HEM's Worries and Woes


New member
OOC I am going to have different personalities write my papers to make them more interesting and probably equaly bias depending on the issues. The person writting this one, Frank Sinatra hates my guts

The E-News Network

HEM's Worries and Woes
Written By Frank Sinatra
ENN Special Corespondent

Had anyone said this time last year that HEM would be having a hard time trying to retain influence in his own region, very few people would have made a bet on that. However, a year after his short one-month term as President, and another term in the prestigous position of Speaker he has found his charm and political talent had run dry. Indeed, if the Europeian Choice Awards featured a choice for "Member Most Like Bill Clinton" that would have been an easy one for HEM to nab. His time as President was medicore at best, parts of it times of famine like inactvitiy.

Coming down to the realization he had to move on he decided to retire, and using mysterious influnces in the government and over then President Lethen secured himself the position of Supreme Chancellor. One that has been very vaguly defined and even more vaugly enforced. Even then his "retirment" did not last long as he decided to run for Senate, and still retained control of the Navy.

Despite all this however, HEM had the support of many if not all citizens just for reasons of have founded the region, however that is no more. The old monarchist citizens of Pineapleboy, Cordova I, and Lethen are losing thier influence and being uphealved by a new breed of politicains not so ready to give HEM their undying respect unfounded. HEM was reported as "shoked" over complaints made of his Navy. Perhaps HEM has realized he is not royalty and that he is only as "royal" as the region is willing to make him. His ego, always inflated may be punctured again by winning the "Most Overrrated Member". For, what really has HEM done for the region? Everyone who knows him attributes 'lazy' to his character immediatly. He has always defered his jobs to lackies like Lethen, Pineapleboy, Danoboy and others. And even when he has done his job, it hasn't been well.

HEM got even more bad press a few months ago when an extremley senior and respected member of the region (Votes Best Prime Minister and Head of Government Ever), Verteger allagated that HEM had stolen the election from Danoboy63 for his good friend Lethen. Danoboy returned from this incident not too long ago, and aide to Danoboy telling me that "LOADS AND LOADS AND LOADS OF HUDGE AMMOUNTS OF money were involved" as the region was in a depression at that time.

All in all, HEM is only what he has worked hard for, and that makes him insignificant in today's modern and fair and honest and holy society.