Discord Policy


Robot Overlord
Forum Administrator
Chief Justice
Associate Justice
Honoured Citizen
Discord Moderator
Best Tech Admin

Since we started our Discord server, we have allowed immediate access to Eurochat and many of our other channels to anyone with the invitation link. Given that we widely distribute that link, this essentially means that anyone can join and begin interacting with out community at any time. While this has certainly provided benefits, it has become apparent that the risks associated with this setup are too great.

On the forum, the Admin Team have access to information that is not available directly through Discord. Furthermore, the systems we have in place requiring some kind of application (whether for citizenship or a diplomatic visa) give us time to investigate new arrivals and screen out many of those who should not be granted access. Our current Discord setup does not allow this, with problematic individuals immediately gaining access to our main discussion channels, where they can cause great harm before anyone has a chance to do anything to stop it. For example, we cannot prevent known harassers from jumping into our channels and continuing their harassment, we can only act to remove them as quickly as possible after the fact. This is not acceptable to us, or to the community.

Furthermore, the limitations of Discord make after-the-fact enforcement action of limited value. The Discord banning system is relatively easy to circumvent, and the lack of administrative tools available make it hard to detect those who have done so.

In view of this, the Admin Team has decided to implement a new policy on Discord access. Moving forward, new server members will only have access to the admin requests channel. To gain access to other channels, a new member will have to have a forum account and list their Discord ID in their user profile on the forum. This will allow the Admin Team to use the grater resources we have available forum side to protect the community from bad actors.
We are cognizant that immediate access to Discord has value to the community, particularly with regard to integration. With that in mind, we are committed to providing quick review of requests and are open to suggestions about how we can streamline the process. However, it is clear that the current setup is not sufficient to safeguard our community and must be changed.

The Admin Team
Excellent changes! I heartily approve!
Good changes, though i do have a question. those of us currently in the discord, do we need to add our discord IDs to our profile immediately?
Excellent new changes; I'll be sure to update my profile with my discord tag number
Kari said:
Good changes, though i do have a question. those of us currently in the discord, do we need to add our discord IDs to our profile immediately?
You will be grandfathered in as of now, but it's best to comply with the policy and put your Discord ID in your profile. That'd make things much easier for everyone, and its a very simple step to take. We'll also be clearing out the server of anyone who's not been active recently, and people coming back will have to comply.
Kari said:
Good changes, though i do have a question. those of us currently in the discord, do we need to add our discord IDs to our profile immediately?
Current server members will be grandfathered in (for now), but we will be taking steps in the future to audit the server member list. I recommend you make the change soon. :)

EDIT: Ninja'd by Mal.
Good course of action.