Formal Announcement


Nissan: commendable cars for Commended players
Forum Administrator
Supreme Chancellor
Honoured Citizen
The Oval Office has been renamed in accordance with our tradition of naming subforums and (at times) main-page forums after those that have received Ovations for their service to Europeia.

The Oval Office has been re-christened the Pope Lexus X Oval Office in honor of Lexus' work as President. While he was a talented and multi-faceted Europeian who left his mark in many parts of the region and its government, Pope Lexus X is best remembered as the reigning multi-term President who ushered Europeia into it's first Golden Age.


~ The Admin Team
Does the renamed subforum usually have something to do with the person? So, if Mal or me over get an Ovation something in the Senate would be renamed after us?

@Mal: If we ever both get ovations would you like the Speakers Office or the Senators Offices?
Drecq said:
Does the renamed subforum usually have something to do with the person? So, if Mal or me over get an Ovation something in the Senate would be renamed after us?

@Mal: If we ever both get ovations would you like the Speakers Office or the Senators Offices?
You're getting a room in Interior named "Drecq's Fist of Integration."
Drecq said:
Does the renamed subforum usually have something to do with the person?
Also, yes, we try to make it a forum that is somewhat characteristic of the person's key contributions. Obviously that's a subjective judgment, and some matches will be better than others.

The choice also needs to accommodate the existing forum structure: we have a rule of not selecting top-level forums, and the subforum must already exist. These constraints can make finding a good match quite hard.
Lethen said:
[...] ushered Europeia into it's first Golden Age.

its* :wink:

Congratulations to the Pope on this honor. While I would suggest simply "Pope Lexus Oval Office," that's a minor detail. This is certainly a huge honor, and it's definitely a fitting choice for his forum. Well done!