EBC General News [August 10, 2024]

There was an EBC Radio News Reading Broadcast on the below news from August 10th! Go have a listen instead of reading if you'd like!

The League & Concord and Talonia reach Détente

June 12 - The League & Concord (TL&C) and Talonia have reached an agreement between their regions on several prior issues through talks which have lead to an established Détente between the two regions. Tensions between them had risen by cause of a previous infiltration by a Talonia government official into Concord, one of the regions making up the Republic of TL&C. The resolution further entails the formal recognition of Concord as a territory of the aforementioned republic, and a confirmation by Talonia that they will identify officially as independent, and not invader. Additionally, Talonia pledges in the statement to no longer target TL&C or Europeia with API recruitment telegrams aimed at World Assembly nations.

Quebecshire, Chief Consul of The League & Concord, replied to an EBC request for comment with:
"It was nice to put the matter behind us and Talonia being amicable to our terms shows they are serious about abandoning their hard-Invader past."

President UPC, also invited to comment on the resolution, stated that:
"We are deeply grateful to TL&C for taking our concerns into account when negotiating, and to Talonia to agreeing to the terms put forth by the Consulate."

SPSF Superstars Receive Promotions

July 4 - Vrigny and Concrete Slab have been promoted within the South Pacific Special Forces. Their military performance has been crucial to the military’s increased turnout rate recently, with Vrigny recently serving as Minister of Defense, and Slab being a long-time hypeman for the military as well as a capable current member of Update Command in Libcord, and previous Minister of Defense. Slab presided over the SPSF largest turnout in history for the March 2023 England liberation, which featured 24 SPSF soldiers in a single update.

Arkana Coalition liberation

July 26 - The occupation of the Arkana Coalition is officially over. The occupation of the region was led by LWU, TWP, and the NPO, with the NPO contributing over 100 updaters, many of which sourced from their cross-over community from a different game called Torn. The occupation lasted for over a month, from June 23 to July 26. After raiders moved out and attempted a complete emptying of the region, which was thwarted by none other than ERN sailor Westinor herself, the region was liberated shortly after and has since been returned to native hands.

Vice President Grea Kriopia Commended by World Assembly

July 29 - Vice President Grea Kriopia has been commended by the World Assembly Security Council. The vote passed with over 9 thousand votes, over 84% of votes cast, to grant her the title. The commendation was authored by UPC and co-authored by Westinor. The commendation details many of her feats, mainly rooted in culture, regionbuilding, and military accomplishment. While many know GK from her work in The Grey Wardens and Europeia, she has delivered notable contributions also to XKI and TRR, among others. The EBC highly recommends a read-through of the commendation declaration to find out more about the interesting and impressive career of our Vice President.

The League Commended by World Assembly

August 14 - Speaking of Commendations, The League’s Commendation has passed the vote in the Security Council with 76% of the votes. Authored by Westinor, the declaration outlines The League’s growth from a small community to a military and interregional powerhouse, with its own culture and roleplay community to boot. The has contributed large numbers of updaters to military operations, has several members in Libcord’s Update Command, and is known for leading the attack on the NSLeft and TCB recruitment hub region Solidarity in October 2023. Just like the previous declaration, the EBC highly recommends you check out this one!

Xoriet becomes NPO empress

August 1 - Leaving the world of assembly affairs, the New Pacific Order brings the world some news on their leadership. East Durthang, now former Emperor of the NPO has abdicated and appointed Xoriet as their successor. East Durthang in an announcement states that “my final act as Emperor is to appoint Xoriet as the first Empress of the New Pacific Order. She has recently returned to activity in NationStates to work on several areas she has experience with.”

Domestic News​

The new Executive term has started with the second UPC/GK administration. The ticket was re-elected in an uncontested race with 54 or 80% of the votes. The Executive term lasts 70 days, from Aug 3rd until Oct 12th. The ticket has put forward several nominees to run the ministries, all of which have now passed confirmation. The now-confirmed cabinet consists of:

AG - Ellenburg
Comms - Vor
Culture - Sarah
Gameside - Andy
GA - Sin
MoFA - Sopo
Outreach - ICH
Radio - Gem
WAA - Sky

The administration plans to use this term to continue their tech development, ensure sustainability of the Europeian executive generally, among other things. More concrete core policies of the administration will purportedly include increased distribution of news to the Europeian gameside, better communication with our Foreign Affairs advisory committee, the EAAC, improve scheduling for shows in the ministry of radio, update recruitment telegrams, and a further build-up of the officer corps in the Europeian Republican Navy.

Grand Admiral Sincluda receives Dux Emeritus award

Last term’s and current Grand Admiral Sincluda has been awarded the Dux Emeritus distinction in the Navy, a distinction that was granted by a majority vote of Active Sailors after a sailor made the nomination. The title is meant to signify Sincluda having served with honor and distinction. Sincluda is now one of 14 Europeians to hold this award. Sincluda's term was extraordinarily good for our Navy, increasing our sailor count and giving them the proper training and tools for improvement, allowing many of them to rise through our ranks according to their development and take on heightened responsibility. Sincluda has also guided the ERN through countless critical operations, such as Arkana Coalition and the still ongoing RotWW transitions, and thwarting many occupation attempts, mainly (but not only) from our enemy in war, LWU. Sincluda has represented our Navy in Libcord's organisational command structure, recently earning a promotion to Update Command from his previous Junior Command position, based wholly on personal merit and contribution.

Calvin Coolidge wins Senate By-Election

Calvin has won the senate seat in a by-election contest against Lloenflys. Calvin pulled off a win with 53,7% of the vote, with 41 citizens casting their ballot. The contrast between the two tickets lay in their opinion on a proposed bill concerning empowering the Senate Speaker, with Calvin indicating his support, while Lloenflys remained more sceptical. A full article on the results of the election can be found in the EBC subforum, written by Forilian.

There was an EBC Radio News Reading Broadcast on the above news from August 10th! Go have a listen instead of reading if you'd like!
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Thanks for the great writeup Vor! And be sure to check out (and upvote) the dispatch version of this piece as well!
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