[Breaking News]Emperor UPC Supresses Attempted Coup

Emperor UPC Supresses Attempted Coup
Europeia Stable at Long Last

Written by @sanjurika

Arnhelm, Europeia - In the wee hours before dawn, President UPC was notified by a close confidante of the Europeian Intelligence Agencies’ plan to overthrow the Regional Security Council (RSC). Acting quickly, the brave and courageous UPC moved to quash the potential usurpers and has emerged victorious. However, if this can happen once it can happen again. Therefore, it is prudent to create a new office within Europeia: the office of Emperor.

For too long, the Republic has allowed for backstabbing and scheming within its halls. That has now come to an end with this New Order! Emperor UPC, his right hand Sanjurika, and the RSC shall guide Europeia to a new Golden Age. No dissent shall be tolerated, and no stone left unturned in our search for perfection.

In the hours leading up to this reveal, Vice Emperor Sanjurika has been working hard on the ground. Ensuring that the grassroots support that the Senate has enjoyed in several nations has been stamped out.

Vice Emperor Sanjurika leads the Republic’s (now Empire’s) troops into battle

This new Europeian Empire will be a continuation of the former Republic of Europeia. Emperor UPC and the ascendant RSC will work their hardest to bring the region to new heights. Nothing will stand in our way. Nothing will prevent us from reaching our goals.

In his speech to the RSC, the Emperor stated the following:

Under the Empire's New Order, our most cherished beliefs will be safeguarded. We will defend our ideals by force of arms. We will give no ground to our enemies and we will stand together against attacks from within or without. Let the enemies of the Empire take heed: Those who challenge Imperial resolve will be crushed.

We have taken on a task that will be difficult, but the nations of the Empire are ready for the challenge. Because of our efforts, the region has traded a stale peace for glorious war and anarchy for stability. Hundreds of nations now look forward to a secure future. The Empire will grow as more nations feel the call, from the GCRs to the wilds of unknown warzones.

Imperial citizens must do their part. Join our grand navy. Become the eyes of the Empire by reporting suspected insurrectionists. Travel to the corners of the region to spread the principles of the New Order to raiders. Build monuments and technical wonders that will speak of our glory for generations to come.

The sailors of the former ERN, now known as the Europeian Valiant Imperial Legion, have tackled the dangerous work of fighting the raiders on the front lines. Imperial citizens would do well to remember their example.

So do your part. Help lead this new Empire into an era of prosperity and safety! Take part in the celebrations today, the celebrations marking the beginning of something great! Praise Nethel and all hail our new Emperor!

Transitioning into an empire is exactly what I had predicted in an episode of my podcast entitled Future.

Long live our glorious empire! May it reign and remain dominant for 10,000 years and longer!
Long live our glorious empire and praise be unto Nethel as well! The Administrative Team will be taking any preemptive actions, and Darcness will soon be writing an algorithm to help identify any disruptive elements once he is able
I always knew the EIA was up to something! Thank goodness our most gracious and supreme Emperor saw it before it was too late. Glory to upc! Glory to the Empire!

Long live our glorious empire and praise be unto Nethel as well! The Administrative Team will be taking any preemptive actions, and Darcness will soon be writing an algorithm to help identify any disruptive elements once he is able
Long Live The UPC!!!!!