Call For Submissions

What kind of submissions are you looking for? I just watched Ender's Game last night and would be more than willing to write a review up for it.
I could probably write something about some elementary aspect of WAGA and its rules ... I'll think about what to write - something less detailed than Mousey's lectures but still informative ...
I'm more interested in NS/Europeia centered submissions. You can submit a review, but I'd prefer Europeian based submissions. I feel that non Europeian/NS submissions belong more in the private media.
This forum seems to allow important news to slink past the citizens, it is no one's fault that it's happening but we are in a grand position to do something about that. Interviews with the new Speaker of the Senate, the new WA delegate, citizen's assembly news and information, legislative news. I don't know how citizens feel about the high ranking officials and how approachable they are but sometimes it might seem intimidating- interviews with these people might bring them down to the public's eye and help improve involvement from citizens. I would love to see a call to arms to the citizens voiced by official civil servants and why this region needs their support.
Currently two interviews are in the works with high ranking Europeian members. As for news I'm working on updating the Wire, but it would be great if you worked on that piece we talked about informing Europeians of Senate/Assembly bills/business.
Looking for new submissions, now is your chance to show your stuff on an article of your choosing.