Bulletin 002/1

Issue 2 (Volume 1): Monday 16th April 2012

Internal Announcements


Please share any feedback or advice that you may have about this publication! Any comments about its format, writing style or otherwise will be greatly appreciated. :)


1. Europeia Inc. Conference

Continues today. Region Inc. and Europeia continue discussions and activities.

2. Embassies

New embassies were approved by the President for both The Black Hawks and The Black Riders. The Europeian Administration team is projected to fulfil these shortly.


No relevant activity.


5. Martial Law Act (2012)

Work continues on the Martial Law Act (2012), with the provision for the enactment of Martial Law following the CTE of the founder nation being removed.

6. Pardons and Commutations Act (2012)

Debate continues on the definition of both pardons and commutations by the Act, with Senator the Graz proposing a version of the act providing for the President to commute any sentence, although only with the consent of the Supreme Chancellor for High Crimes, and retaining the ability for the Senate to override such. The potential for a Judicial Parole board was also raised, but received little support on the Senate floor.



(2) The Zombie-Proof House


Beyonce - Halo

Swakistek Alexander Anumia
Senior Reporter of the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation
Editor-in-Chief of the Europeian Inquirer

The Bulletin is a publication of the Europeian Inquirer, produced by Swakistek Alexander Anumia under licence for the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation.
The Cartoon reminds me about a few of the old biddies at the Cricket:

"You are born a Socialist and think the world will work like that but, as you age, you'll become more-and-more Conservative until you hate everything"

They were awesome.

Swak' as soon as I am sent the password for the EBC nation I'll get these up-and-running in our NS Embassy
Once I heard someone say, "If you are young and conservative, you have no heart. If you are old and liberal, you have no brain." :p