Executive Fairs well as Standing Opens

The Executive Fairs Well as Standing Opens
October 2017 Pre-Standing Poll Results
Written by Le Libertie

(Europeia - October 25, 2017) - With the end of the Writinglegend’s term approaching, the EBC released a poll to gather the opinion of voters and gage a general sense of the populace’s satisfaction with the executive. 29 citizens participated in the poll, a noticeable uptrend compared to previous polls. Overall, citizens have shown satisfaction with the executive, with every member receiving a majority approval. This poll includes a section on the executive, along with snapshot regarding potential executive members in the upcoming election.

Executive Ratings:

The Executive enjoys a high approval rating, with 70.2 percent of voters rating the executive positively. Despite Gleg’s unexpected ascension to the Presidency, voters are expressing their satisfaction with the overall hard work of executive members. However, there is a 15 percent decrease in approval of the executive since the EBC previous poll on the government. One commenter described the term overall as “meh,” with another stating that it was “alright.” This could hint voters feel that while the executive’s performance was overall great, the term is ending with a bit of a sluggish finish.

Kinda meh term.
It's alright

Writinglegend’s high approval ratings reinforce the narrative of executive approval, with a 75.9 percent approval rating. His approval rating remains roughly consistent compared to the EBC’s previous poll, indicating voters are satisfied with his consistent hard work. Still, Gleg ratings are more polarized than those of the executive, receiving both a higher approval and disapproval rating than the executive. The increase in disapproval could be the result of the vocal minority that point out Writinglegend finished off the term with low energy. Others recognize this but are satisfied regardless due to his ascension to the presidency being unexpected.

Low energy this term, but he did a good job.
He didn't ask for this term but he is severely burned out and I definitely could not see myself voting for another WL ticked in at least the next year if ever. It's not good for the region to have one leader for so long. It causes stagnation.
Where has he been for the second half of the term?
Yeah he did the job, but he really should have resigned. No one actual thought Cat would resign while voting for her and so no one thought Gleg would be Prez again. Him being in the job, is just more stagnation.

Vice President HEM received a solid approval rating of 63.1 percent, although a vocal minority once again express dissatisfaction. Voters remain divided on HEM’s signature project: the Internship Program. While some commenters applauded his effort and the effectiveness of the program, others criticized his initial lack of transparency of the inner workings of the program. HEM’s recent publication of the workings of the Internship Program may resolve these complaints that voters initially had. Others claim he was a bad choice because of his status as an older member. Still, HEM undoubtedly remains popular as he finishes his term.

did not do much.
Intership Program worked well
I think that he certainly did well with the Internship Program. I hope it is continued next term.
Where has he been all term? What has he done? Is the internship program even active? Perhaps he should stop writing brutal, insensitive hit pieces against people who resigned at their weakest, and actually do something.
Don't know what he's done. Aside from his bad term, HEM was a poor choice from Gleg, he should have gone with someone new.

With an approval rating of 72.4 percent and a disapproval rating of only 10.3 percent, Grand Admiral Calvin Coolidge clearly remains popular in the eyes of voters. It is also evident that Calvin maintains similar ratings to earlier in the term. Commenters spoke out to express approval of newer members who participated in the navy, along the overall high activity of the term. Still, some commenters point out Calvin’s recent silence in the Navy, criticizing that it is leading to a slightly negative end to his term.

the first half of the term was great, the last half of the term was basically silent.
Besides final op, pretty good
Volunteers have been really active and that's pretty much all I care about.
A bit quiet recently.
Plenty of operations, new people are leading missions, a solid term.

XIV has an overall approval rating of 62 percent and a disapproval rating of 13.8 percent. The presence of ‘no opinion’ also is notable, with 24 percent rating it as so. This indicates that many voters aren’t informed of the affairs in the Interior ministry. Overall, voters appear to express a feeling of slight satisfaction in response to what many felt was a term which maintained the ministry. A majority of the comments express this feeling, although many remain divided on to what extent XIV improved the ministry. It may be appropriate to for the minister to bring more publicity to the Interior’s projects in order to better inform those not involved with the ministry.

he has done good.
He rebuilt Interior
He's done good work for the ministry this term. He got a lot done in a little time.
He has done a little bit.
He's not done much. Recruitment is up not because of him but because people started taking their fingers out. He set out common sense goals, told people what to do and nothing has really happened.

JayDee enjoys great acclaim for his hard work in the ministry with nearly 90 percent of all voters stating approval of his term. Voters especially express satisfaction with the high amount of content that has been produced by the EBC, along with the acceptable quality of the articles. JayDee’s approval rating may have jumped up 5 percent from our previous polling as a result of the end of the EBC Update controversy. It is clear JayDee is leading an exception finish to his term.

he has done good.
Best ever
Best Comms term I've seen. Hands Down.
Plenty of articles, not always great, but not bad.
Great job, loads of high quality content and from lots of different writers.

World Assembly minister Sanctaria enjoys an approval rating of 65.5 percent. He also hold the lowest disapproval rating of all executive members, at 3.4 percent. The relatively low approval rating is likely a result of a lack of regional knowledge of World Assembly affairs. Voters have expressed approval of his efforts to make the ministry more active and productive. Sanctaria appears to be leading a strong finish to the end of the term.

he has done good.
Half a term. Seems like a good job though
I still don't know what this ministry is.
Finally WA seems to be doing something!!!

With an approval rating of 72.4 percent and a disapproval rating of only 13.7 percent, voters are clearly satisfied with Darcness’s work as Minister of Foreign Affairs. A majority believe that Darcness has continued excellent work as since his last term. Others claim that little has been done towards the end of the term, arguing it has made the end of the term quite lackluster. Most still recognize that the relatively sluggish end of Darcness’s term does not mar his impressive accomplishments from the beginning of his term.

he has done good.
little inactive and nothing new, but pretty good.
Don't have enough info
Butchered the handling of the TSP treaty, Kantrias is a good move, basically nonexistent otherwise.
He had such a good and productive term last time there hasn't been much for him to do.

Monkey managed to etch out a 44.8 percent approval rating, along with a 20.6 percent disapproval rating, the lowest approval rating and second-highest disapproval rating in the executive. Many felt that Monkey had a strong start to his term, but he increasingly fell inactive as the term progressed. Previous polling further adds to the validity of this narrative, with Monkey holding both a higher approval rating and lower disapproval rating earlier in the term. People might consider Cat's risky pick of a newcomer did not turn out to be very successful, although a small minority disagree.

he has done nothing.
fell inactive midway through
I think he did an ok job. I don't know if WL was just super hands on and took most of the thunder or that was a lack of monkey doing it. I think he could have been more proactive pushing his ideas through. All in all I think it was a good term.
Good start, hardly sighted recently.
Good job, a very risky pick that paid off.

With a 93.1 percent overall approval rating and no disapproval shown in any capacity, it it clear that Minister of Radio Sopo has universal acclaim from the region and has secured himself as the highest rated member of the executive. All commenters praise Sopo for his productive term, where many quality casts were produced. Sopo’s initiative to reach out to citizens and adjust his work based off of feedback further cemented his high rating. It is absoutely clear Sopo is leading his term to an unprecedentedly successful end.

he has done good.
He made Radio Great Again
Sopo's done a good job. I hope he comes back next term.
Excellent job, plenty of movement, I don't agree with his axing of EuroToday, but he has made much needed changes. Great job.
Amazing term so far. Plenty of new and interesting content, the showreel is updated instantly it seems. It's difficult to picture a better term.

The Attorney General's approval rating stands at 68.9 percent, with 10.3 percent disapproving, and 20.7 percent stating they have no opinion. Rand’s approval ratings have increased while disapproval ratings have slightly dipped, indicating that the region is overall satisfied with his work. Comments range from mild approval to slight disapproval.

pedantry, pedantry everywhere.
Pretty good
Excelent Job in my opinion. I may be bias as this was my first term as a law clerk.
He has been a bit slow at times.
Little you can say on the AG.

Potential Executive Members:

Who would you like to see run for President?

Anyone (2)
Not Gleg (2)
Brunhilde (5)
Darcness (8)
XIV (4)
Boomer (2)
Kylia Quilor (2)
HEM (2)
JayDee (5)
GraVandius (2)
Writinglegend (2)
Festavo (2)
Who would you like to see run for Vice President?

Anyone (3)
Calvin Coolidge
JayDee (9)
XIV (4)
GraVandius (2)
Steven G. Eastridge
Sanctaria (2)

Grand Admiral: Kaboom (2) Kylia (1) Calvin (1)
Minister of Interior: Snowball GraVandius (3) Le Libertie (1) Punchwood (1) XIV (1)
Minister of Communications: Deepest House (2) JayDee (3) PhDre (1) Snowball (1)
Minister of World Assembly: Sanctaria (4) Rach (1)
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Brunhilde (1) Darcness (1) Kylia Quilor (1) Writinglegend (1)
Minister of Culture: Writinglegend (2) Sam111 (2) HEM (1) Monkey (1)
Minister of Radio: Sopo (5) Cat (2) Carrot (1) Calvin (1) Vac (1)
Attorney General: Rand (2)

Here is the speadsheet and raw data.
HEM said:
Kylia Quilor said:
So people want me to be Pres, but not VP? Interesting. :p
*thinks of my fantasy team*

I want you to be President. :ph43r:

EDIT: Also, fwiw, as a multi-term GA, I wholeheartedly endorse the idea of GA Kaboom in the near future - as soon as there's a term where he has the time for the job (he has been IRL busy of late, so perhaps he doesn't this term, I don't know) he should be given the job. He's more than ready for it.
I haven't participated in many operations, but Boomer seems like he'd be a good choice in the future.

I haven't had the chance to do a self-reflection on my results, so I'm going to do that here. Firstly, I'm very happy to see such positive feedback, I like to believe they are a good reflection of my efforts this term. However, getting the chance to work with a number of different people to help them write their article was extremely rewarding, and I'm glad that it showed based on the comments. I'm a bit upset that one person Highly Disapproved, but I'm sure they have their reason for not liking my term. If anyone would like to talk about it, I'm always open to discussion.
JayDee said:
I'm a bit upset that one person Highly Disapproved, but I'm sure they have their reason for not liking my term. If anyone would like to talk about it, I'm always open to discussion.
Someone Highly Disapproved? I didn't see that in the initial post when I read the article. :smartass:
Looks like some of the editing feedback (for the analysis specifically) was missed.
Solid work on the analysis, Le Libertie. I don't agree with some of the conclusions you came to, but the numbers support what you've said.
The Dark theme makes those graphs impossible to read (something that was also mentioned during editing).

Were we in that much of a hurry to get this posted?
Darcness said:
Looks like some of the editing feedback (for the analysis specifically) was missed.
Solid work on the analysis, Le Libertie. I don't agree with some of the conclusions you came to, but the numbers support what you've said.
The Dark theme makes those graphs impossible to read (something that was also mentioned during editing).

Were we in that much of a hurry to get this posted?
Thank you for the compliments. The article was rushed because there was miscommunication with JayDee and I, leading to JayDee promising for the article to be released earlier than I was initially comfortable with. I fixed the two word clouds (ironically discovering I still made one mistake) and reorganized the cabinet data, but there wasn’t more I could do without my laptop.

...Ask JayDee about your last question.
Kylia Quilor said:
HEM said:
Kylia Quilor said:
So people want me to be Pres, but not VP? Interesting. :p
*thinks of my fantasy team*

I want you to be President. :ph43r:

EDIT: Also, fwiw, as a multi-term GA, I wholeheartedly endorse the idea of GA Kaboom in the near future - as soon as there's a term where he has the time for the job (he has been IRL busy of late, so perhaps he doesn't this term, I don't know) he should be given the job. He's more than ready for it.
Yeah, I'm waiting for my real life to stabilize before I take on any Cabinet-level positions.

It was a little surprising to see my name absent from MoWA, but given how far I fell off the map after resigning I'm not totally shocked, either.
Note to self: show too much enthusiasm about a candidate, or too much zeal in disliking a candidate, and my poll responses may be tossed out.
JayDee said:
I'm a bit upset that one person Highly Disapproved, but I'm sure they have their reason for not liking my term.

There isnt a Highly disaproved here.
And the deleted only used highly.
So you deleted the person who rated you low.
Am I reading this right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apparently I did not apologize for by wrongdoing, that is another mistake in my part.

I truly am sorry for what I have done, I held no ill will when I did it, but it was wrong nonetheless. For my actions, I truly apologize.
I want to take you at face value here, I honestly do...but reading this thread and your response to the same questions in the Brunhilde campaign thread, my gut reaction is that you're being disingenuous. I feel like you aren't apologizing because what you did was wrong. I feel like you're apologizing because you got caught.
JayDee said:
I didn't get caught, I confessed to it myself.
There was no confession because there was no self awareness. You didn't understand that what you did was wrong when you disclosed it. You continue to alter the basic facts about the issue, which only reinforces my comments regarding your perception that your borderline harassment and posting of private logs with Erica was "your loss".
I was quite aware of what I had done, thank you very much. I have also not altered any of the facts, so please stop making things up.

You've had your kick and now it's done.
JayDee said:
I was quite aware of what I had done, thank you very much. I have also not altered any of the facts, so please stop making things up.

You've had your kick and now it's done.
A confession requires a feeling of guilt. How can you confess to something that you didn't think was wrong?

This isn't a kick, it's a continued correction of the record. You aren't a victim.
I was compelled to tell everyone of my mistake out of a feeling of guilt; that's all I can give you. If there was a way I could show my guilt through an online medium, I would.