Faux News: Oga's New Job

Faux News has confirmed that being CA Chair simply isn't enough for Ogastein, and that he has taken on a part time job. He now works as a docker, and docking is what he does in his evenings off from the CA. He says the pay is very good, and the work is very rewarding.
Not all of us are sitting around looking for "vibes" from the younger men on our forums Anumia...
Haha, yeah sure... I'm... Innocent.

No, really I'm quite vanilla in most of my tastes, but then at 18 I haven't had too much time to develop preferences for much else yet. Give it a few years and I'll be as deviant as anybody
Tentacles are not my thing, that I'm sure of. Stumbling onto a hentai website in my impressionable youth put me right off...
Imperium said:
Tentacles are not my thing, that I'm sure of. Stumbling onto a hentai website in my impressionable youth put me right off...
Does stumbling mean intentionally viewing where you live? :p
No, I got link spammed by a friend. I've intentionally viewed other stuff, but I wasn't even aware of Hentai's existence until after it had been forced upon me
I wouldn't worry about Imperium having a taste for Tentacles, I would worry about Tentacles having a taste for Imperium.