inactive
  • <3
  • I know his presence was there, but I couldn't get a sense of where he stood on issues. I felt the veto for the EO was unnecessary when actions were being taken to correct issues.
  • S'ok. I'm kinda ambivalent.
The main concern people had with Sopo this term was his activity, both at the midterm and now. That is likely why his score shifted so little during this time, because the concern was there from the start of the term. On the plus side, it seems people liked his contributions when he made them, it seems he just didn’t make enough to garner any real approval.

Drecq’s Rating

Mean: 6.44
Mode: 9, 8, 6, and 4

Panda’s Pen
Mean: 5.25
Mode: 8, 7, and 2

  • Drecq is Drecq.
  • Drecq is active but he seems to really be a stick in the mud. Most of the things he's supported or introduced have been vetoed entirely. Is the mark of a good legislator one who tries and gets vetoed?
  • Competent, but not up to his usual standards.
  • Drecq is Drecq.
  • Active and intelligent as always.
  • Drecq performed as Drecq performs. Nothing spectacular from him.

  • Only good Senator here with working brain cells. Thank you Drecq for making this Senate semi-competent.
  • Drecq did the very best he could with this Senate. He tried to start discussions, he brought up meaningful points, but the Senate didn't ever really reflect that. He did his part, though.
  • I want to give Drecq higher marks but I just can't. Drecq is usually a fine and absolutely great Senator, but this time around he failed to make a mark besides being constantly vetoed. Drecq's contributions were lacking this term. He seemed mostly focused on trying to oppose and kill anything he didn't personally propose. He acted more like a scornful adult wagging his finger at the Senate than a wizened teacher, trying to teach Senators how to make good law. I hope this trend doesn't continue and Drecq hits his stride again. He should really be ashamed of himself this term.
  • Drecq did a decent job of trying to restore legislative process and analysis to the Senate.
  • Drecq did more than most, but he still shoulders some of the blame for the failed term.
    good as always, but less active than usual
  • As always, Dreq is an experienced and active Senator, knowing the laws and commenting in meaningful ways. He brought up several objections to
  • The Obstructionist, though at least he was the one Senator actually trying to give some constructive back and forth on legislation.
Drecq was constantly rated as the Senator who knew the most about legislation, but the public is divided on how effectively he used that knowledge this term in regards to helping out the legislature. It seems half thought he did the best he could, but was stymied by a bad Senate, while the other half thinks he didn’t put in enough effort this term, and since he had so much capability, that he deserves the brunt of the blame for this term’s shortcomings. His score shifted down less than Aex’s but since it was lower to begin with, we can assume the people who didn’t like him to begin with just liked him less as the term went on.

GraVandius’ Rating

Mean: 4.89 (Lowest for NewsGrumps)
Mode: 3

Panda’s Pen
Mean: 3.75
Mode: 5 and 3

  • Same with JGlenn.
  • I regret voting for him over Sanctaria.
  • Not many contribution.
  • Votes but brings nothing new to the table
  • Haven't seen him do much.
  • GraV
  • Sort of a non-entity in the Senate.
  • I haven't heard of him much. I feel he has fallen to the wayside
  • Please don't run again.

  • What has he done besides merely post the same comment on issues? His answer for everything can be summed up in two words, "I agree." I mean, for someone that has so much potential I haven't seen someone stumble so much since Angelus was elected. If he was merely going to be a yes man and provide merely reflective comments on whatever the Speaker stated, he should've just put that in his platform. Right now, he has been a truly and utter disappointment to me, merely copy-pasting his answers from thread to thread because he couldn't offer insightful comments.
  • He never really tried to do more with his position and was content to stay in the background far too often.
  • The only thing that can be said for this is "awful" I wouldn't re-elect GraVandius if my life depended on it. I only rate him this high because he did propose something that wasn't awful and get it passed.
  • Lackluster.
  • Grab added little insight or value to the Senate.
  • Did not contribute much
  • pretty meh. sort of wasted the opportunity given to him here.
  • Still obviously new to this, GraVandius didn't seem to lend much to the debates that were on-going.
  • Meh.
Throughout the term, GraV received overwhelmingly negative responses to his actions in the Senate, with people’s concerns essentially boiling down to the perception that he added nothing to the conversation, and wasn’t putting in much effort. If there’s any consolation, while his score shifted down from the midterm to now, he was no longer the lowest rated Senator by the end of the term, though that’s not saying much.

JGlenn’s Rating

Mean: 5.56
Mode: 6 and 4

Panda’s Pen
Mean: 3.2 (Lowest for Panda’s Pen)
Mode: 3

  • Don't think he was ready, and it's showing with his performance.
  • A dismal failure.
  • Not many contributions.
  • Votes but offers no substance.
  • Didn't hear much from him
  • I would like to see a bit more activity from JGlenn. What I have seen of him has been thoughtful and solid.

  • JGlenn is not even here. The Senate should have taken action and booted him from the Senate. Oh wait, is he an ACE member? *rolls eyes*
  • Okay, he hardly did anything to begin with, and he hasn't even logged on since February 25th.
  • Why is he even still in office?
  • Where did JGlenn go? Are you there buddy? Are you ok? You started out strong and had a lot of potential but then you're just... not here? Yipes.
  • Did he even show up?
  • Inactive
  • inactive
  • Did he even comment much? I couldn't get a sense of this guy at all.
  • A poor showing in my opinion, his relative minimal interaction and notable absences don't quite put him on a level of inactivity like that of fmr. Senator, Shadowlurker, but its pretty close.
JGlenn had a similar problem to GraV at the midterm, with many finding his contributions to the Senate discussions lacking. However, by the end of the term, he had not logged into the forums for weeks, so inactivity added to the public’s concern over his contributions, and combined, those concerns brought JGlenn to be the lowest rated Senator in a poorly ranked Senate. There’s not much light at the end of this tunnel for him.

Kaboom’s Rating

Panda’s Pen
Mean: 4.55
Mode: 3

  • Same with GraV. Seems completely lost and confused and has offered little to no insight, and what insightful comments he does bring are often dull, and CA-level worthy.
  • Not enough time (or activity) to fully judge.
  • He only had half a term, I acknowledge that, but he did nothing with it, and was also content to stay in the background for his term.
  • I'll grade him high because he is trying, but besides that he doesn't have a long enough record in this Senate to be particularly well graded.
  • Kaboom comes off as inexperienced, but he really shouldn't come off this inexperienced given his time in Europeia. That is alarming.
  • He did nothing once he got in. There is nothing to say.
  • Only served half a term
  • enthusiastic, not much chance to show his worth
  • A lot of absences for someone who got voted in mid-way. Activity is a requirement, and if he knew he wouldn't be active, he shouldn't have run.
  • While Kaboom has been in the least amount of time so far due to his placement via the by-election, I have to commend him for being the one Senator that appointed a Substitute during his LoA, and for quickly addressing legislation. He may not be the best *legislator* but he takes his position seriously, and I have to commend that.
Kaboom was only recently elected, so there’s no data to compare from the midterm. In his short time as a Senator, some people had concerns about his legislative knowledge, but most thought there was not enough time to judge. It seems he didn’t have much of an impact on the legislature in the public’s eye, so we’ll see what that translates to in the next election, should he run.

Former Deputy Speaker Calvin Coolidge’s Rating

Mean: 6
Mode: 5

  • Active but meh. Could be better, but one of the current best Senators.
  • Calvin's done poorly this term. The clusterfuck that is the Amendment to the Proxy Waiver Act? Hilarious. The Gender Amendment? The Court seemed to uphold the tenants of the Grammar, etc. Act, but lay out that using the power to change gender language could be construed as making major changes. To his credit, at least he's a little active, though he doesn't contribute very much.
  • Not too many contributions, and has proposed some very poor legislation.
  • I expected better and more from Cal tbh
  • Calvin was the DS?
  • That weird proxy thing made him look foolish.
  • I think he suffered for dividing his attention between the senate and being a minister.
Since I was elected to the Vice-Presidency soon after this poll was taken, I am no longer a Senator, and will not be running in the next Senate election. I mostly just included this for transparency, but we can see people had concerns with the quality of legislation I proposed, but at least conceded that I was active.

Reelection Numbers

The first number is those who said they would reelect the Senator, the second number is the total amount of responses. The percentage is the first number divided by the second.

Speaker Aexnidaral Seymour

15/18 (83.3%) (Highest from NewsGrumps)

Panda’s Pen
14/20 (70%) (Highest from Panda’s Pen)

Deputy Speaker Sopo (not Deputy Speaker at the time of NewsGrumps’ poll)

7/18 (38.9%)

Panda’s Pen
6/20 (30%)


12/18 (66.7%)

Panda’s Pen
11/20 (55%)


5/18 (27.8%) (Lowest from NewsGrumps)

Panda’s Pen
3/20 (15%) (Lowest from Panda’s Pen)


6/18 (33.3%)

Panda’s Pen
3/20 (15%) (Lowest from Panda’s Pen)


Panda’s Pen
10/20 (50%)

Former Deputy Speaker Calvin Coolidge

12/18 (66.7%)

From this data, we can see that everybody's numbers went down about ten or fifteen points as the term progressed, but Aex and Drecq had numbers high enough at the midterm that they should have a good chance to get reelected, Sopo, GraV, and JGlenn will face a huge uphill battle, should they choose to run again. Kaboom would have a fifty-fifty shot at getting reelected, should he choose to run, likely due to his short time in office, and the desire of Europeians to see more before they judge him too harshly.


Senate’s Handling of Gender Neutral Language

  • Aex attempted to politicize this issue by: 1) spitting in the president's face; 2) Basically insisting poor faith by the President. The President had every right to do what he did in order to ensure Aex - a known political entity who will do what he needs to - didn't unilaterally make the changes himself, which he very could have. Aex then rallied up his ACE crew and vetoed it, despite the citizen's attempts to comment on the matter. Not even once were their opinions mentions, Aex merely pushed the legislation through to get what he wanted.
  • Gee, where do I even begin? The Gender Amendment was a good step, but after that, everything went bonkers. Aex starting feuding with the President over the proposed fix (that probably wasn't even needed), and he rushed the bill through. So many vetoes. Just a bad affair all around.
  • the Speaker did his best. Drecq should be ashamed of himself. There was absolutely no reason that should've been sent in the shape it was with people like Drecq and Sopo in the Senate. They could've helped craft better language, even if they were opposed. The Speaker acted in good faith using the legislative process. Good idea, bad bill, shameful Senate.
  • The pissing contest between the Speaker and the President was quite silly. I'd fault the Speaker more than the President for that.
  • They rushed through a bill full of flaws that they never properly vetted, while ignoring outside attempts to improve or offer suggestions on how to fix the bill.
  • Too much time has been spent on it. There are more pressing issues.
    kind of a mess, really. their heart was in the right place though.
  • I think that Dreq was right. He managed to convince me that this was too much work for the little gain that would be had, and no one else had a convincing argument that outweighed his. I wish this hadn't turned into a little drama-fest. I felt more consideration into how these changes would affect changes in our established laws had been more deeply delved into before it was passed.
  • Intent is good, I'm for it but thought it was handled poorly.
  • Aex is trying hard but not getting the support he needs.
This was a very controversial issue both in this poll and in the region this term, so it is unsurprising to see that support is pretty much split right down the middle, with a plurality not really sure how to feel about the issue. There is one camp that blames the Speaker for pushing legislation through too quickly, or to pursue his own agenda, while another camp of equal size blames the Senate for inactivity, and says the issue would have been better resolved if more Senators contributed. At this point, it’s unsure where the future leads for this issue, as it will likely remain unresolved by the time the term ends.

CA Representative System

  • Lowers the quality of discussions.
  • Great system, seeing as how I helped design it :p
  • It seemed like a good idea on paper, but when the Senate sucks, how can the CA do any better in that same discussion? The potential for learning is there, but I think the idea would work better with a more engaged Senate. However, a good program should be able to run on its own. I'm on the fence with this one.
  • Interesting idea that needs more time before I can fully form an opinion.
  • The CA and Senate should be separate. I'm not going to elaborate, as that would be an essay.
  • The general concept of getting additional voices on the floor, especially young ones, is good. However, I think this was set up in a way that framed them more like voices of the CA than individuals being given a shot to prove themselves. This was too tightly tied to the CA.
  • Too soon to tell if it will have a positive impact.
  • too many effing people talking on the Senate floor
  • So far so good, but it's only just been implemented. So far there hasn't been a big backlash from it.
  • I still haven't really decided on how I feel about it - I'm not sure if I like or dislike the extra chaos/inexperience it brought to the Senate floor which I view as a more formal body.
Many are undecided what to think about this new program, and are unsure whether the extra voices confuse things (as the naysayers say), or help educate the CA members (as the supporters say). It seems many wish to see the program continue, at least until they can see some more long-term effects.

Planning on Running Next Election?

It seems that with many agreeing this Senate needs new legislators, 55% of those polled are willing/considering to jump into the race. That should lend itself to a competitive election (or at least a crowded one) when the election begins.

What New Faces Would You Like To See Run?

  • Malashaan, Sloosh (4)
  • shufordbrian, hyanygo, Notolecta, Writinglegend, Kazaman (3)
  • Marnip, Trabardia, Kuramia, Fortunado, Ferdy, Netz (2)

Final Comments

  • Disgusting term that did nothing and failed in everything they could do. Drecq was the only bright spot that offered competency on issues - I hope he get's the Speaker next term. This is a perfect example of why Mal and Drecq have been our only speaker's for two yer's - incompetent people like Aex which leads to incompetent leadership and an incompetent Senate.
  • Damn Europeia, back at it again with the Senate polls
  • I'd like a Senate not filled with ACE drones who just blindly follow Aex at every turn. Let's break that up and I think we'll be in much better shape.
  • One of the weaker Senates I've seen in a long time.
  • We need expeirnced engaged senators willing to work next term. Sitting senators should stay out of the race after this disgraceful term.
  • meh
  • It was an active Senate, but I believe anyone who commits to the Senate needs to be more active in discussions and have a good head for legislation, especially as it applies to Europeia.
  • I don't actually like Scotch all that much.

The region clearly had a lot to say about the Senate this term, and is hungry for change. It’ll be interesting to examine the discussion as we head into the election this week, but for now, we should have a pretty good idea of where people stand, and how that has changed as the term progressed. My thanks once again to NewsGrumps for providing their data, and I hope you all found this analysis helpful. Until next time, this is Calvin Coolidge, glad he’s moved to the Goldenblock.

NewsGrumps' Raw Data

Panda's Pen Raw Data
I will say I find people who blame drecq for not fixing the GMA to be stupid, when his whole reason for not supporting ti is that it wasn't worth the work. Why should people who don't think something is worth the work required be expected to put the work in rather than the people who think it is worth it? That just doesn't make sense to me. I think it's a bit odd to call any one person out on that anyway, when not one person from inside the Senate did any real work on any bills.
Interesting results! I'm used to being a polarizing politician, especially amongst older members.

I have to say, perhaps these gems are my favorite:
His performance this term has been awful, and he has shown absolutely 0 leadership capabilities.
For every single issue Ax sought to politicize it and whine until his ACE majority agreed with him
He pushed everthing through as fast as possible before the tide could turn ... Whenever something was against him, however, it sat in stagnation.
Aex rushed a lot of legislation when he wanted, stalled legislation when he wanted, and seemed to game the system, much to the disadvantage of the legislative process.
definitely used the Speakership in a very political way,
He was definitely an action oriented Speaker.

I genuinely got a chuckle out of some of those, especially when compared to each other (and, specifically the ones that were in the same comment!). I thank everyone who thinks I am an awful leader who can't get anything done, but am yet powerful enough to whine and armtwist my way into getting what I want.

The only real other comment I want to make is in relation to these types of comments:
...incompetent people like Aex which leads to incompetent leadership and an incompetent Senate.
Drecq should be ashamed of himself.

While, of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and equally entitled to speak them... they should, however, have enough intellect and tact to stay away from such foolish comments as those above. Calling someone outright "incompetent" or implying they're "shameful" is absolutely, and totally, something that is just beyond the pale. That's not a fair criticism of leadership or style, that's outright personal-- and insults like that are unnecessary and uncalled for.
I got the impression that this Senate was doing a mediocre job, but I didn't expect the public to voice negative feedback to this degree.
We didn't do as well as expected and what we did pass (whether I was for or against it) did have issues. I can understand people's frustration. Every senator contributed to the downturn this term, me certainly included. I still thinks it's less shameful than not running, not trying, and then blaming it on the people who do. We can and will do better in the future but not because of people that throw blame around and don't engage but because of people that actively participate.
At least one person brought up my LoA as an issue, and I agree that it was one. Generally I'm able to access the forums and meet the minimum requirements of the office while I'm gone, so I did not appoint a replacement. It was an error on my part as I ended up having much more difficulty logging on over my trip.

More generally, I've taken these comments to heart. Its been a difficult term for a number of reasons. While I believe it started out well, I ended up wrapped in additional things beyond my control, and it definitely hurt my performance in the Senate. I also agree that since Trinn's election, Senate performance has dropped off remarkably, because of inactive Senators (myself included) and because too much time was wasted on something that I initially thought would be a simple change to implement (gender neutral language).

The second half of the term has gotten away from me, and I wasn't able to accomplish the things I had hoped to accomplish. I apologize to every citizen of Europeia that entrusted me with this duty that I ultimately let down. I let myself down. I won't be seeking re-election, both because my upcoming schedule continues to be travel-heavy, but because I genuinely feel out of my depths on issues like the Judicature Act.

As the years have gone by, Europeia has become more and more sophisticated legally and legislatively, and the issues facing the region today--the legislation we need to address--require a level of expertise that I honestly don't believe I have and do not wish to invest time in developing. My number one priority is always and will always be making this region a better place, but the Senate as an institution now is different than the one I used to thrive in. Whether anyone other than Mal, Drecq, and a few others can meet the expectations we've come to have over the past few years is not for me to say, but I know that I can't. I ran on the idea that I could, but for a number of reasons that turned out not to be true.

I wish the next Senate the best of luck, and I genuinely hope that this term is not indicative of terms to come.
My only problem, which was highlighted by the poll, is that the use of the term "obstructionist" to describe the senate. I wholeheartedly disagree with the idea that "obstructionism" is a bad thing for the senate, at least in what people are calling "obstructionist". The term is such an odd thing to use as a backhand in the senate. I could understand its use if somebody deliberately tried to get a tie for every vote, but not when somebody is providing discourse on a bill. Aren't we supposed to debate the effectiveness of every legislation? If we begin calling views that we don't like "obstructionist" than we become bobbleheads and yes-men. If everybody liked a bill, than that bill goes forth, and could easily have a myriad of problems with it. I ask that more people like Drecq (who has done a good job in providing that sort of beneficial discourse) obstruct this process.

Heck, US democracy put tons of tons of tons of barriers, such as going to both houses, going through committees, and other such slow-downs as to have a long and lengthy process. They made it difficult to pass a bill as a safeguard. A quality assurance. If bills just fly to through the senate, than their is definitely not any quality assurance. That is why I am also against looking at a slower senate and trying to rush a bill if nobody talks about it. You can't rush legislation in the senate; you must discuss, discuss, debate, and "obstruct."

Need I mention that in the same response that said Drecq, was the derogatory "Obstructionist", he was described as "the one Senator actually trying to give some constructive back and forth on legislation"? Maybe, that fact should be immediately apparent. This is why I felt that notty shouldn't have been so divisive just because he was labelled an "obstructionist", as well. If we begin feeling dissent is some obstruction to the system, than we are surely going downhill in legislation.
It doesn't even make sense to call Drecq an obstructionist, as he couldn't stop anything from passing on his own.
I personally agree with all the comments detracting against my performance in the Senate. I was not a good Senator nor did I particularly enjoy being one (it has been my least favorite position in Euro so far). I found out over the course of the term that I did not have the legal or procedural knowledge to be a good senator, or the substantial time to learn it all. Therefore, I found myself simply following the greater legal minds of Aex or Drecq, especially later in the term. Truthfully, I probably should have resigned as Senator when this became clear to me but I didn't and I assume this will be a substantial blot on my record going forward. I humbly ask for you to look past this one substantial blot to perhaps my other achievements when I run for a position in the future.
Please don't run again.
I won't, dont worry.

On another note, I would like to defend my colleges in the Senate. While a few of us experienced activity issues many were more than mediocre senators this term. The anonymous vulgar broadsides against Drecq and Aex in particular are un-warranted and less productive then the same people claim the Senate term was. I don't necessarily believe we were a fantastic senate this term but I dont believe we were the living embodiment of disaster that some in this poll suggest.

Furthermore, some people in this poll seem to suggest that speaker Aex was able to get votes, in favor of legislation he supported, by simply calling on the fact that a few of his fellow senators were also ACE members. This accusation is preposterous. ACE members voted opposite of Aex a number of times across the term. I personally believe that this stems more from an anti-political party sentiment that seems to be embedded in a few of our citizens than actual fact.

I have to agree with you, Sopo. Part of the reason I don't run for Senate is because I am well aware I would in over my head in a lot of issues. I read Mal and Dreq's back and forth (not to mention CSP when he was in the Senate), and it's easy for me to see where the gaps in my knowledge lie.

Hopefully, with time, we can learn what we need to and advance to Europeian legislation where it currently resides. Maybe I just need more Boston Legal reruns.
I think people are being a bit over-dramatic with the implications that only someone with a legal scholar background like drecq and mal can be in the senate for it to properly operate. There is a balance that needs to be met, but that balance leaves room for some people that fill different roles. The problem this term was multiple fold. One there just wasn't a lot of activity in the senate period, which is related but not 100% caused by the unbalance of roles, and two there were too many senators who all filled the same role, and it's one of the roles that is definitively problematic in excess(not because the people that fill the role aren't useful, but their abilities leave gaps that need to be filled, so if there are too many people with the same sort of gap it's difficult to fill it with one or two people).
Admittedly, I haven't run for the Senate in god knows how long because I am simply well out of my depth.