Faux News: EBC has last laugh on Charlotte & Elias

Rachel gives her best puppy eyes with her puppy.

Rachel Somerset came under fire from people saying the EBC was being too nice to the evil scourge PhDre. "You only called him evil once" complained Charlotte. "You're tampering with the election by making him seem just evil enough to run the Citizens Assembly". Elias Greyjoy joined in to expand upon Charlottes views. "You know, I was hoping Drexlore Greyjoy would be elected. But now the EBC has decided to be less than neutral and Drexlore seems like he isn't evil enough to run the Citizens Assembly. Also, the fact that I'm related to Drexlore has nothing to do with this".

Elias then went on to say "Hey rach, you suck. I don't think so, but I'm just speaking for other people." and later both of them described how they didn't believe in what they were saying, but were simply speaking for other people. Anumia then said that PhDre coming back still hurts him but that that he doesn't think so... he just heard it from other people. Cerian said he has a voodoo doll for Zenny that he puts pins in every night, but that he just heard this from other people. Raging Zen Master went on to say that he really does enjoy bondage but that he just heard this from other people. Elias said it's not fair that Anumia keeps running, it's really not fair at all, not fair but that he just heard this from other people.

However, the EBC had the last laugh on Charlotte and Elias. "It wasn't the EBCs belief that PhDre and HEM should bring back their papers and that they have positive qualities. We had only heard it from other sources but it's not something we actually believe in. So yeah, the criticisms that Charlotte and Elias brought up from other people weren't valid."

EBC Intern Gloating at Elias and Charlotte
I think what Cpt. Carrot and Vinage are saying is that this is a good article, but it's not my opinion :p
Anumia's opinion on Vinage is not only correct, but I believe it is paramount to the long-term survival of the region. Or so I'm told.

Also, it looks like your dog has a mean underbite. :p
I like this "EBC" guy. He seems pretty cool. Some other guy named Skype thinks EBC is too biased though. I hope EBC's feelings aren't hurt. But if they are, blame Mr. Skype, not me. I'm just a conduit for other people's opinions.

Also, that dog is ugly and would be better off dead. According to Skype.
modernsin said:
I like this "EBC" guy. He seems pretty cool. Some other guy named Skype thinks EBC is too biased though. I hope EBC's feelings aren't hurt. But if they are, blame Mr. Skype, not me. I'm just a conduit for other people's opinions.

Also, that dog is ugly and would be better off dead. According to Skype.
You seem awesome. But skype seems like a mean dick :(
Hyanygo said:
I think you're looking for "the rot of the casualisation of Europeian politics".
Sounds more like a last-minute Political History 2,500 word essay
Anumia said:
Rachel is roughly as cute as the girl in this picture though :3 but cats > dogs for cuteness
I say we make a poll and find out who the sorry bunch of losers ...er...um...fine upstanding citizens in this region are that disagree with that opinion or have heard that opposite opinion expressed by others possibly in another newspaper.