Henry Forms Socialist Party

In political news, Henry has formed a socialist party. The conservatives in the region would have done the same, except it was too much change in their opinion for Europeia to have political parties and they declined.
In political news, Henry has formed a socialist party. The conservatives in the region would have done the same, except it was too much change in their opinion for Europeia to have political parties and they declined.
He really probably should form some sort of 'Forced Cooperation Party'
As a Democratic Socialist (who is forced to vote in just the Democratic Party elections here in the not-liberal enough US) I know of what I speak. Socialism isn't 'forced cooperation' in the way Henry was proposing.
Dude, I'm a communist in the proper meaning of the term (ie, none of the crap they did in practice :p). I know. Do note the troll face.