
We have the ability using r3n's tool to telegram every nation in the region. I think we should start considering things we can send out to encourage people to sign up for/visit the forum. The zombie event was a fortuitous example of a great reason to send a mass tg, and we've done a great job of leveraging that thus far. What else could we send TGs about?

Elections are an obvious choice - enough in advance that people we successfully bring here have time to get citizenship and vote.

Festivals and contests are other obvious choices.

Any other suggestions for existing events we can advertise or new events we can organize to give us a good reason for a mass tg?
This does sound like a good idea. Perhaps we should collaborate with Integration on this one?

- clean out the MinComm and EBC forums of old threads (but ask the admin's to create the necessary archive folders)

- clean out the private media (do ask them if they want to keep it, but if they don't reply in say 48 hours, just remove it. Also, if they wish to keep it and don't post in 7 days, remove it. That includes me :p)

- As I talked about it with Kraketopia, the possible directory he/we had in mind for the EBC was to focus on three themes: EBC wire (with it's pinned thread for flash news, but also possible extended articles for important news), The Onion-like news (trolling) and Sexiest Europeian (which will perhaps also have its separate threads). I think it's a good choice to stop the reviews of movies and the like, as those belong in private outlets and blogosphere more. :) In concreto: we need to keep thinking out ways to diversify ouselves from the private media. As I told Krak, the fact that it's government-run, gives us access to certain information that private media don't. Use this!
EDIT: getting some foreign reporting would be a great idea too. Perhaps compile something out of the ambassadorial reports for easiness?

- Chose one fallout base to work from: the EBC staff room or this one. I had a talk with Kraketopia and it appears that this room seems to be better as a general fallout base. Also, I wouldn't work with separate EBC and minncomm staff.

- Get rid of the Opinion Page in the EBC (i think that's perhaps more for the private media), and consider what to do with the radio subforum. Perhaps you want to keep audio interviews and the like in there?

- I think the TG suggestions made by Mal are solid. We can see when interesting other things pop up to TG about :)
I agree with those ideas, as we discussed earlier. Clearing out the three areas won't be as easy as hoped though. Both the MinComm and EBC don't have archives, and the admin I talked to were reluctant to create more, especially as a general dumping area for old threads(I don't have the power to simply delete threads). I have control over the thread part of LethoMonarchy, but have no control over the private media outlets themselves, meaning I can't do much over there other than threaten and bluster, or lobby the admin for more powers. So to conclude, we're going to have to deal with things being a bit junky for a while.
I don't mind having the old news content staying in the main forum - everything remains in date order after all - maybe we can use pinning to really draw attention to the current topics?
I know the EBC is under MinComm, but isn't LethoMonarchy still under my purview?
Honestly I'm not sure. It very well could be, although it seems like it should fall more under communication than interior. I'll check on that.
I was pretty sure it's under Communication, as it was Matt as MinnComm trying to clean it up. MinnComm makes more sense to me as media is more communication than culture..
MinComm is most specifically the mouthpiece of the Government: keeping citizens updated with the EBC etc, and other regions updated with the Foreign Update. Culture has a broader purview, including the regulation of private media. This also means that there is a separate person regulating the private media to the person running the public media.
So if I'm getting this right, the only reason private media is with MoC is because of the ideologic separation between public and private media? I understand that MinnComms main focus is being the gov's voice, but that shouldn't exclude the option to regulate private media. Ideological separation is flawed because it'll always be in the gov's hands, one way or another. Add in that it's easier if MinnComm could manage private media himself instead of waiting MoCs moves.. MinnComm regulating private media simply sounds more logical to me in this situation.

But I'm a puppet, so just tell me what to do :p
Private media was always regulated by the Ministry of Culture. It has never been under MinComm. Before MinComm existed, the EBC was -also- under Culture.

It was never actually about ideology, but it is convenient that it works out like that for some extra balance anyway.

...and, why should the MinComm be, to paraphrase, "managing the media but waiting for the MoC to move"? The MoC does the management. MinComm doesn't come into it. The Ministry of Communication is about communicating to the public (and abroad) about what the government is up to: the EBC, and foreign updates, in a nutshell. The Ministry of Culture is essentially all things cultural, with MinComm's duties now subtracted out of it: this includes the regulation of private media, which has always been under the Culture portfolio.