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XKI Presents Two New Officials
The latest XKI Foreign Update has announced two significant figures taking up positions of importance in the region. Firstly, we have Knight Elite, who returns to XKI's military's command structure. XKI reports that "As a Legion Commander, Elite has participated in hundreds of successful engagements with raiders. He has also served XKI as a Ambassador to The South Pacific, Foreign Affairs Secretary, and Senator." The Ten Thousand Islands Treaty Organization, or TITO for short, coordinates with Libcord on defensive operations on the regular. You can read more about the return of Elite in the XKI dispatch linked above, including quotes from Libcord Commander Flying Eagles and Elite himself.
Secondly, Liberdon has replaced outgoing minister Valentian Elysium as Minister of Education for the region. The roles of the ministries in XKI are set in the constitution, where the Ministry of Education holds the responsibility of "helping integrate new members and introduce them to the politics and culture of 10000 Islands and NationStates."
NBB and TWP Open Embassies
The Region That Has No Big Banks (NBB) has broadened their foreign affairs network to include embassies with The West Pacific, they report in an August 24 update. Minister of Foreign Affairs New United Common-lands further states that: "We look forward to cooperating more closely with our new friends. We were also happy to extended the invite cordially to some of TWP’s previous Chess Arenas back last year, and it was nice to see some TWP participating in the Bankless Forest Chess Arena which we co-hosted (with Forest) back in April. But with our new embassies we of course hope this results in a deepened cultural exchange, and we hope to see plenty of TWP participation in NBB Games Nights and the rest of Summerfest!"
NBB is well known interregionally for their cultural activity, hosting grand game nights and tournaments, among other things. NBB also has entered military activity as of late, now led by Faralried, Commissar General of the Bankless Liberation Forces. You might have seen them on a past raid on Morpheus or updating alongside our forces in Libcord in Defending operations.
General Election Standing Has Opened
Standing for the September 2024 Senate elections have been opened, and have so far seen Cordova, Caldrasa, Lloenflys, and GraVandius enter into the race. Some candidates have already released their platforms, viewable in the Oval Room subforum. Current topics concern the Empowering the Speakership Amendment (ESA), the Abolishment of the Circuit Court proposal, and a proposed re-write of the Elections Act, among other things. The Election is set to happen six days from now on Friday, September 6. EBC viewers can expect extensive coverage of the elections this cycle!
Europeia's Bustling Stock Market
The Ministry of Outreach's stock market is in full working. Recruiters can from now on translate their recruitment efforts into shares of booming Europeian businesses. The index contains stocks such as the 'HEM Jorts Company', 'Ervault Cars', and the 'Maowi Space Agency'. Concerned for your financial well-being and seeking to inform you of the best financial strategies for your Outreach endeavours, the EBC reached out to financial expert and former Junior Minister of Finance Cordova for comment! Cordova has given us the following words of wisdom:
"As a former junior minister of finance, I'm glad I don't have to add up or keep track of all these transactions. HEM was the first and only minister of finance, and thus, was my direct supervisor. He knows more than me. Make him do it!

The EBC hopes you properly heed this advice and invest at your own risk! Cordova has another message for the Outreach ministry in particular: "As a former junior minister of finance, feel free to name a company after me!" Well, @ICH, if you're reading this and need another company for your game, be sure to consider good old Cord!
World Assembly
There are two World Assembly proposals at vote currently. The proposal in the Security Council is titled Declaration on Cannibalism. The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs states in an IFV (Information For Voters) that "This proposal is short and ultimately unnecessary and has no practical effect even if it passes. While the topic of cannibalism did perhaps get more attention than one might expect, there is no reason to write a declaration about it." You can read more about the proposal and the ministry's against recommendation in the MoWAA subforum.
The other proposal, at vote in the General Assembly, is titled 'The Right to Nature'. The MoWAA again recommends a vote against, stating: "Overall, this resolution is poorly put together, and has significant oversights and contradictions that could lead to unintended and potentially harmful consequences. Although the ministry in general would be supportive of a resolution that would have a positive impact on nature and citizens of nations via a right to nature, this resolution does not achieve that competently and efficiently." Once again, make sure to check out the full IFV in the ministry subforum if you want more information!