EBC General News [August 24, 2024]

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TGW and TWP Battle Fascism

The Order of The Grey Wardens and The West Pacific have joined forces to launch a raid on Access the Axis, starting an occupation with the initial participation of 18 updaters (+1 moral support participant), 10 from TGW, and 8 from TWP. The Delegacy of the region currently sits at 20 endorsements, and has been joined by a The Sasquatch Republic military official, who is contributing to the raid as a Regional Officer. Presumably seeking to lock down the region, TGW and TWP have acted to stop the operation of what they call "a region filled with blatant bigotry and references to fascism" in their operation report.

The League Switches Delegates

Following the retirement of the previous Delegate of The League Creeperopolis, Gagium has assumed the Delegacy of the region. With piling support from militaries including the Europeian Republican Navy, Gagium has since acceded to the position on-site as well. Sitting now at 131 endorsements with an 8 endorsement difference between him and Creeperopolis (who is the runner-up in WA endos), The League has thanked Creeperopolis for his service, and looks forward to a period of continued stability. Given The League is a Stronghold, they are not susceptible to damage from raids, and can rest easy regardless. In an announcement from The League, Chief Consul Quebecshire has stated that: "Gagium has not taken the traditional path in The League & Concord, from rival to exile, to an eventual model community member. His success and accomplishments make him a suitable replacement for Creeperopolis and we look forward to his service in an often overlooked but intrinsically critical part of our government." The full announcement, including some remarks from Gagium, can be found in The League's NationStates embassy thread.

TNP Enacts Army Reform

The North Pacific's military, the North Pacific Army, has announced reforms to their officer corps. In a statement on the region's off-site forums, Minister of Defense Picairn describes the change as follows: "Instead of having ranks be semi-perpetual titles for inactive officers while active ones - who have the potential to be future commanders - languish in a useless title, the new system drastically simplifies the rank structure and turn it into a merit-and-activity-based appointment than a ladder of achievement titles, so to speak." The NPA had been noticing a decrease in sustainable and fair organisational task distribution, finding the workload to be too concentrated at the top, and not encouraging of growth, stating: "most of our existing officers have largely remained inactive in terms of leading operations." With the reforms implemented, the NPA hopes to inspire and encourage new talent as well as a more sustainable distribution of organisational responsibility and leadership.

Upcoming Debate on Regional Leadership and Governance

Following an elaborate response by superstar author Westinor to an article on Founder Supremacy by Zukchiva from The East Pacific, the EBC has opened discussion on the topic of regional leadership. The article focusses on the unilateral decision making that founders, now more appropriately referred to as Governors when they keep their Executive permissions, can and have exercised in their communities. The EBC will in relation to this topic host a debate between significant political figures, both from Europeia and from abroad, to debate the issue of un-democratic (e.g. council-based, meritocratic, or dictatorship) versus democratic (e.g. the Europeian model) governance of regions. The debate is set to happen sometime next week, to be later confirmed and advertised extensively throughout the region. Keep your eyes open and don't be afraid to contribute to the discussion already by replying to Westinor's wonderful article in the EBC subforum!

World Assembly

The current proposal up for vote in the World Assembly General Assembly is titled: "Regulating Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances" The proposal concerns the production and handling of certain substances in relation to their effect on the environment, including human beings and animals. Proposing the introduction of restrictions and regulations, the proposal seeks to reduce and limit this potential harm. The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the proposal, saying: "This proposal has addressed both the health and environmental impact of PFAS, and the effects of allowing their continued use in renewable technology." and "Overall, this proposal is well-written and well presented, and though brief, is in a clear and concise format."

UPC Reaches Record Endorsement Count

Current President and World Assembly Delegate UPC has broken the 300 endorsement milepost, currently sitting at 301 endorsements at the time of reporting. Through a consistent effort of reachout from both UPC and the rest of the Regional Security Council, including in particular Vice Delegate PhDre, the Europeian republic now represents over 300 World Assembly votes with its Delegate alone. Asked by the EBC for comment, UPC simply responded "onto 400." The EBC wishes our Delegate much luck with this journey, and congratulates him on having surpassed 300 endorsements.

Ministry of Outreach Opens a Stock Market

Minister of Outreach ICH has initiated a new Outreach recruitment game involving a stock market, as announced in the ministry's subforum. In order to encourage and reward recruiters for their work, they will be able to participate in a mini-game involving self-designed commodities and securities. You can read more on the game's mechanics and rewards in the Ministry of Outreach subforum (linked above).

Gameside Introduces Activity Incentive

The Ministry of Gameside has introduced staff quotas to encourage activity and a sustainable distribution of workload among its staff. The quotas were introduced by Minister Andusre as a response to "some issues with staff responding to roll calls then never being heard from again." If you're a Gameside staffer, make sure you make a contribution to the ministry by Midterm, or else you might find yourself at odds with our Gameside superstar!
I've really been enjoying these editions, thank you for putting them together vor!
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