EXCLUSIVE: Sopo Confirms Bid for Presidency in Interview
written by United Vietussia
Sopo: Yes, I'm running.
As the beginning of the standing period for the first remerged Presidential election nears, Sopo has confirmed to The Arnhelm Review that he will indeed be running for President in the upcoming cycle. This announcement is the first of the upcoming cycle, one that is rumored to potentially be one of the larger fields in recent memory. The remerged election should certainly prove to create an interesting dynamic that has a few unanswered questions as of now: will candidates have a balanced platform, or will domestic or foreign affairs stand out as stronger in some platforms after a period of split executive duties? Which side will voters care more about come election day? In the lead up to this momentous election, I sat down with Sopo and asked him a few questions about the upcoming cycle.
UV: Is there anything you can tell us about what a Sopo campaign might look like in a few weeks? Specifically, do you have any particular platform vision or points at the moment?
Sopo: Whoever is elected faces the challenge of reintegrating our government. So, step one is to take the excellent work that McEntire and Malashaan and their respective teams have been doing and unifying it under one vision for the region's second first presidency. I decided to run in this election because, as some will remember, I was the last president to serve a full term before the split. I want to take my experience it there and couple it with what we've learned from the split to light the way forward for the next generation of presidents. That means pioneering a new working dynamic between the president and the vice president that allows me to step back for a few days if I need it knowing the region won't fall apart, that allows the vice president to have concrete duties, and that gives the ministers the support they need. Essentially, I want to be sure that we live up to the promise of the reunification: that we have a more efficient system, but that our leaders are not suffering from burnout. This transition is a huge opportunity to rethink the presidency, and I believe I'm in a good position given my experiences before and during the split.
UV: Have you decided on a Vice Presidential candidate to run with you yet? If so, are you willing at this time to tell the public who it is?
Sopo: I have, yes. I've chosen someone I consider to be a powerhouse member whose star is really shining bright these days. I won't say who, yet, but they are someone qualified, enthusiastic, and on the rise.
UV: Completely understandable.
What do you think of the prospects that this Presidential election could, according to rumors, have one of the larger fields in recent memory?
Sopo: I hope it does. Certainly this is a unique opportunity to set the tone for the new presidency, and I'm looking forward to stiff competition and a real battle of ideas. Europeia just has so much talent right now, I'd be disappointed if people didn't shoot their shot.
UV: You're stepping into this election right now without presently holding a public office. Do you think this will serve as a benefit or detriment to your campaign, and how has it impacted the way that you've crafted your upcoming candidacy?
Sopo: I'm essentially an outsider insider. I'm certainly not the front-runner. I'm not an incumbent. Would I be in a better place if I was, right now, knocking it out of the park as a minister? Probably. I've also been keeping myself busy, though, especially in radio, where I've consistently hosted (or made sure someone else hosted) the Sopo Showpo the past 9 weeks. I'm in touch with what's going on pretty much everywhere in the region, and, when I'm not, I don't hesitate to reach out. While the long history provides lots of blemishes for people to point out, it also means I can craft a holistic campaign with a pretty deep knowledge of all areas of Europeia. Our leaders have been doing a good job, so my campaign is about taking it to the next level, weaving those disparate parts back together and then demonstrating what our unified executive can do. I look at my chief of state campaign, which had quite a bit of support, and there are things there I'd still like to do. Things I'd take from what Malashaan has done. And, of course, what McEntire is doing. It's nice to be able to think big picture again.
UV: One more quick question, do you have any response to the allegations that you are, in fact, not a sloth but merely posing as one? (eyes emoji)
Sopo: No comment. (eyes emoji)
Sopo's announcement makes him the second official entry into the upcoming Presidential field, joining Lloenflys who announced his candidacy in a recent EBC interview. This is a field that is certainly shaping up to be full of powerhouses and rising newcomers alike. Europeia has been waiting expectantly for this election, and we may just be seeing the start of a long, contentious campaign for the Presidency tonight.
Correction: The original release incorrectly mentioned that Sopo was the first official entry to the Presidential race. Lloenflys was the first to announce his candidacy for President officially in an EBC interview on Sunday. The article has been updated to reflect this.
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