Behind The Scenes - The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs

Behind The Scenes
World Assembly Affairs

Written by Xecrio

As part of the “behind the scenes series,” earlier this week the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC) contacted the minister of world assembly affairs, SkyGreen24. SkyGreen24 is currently in his second term as minister having previously served extensively in the ministry as a staff member, and as a deputy councillor under former councillor of world assembly affairs, Maowi. In the interview, the EBC set out with the intention of providing its readers with a behind the scenes look at how the ministry is run. In our interview, SkyGreen24 spoke about his time in the ministry so far, how what a day in the life of the minister of world assembly affairs looks like, and what challenges the minister has had to overcome.

SkyGreen24 is in his second term as minister of world assembly affairs at the time of writing. He took over from Maowi, for whom he served as a deputy. SkyGreen24 is relatively new to NationStates, only rejoining and staying in Europeia earlier this year, though he did have a small spell as a member in 2018. Upon arriving, he joined the ministry of world assembly affairs since “it seemed optimal.” Our first question, which asked why he decided to join the ministry, attracted an extended response. SkyGreen24 highlighted how with “then Councillor Izzy’s help and deputy Councillor Maowi’s help, [he] was able to get involved in the IFV process.” IFV’s or information for voters is one of the critical aspects of the job. It provides World Assembly members with information on a specific resolution. SkyGreen24 then went on to say that “this amplified” his skills as an IFV author and in his ability to scrutinise World Assembly legislation. In turn, this led him to the position he currently finds himself in,

The interview went on to discover how SkyGreen24 himself views the ministry. He first stated that “writing IFVs” was his favourite part of his job, going on to state that “the process is so enjoyable to [him]” The minister laid out no specific plans in the interview to introduce any new procedures or policies. When asked about this, SkyGreen24 had this to say: “I hope we can further develop our IFV writing, expanding them a bit. I am trying to set the groundwork for that, but that's a change that will happen over a longer time.”

The EBC sought to get a small glimpse into the work of the minister of world assembly affairs.”I try to check MoWAA related things about 3 times per day, evenly spaced out.” This shows how ministry work should be spread throughout the day, and regular checks should be made on the activity of the World Assembly throughout the day. It can be said that it is to manage time in this role. SkyGreen24 went to talk about his role in writing and managing IFVs, saying, “I try to get out the IFVs about half a day before they're at vote, and then I publish the dispatches once the resolution is at vote.”

All ministries come with challenges, and it seems that timekeeping and organisation is a challenge that appears over and over again in the ministry of world assembly affairs. The current minister goes on to explain how “it's also a foreign affairs job, as some regions don't have WAA separate from FA. So it also involves interacting with people from other regions, particularly since Europeia is in WALL.” It is notable from this how being involved in the inner workings of the ministry is stressful, requires focus, but also requires skills that one may find in other ministries in Europeia. To overcome these challenges, the interviewee told the EBC how he tried to encourage ministry staff to work with him to overcome these issues, by encouraging ministry staff “Not only with IFV writing but also spotting upcoming proposals and have a few times recommended the various WA-related discord servers to the staff.” This shows that keeping in touch with ministry staff, and “delegating tasks” is crucial to the survival and prosperity of a ministry.

The EBC’s interview succeeded in getting a small glimpse behind the scenes of the ministry of world assembly affairs, including SkyGreen24’s time so far in the ministry and how he had had to change and adapt over time. It went on to look at a specific segment dedicated to the behind the scenes look, where the EBC discovered how the minister does his job. Finally, the interview progressed to look at the challenges that the ministry and minister face on a day-to-day basis. The EBC hopes that you, the reader, got a small insight into how the ministry of world assembly affairs works.

great interview! I love working with and for Sky!

Absolutely the same. Sky is always professional, interested and honestly also just fun to be around. A very nice and relaxed person. World Assembly Affairs has continued to flourish under him and I'm really proud of him for what he has achieved.
Aww, you two <3.
Thanks Nate for the interview, it was very enjoyable, and I hope I was able to paint a clearer picture of what WAA does